I know what you mean, it’s part of the meditation after the ‘overcoming pain’ kriya of the Dharma Warrior course. Return to stillness, and to Sunia. Empyting your mind allows you to pick up the sound of that stillness which cannot be described, only felt.

I am so very grateful to you for having introduced kundalini yoga and Jai Dev’s teachings to me, it changed my life for the better. Much love and blessings to you, Sister 💙🙏💫🤗🥰

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My dear friend. I had an experience somewhat similar to yours. I'll share some here, but I'll message you privately when I have an extra second. I have thought of you many times. I think you'll understand. Thank you for everything. it's wild... what happens when we tune in.. and the things our antenna picks up on.. and the places we then go, or the things we suddenly become capable of. 🤯

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With you there! Will wait for your DM when you can find a moment 💙🙏💫🤗🥰

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