200 Grams of Shungite from Cosmic Jesus
Who would have thought revolution would look like this?
I bought 200 grams of Shungite from Cosmic Jesus tonight. He was a geologist and lived in Saudi Arabia once. Said it was a long story. I aligned with the purple amethyst and acquired a red garnet, and another special amethyst, the one with the air bubble and shaped like a rose. He threw in an extra fluorite. It looked like the waters of the gulf. Ganesha was called to by over 100 people. All began to dance as Sanskrit prayers filled the room. Guitars, drums, and human harmonies, cacao ceremonies and sacred fires, spontaneous songs, spoken word poetry, and a pair of squirrels, fighting on power lines in the distance. Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha There was no need for the phones, but I saw a notification. I had my phone out, as I swapped numbers with a fellow gypsy. A text appeared asking if I was in St Pete. I laughed because if my friend only knew that currently, I sat beside a sacred fire talking to a guy about Alex Jones and ancient mystery schools, while using a pendulum to find out if what he had in his hand was a good idea or not. Some came in groups and others arrived alone and somehow all became friends. Free Lebanese food at the end of the night while the accordion and drums sang out. Tobacco and prayers were given to Agni who then raised them to the ethers. DJ sets went for hours inside after the ceremonies. Somebody put a third eye on my forehead and told me to set my intentions. Someone with a fur vest that flashed LED lights blew bubbles around the fire and above the raised hands of bodies who danced freely. Never in my life have I felt like I had arrived the way that I did tonight. The fear of getting out of your comfort zone is your echo location to Destiny. Follow it. Another girl, she looked friendly, so I sat by her at the beginning. We arrived alone, but were in the group who were last to leave. 3 AM with gratitude. Clear minds and clear headedness, it was a drug and alcohol free event. Kombucha, ceremonial cacao and kava were served, as well as coconut water and regular water too. Cosmic space Jesus had lots of Shungite in his water jug, and I remembered my friend from Texas and his structured water booth at FloteFest. Tonight, I danced. That alone would be a feat, even if it was just me in my room, but I did it with over 100 people. Numbers have been exchanged as well as names and stories. I have never met so many people that I was so aligned with - in the arts, spirituality, awareness, dharma, all in one place. Who would have thought a revolution of epic proportions would be so peaceful? The truth is on the other side of fear. And on the other side of fear, which really is nothing at all, is everything that for so many years I have been searching for. There is so much happening in the wonderful wild real world, the analog world. The human spirit is thriving. We already have everything that we need. The allegory of the cave comes from screens. Songs of sovereignty are sung at the fire, while a pair of squirrels fight on the power lines, somewhere off in the distance.
Author’s Note
This was about NYE 2025 (according to the Gregorian Calendar).
I hadn’t enjoyed life like this or felt this alive in many years.
I told myself last NYE (and the one before) “next year, I’ll do something to actually enjoy life. I’ll do something I want to do. I’ll dance. I’ll have people to celebrate with.”
It’s in my nature to celebrate all night and to dance. It’s in my nature to be wild by the fires. It’s in my nature to do wild crazy shit.
So much isolation and low morale these past years, I cannot allow anymore.
Last NYE I had just left an abusive relationship and was living in a place where I didn’t know anyone. I hung out with this girl and her roommates, but was so shook from the predicament I was still entangled in, that I wasn’t present at all.
I told myself the next year, I’d return to living again.
The year before that, I spent it working a security gig in Nashville, promising myself the next year, I wouldn’t be doing the same thing.
I’d return to living again.
The year before that, I have no memory of. Too much death that year.
This year, I didn’t wait for circumstances to be a certain way before I decided to go do exactly what I wanted to do. I just did.
I asked myself, what do YOU want to do? And I went and did that.
I had to honor all the years I’d yearned for a time to dance again, promising I’d do it next year, but I didn’t. I’ve felt like a shell of who I used to be since 2016 homie. I gotta liberate myself.
So, I rented a place to stay for the week in another city that I want to move to. Had the best time I’ve had in years.
It continues. I’ll be performing this weekend and attending another ceremony the day after.
I set out alone and carved out a container for life to happen, because to the soul-crushing monotony, self-oppression and self-isolation conveyor belt I said, no more.
To close out the night, after most had gone home, a group of us sat around the fire, sang songs and delivered spoken word poetry, with the audible backdrop of squirrels fighting on the power lines, somewhere in the distance.
So, if something in you is begging to be set free, the only thing that can release you is… YOU. The only thing that can free me is…. ME.
Anything is better than being a prisoner inside your own mind, inside your own home.
I like this, personally.
Cheers to the Gregorian new year. Astrological new year ain’t until the first rising of the moon in March, HOWEVER… we are entering the point where the sun is closest to the earth (once a year) and in an oppositional aspect to the fixed star Sirius.
This combined with Solstice is a time for spiritual rebirth. It doesn’t mean it’s necessarily a time of harvest/reaping, but it’s damn sure a time to sew.
There’s a lot more to the astrology than that right now, the explosions / violence / plane crashes, mystery fog etc… I’d see: X class solar flares + geoengineering + mars pluto opposition + mars retrograde + HAARP for an idea on all that.
Or, just enjoy your fuckin life and use your intuition to lead you to being in the right place at the right time. Stay ready, stay prepared, but remember to have a life worth staying ready for - a life worthy (by your standards) of preserving.
Tap in with
and for your Substack astrology reports. They explain things way better than I do.Highly recommend
for personal readings, she’s helped me understand a lot, while providing practical remedies/solutions for the things I face. She’s amazing!XO
Wow that brought me visions of an incredible celebrations, thank you! You're so right suffering is voluntary. Build a life worth dying for!
Happy new year!