Plane crashes aside, it really would be nice if people paid more attention to space weather and pole shifts. But considering people's inability during COVID to grasp that 100,000 deaths were relatively small compared to the overall population, I doubt the galactic-scale forces behind all this are anywhere within their comprehension.
Classic examples in this that prove we (humanity) don't even know what we don't know; and most are too distracted or lack time, energy, wisdom to try to chart a different path. Let's Go Wild. 🙏
Plane crashes aside, it really would be nice if people paid more attention to space weather and pole shifts. But considering people's inability during COVID to grasp that 100,000 deaths were relatively small compared to the overall population, I doubt the galactic-scale forces behind all this are anywhere within their comprehension.
I do not think the Sun is going to destroy us. Some changes are due which will affect the earth as part of the plans for the New Age.
Control in the Cosmos is part of evolution and can be relied on for the benefit for all.
Release of antigravity would reduce the aircraft accidents.
Classic examples in this that prove we (humanity) don't even know what we don't know; and most are too distracted or lack time, energy, wisdom to try to chart a different path. Let's Go Wild. 🙏