Poetry is the Lifeblood of Revolution
Rounding up the poets of Substack and featuring the wonderful works here:
Let’s keep this going. I used to do substack roundups of articles I found intriguing in general, but right now I’m only focusing on poetry. I love you all.
I’m including some of my own unhinged writings in here too - I encourage everyone to connect who hasn’t already, and if there are poets you think need to be here that I haven’t stumbled across yet, please post links to their works in the comments!
I’m including a few of mine I’ve shared in the last month, not sure why I can’t copy / paste them in the same article format as the others, so they show up like this:
There’s more than that on here, but you can go to my page if you want to read more. ONWARD:
And this here, poetry to music, by the great
- this affected me on a cellular level, you’ll understand why:I’ll leave you with that - a soldiers song, after reading it— yeah that one had reverberations throughout my everything for a minute. Every poet here is phenomenal and I express deep gratitude for you. To the other poets on here, if I do not know your work and you yet, please drop the links in the comments. Love you. I’ll keep this going as often as I am able to.
Poetry can reach the souls when words fail. Poetry breaks through the programming and conditioning of the matrix - because all souls are fluent in poetic esoterica. Remember this - and never stop writing.
Thank you for including me in this list and for sharing as I look forward to exploring some of these poets I have yet to discover. Nothing transforms one so much as letting words out that have been stuck behind rib-cages and buried in the stomach lining for decades.
Tess!! Thank you so much, beauty!! You have such a way with words. I'm so honoured that my music makes a difference for you. I love you, magical powerful warrior Queen. ❤️