I am today years old and only now seeing the notion, only dead fish go along with the flow. THANK YOU 🙏

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😆 its such an intense expression but it was some of our like minded friends indeed who told me one stormy night in Tennessee 🙏 big love to you friend

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🙏❤️ Hope you are safe

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I aM! I'm in Florida lol that was a comment referring to the "only dead fish go with the flow" - someone said that to me in TN during a storm. Much love.

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Venus (love) falls into the "underworld" and is no longer visible above the flat plane "terra" in which we live, she rises with one of the "Gemini" twins who live in both the underworld and aboveworld, they help her, for love to be returned to terra and reign victorious !

The firmanent in which the celestial bodies reside in, revolves around a slanted axis, not the earth!

The twins and cupids bow, a magical tale of interstellar romance.


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BTW nice blues brothers quote / actual mission statement in your bio 😉 i dig it. 🙏

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🙏 ❤️ 🙏

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I really wanna learn how to be a DJ. It’s all in my head already but I need to learn the mechanics obviously. Now I bought a controller and I unpacked it yesterday - it took me 3 weeks to do just that 🙈 it’s really scary for some reason and I am wondering how to speed up the process - or if I even should do that 🤔

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omg I LOVE THIS. Okay I totally understand that fear of it being in the box for three weeks. THAT right there is how you know you are called to it for a great reason. The things we are destined to do for some reason scare the shit out of us, at least in the beginning, and I'm so familiar with that feeling. Please let me know how this goes I'm so excited to hear this. DJing is absolutely a tremendous skill and art that most people have no idea how much dedication it takes, but it also provides some of the most HEALING experiences on planet earth in my experience (festivals of electronic music are like church to me) so I am so glad to hear this, thank you for sharing!

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Oh thank you so much! This is just the encouragement I needed 🥹 your substacks gave me quite a lot of nudges already so thank you 🙏

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thank you for sharing, it helps me too, knowing im not the only one who gets that strange paralysis right before we're about to step into our creativity on a whole new level (funny thing is, i think it happens to most of us, but my brain always tells me im alone in things haha) so your comment was very appreciated on this end as well 🙏

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I will keep you posted - and I really see you and your fight that put you where you are right now - so massive respect as Ali G would put it

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Thank you 😭 🙏 ❤️

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I think it's cool you're getting into the blues especially playing them.

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Thank you ❤️ I love that sound esp delta blues, the darker sound

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I agree. I like TX and Chicago blues too.

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do you like Valerie June? She's coming to Tampa in June 👀 She's got an amazing song called "Workin Womans Blues".. i think you'll relate. I heard it for the first time when I was selling mountain dew in a wal mart parking lot in 100 degree heat and it was the only thing that made that day decent 😆

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Thanks for the heads up. I’ll certainly keep a look out for deeper dives and transformations creatively. Although I’ve been on such a deep underworld journey for the last 5 years on these fronts I might feel right at home lols. Lately I’ve been surfing a strong current of momentum and that feels great. Lots of themes being energized, clarifying and coming together. I’ll certainly nourish this momentum this month in preparation for a possible shift in the next.

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Love hearing this and I am glad to hear you're riding the wave of momentum - this flow state is a beautiful thing 🙏

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Spot on! I've been feeling "off" for a while in my creativity though I have created quite a bit. I've been more off in wanting to sell/interact and be involved with the world as we now have officially entered the Age of Absurdity. I've had some rough days of feeling like I should be doing more. I've also let that go and enjoyed many times. You can't draw water from an almost empty well! This was cool to read. Interesting times ahead. We shall see where it goes. My wife and I make jewelry and primitive skills stuff at thenaturalfreehumanbeings.com. really beautiful things. I also make music and drawings and write a lot. Great picture. Keep up the creation. I'm a dead fish going with the flow for now! LOL. But I'm kind of enjoying floating... Cheers.

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OMG THIS ART IS INCREDIBLE!!!! SHARING THIS -- BTW do yall live in the PNW by chance? Some of your pics remind me of home. Wow. You guys are creating beautiful works, thank you.

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Wow. thanks for checking it out. Most of the pics are from California. I did live in Olympia, Wa long ago. Really appreciate your kind words!!!

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HA I will have to share the story of where "only dead fish go with the flow" came from. it was something someone said at a meeting of alternative societies of sorts - when we were all addressing how we could collectively guard against the age of absurdity you accurately explained there, and someone said that in reference to people that are just living on auto pilot. But being in the flow I think is very interactive and co-creating and harmonious, which sounds like what you are doing as well, so def not a dead fish 😆 BTW im gonna check out your website! thank you!

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ha ha! ya. sometimes it feels like a flow and sometimes feels like a dead fish just going down stream. both have their importance! lol. I love the way it came up! the age of absurdity indeed. we'll see what's to come! much love!!

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Very interesting. Thank you for sharing. I’m taking it into consideration.

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Glad it is useful 🙏

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Thanks for sharing. 🙏

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Of course 🙏

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Great photo!

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For me personally I've been getting that overwhelming urge to just Read & Write- so much that I don't wanna be bothered with anything "life" at this moment & I'm constantly fighting with myself because of it🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

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I watched a reading very recently with the number 108 and this is very synchronistic to the relationship I have with Venus and her many expressions! I take this as a lovely reminder of making the most of the energy she is gracing us with!🌟 🌹 🙏

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Mar 5, 2024
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I love hearing all of this, thank you for sharing!! And props to you for sticking with the guitar, I am very much an amateur still but wow it is unlike playing any other instrument. The vibrations so close to the body seem to have a cleansing effect of any kind of heavy or dense feelings which I love. And as far as what youre doing, right there with you, and now seems to be the perfect time for it, as people will kinda be forced to do it in some ways whether they want to or not 😂 so best to do it willingly as always!! "here for whatever doesn't suck the life out of me" i love that. thank you

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