Jordan Peterson & Shadow Work: "The Hero Has To Become A Monster"
The castration of society, how it happened, and an exercise to dissolve resentment and reclaim sovereignty:
*Edit, this post was previously paywalled. I removed it and made it public, due to the writing exercise at the bottom of this article that dissolves resentments and brings clarity and empowerment, to those who choose to go that route. It is an excellent took for what we call Shadow Work. This post is officially public.
Ultimately, we are dealing with the castration of society, on behalf of men and women:
Willingly handing their children over to state indoctrination centers.
Willingly subjecting them to experiments from pharmaceutical companies that have the largest criminal lawsuits in US History without a second thought, just because the TV (and their facebook friends) encouraged it.
Sending your kids off to war to balance a ledger for banking cartels that print fake money and enslave people in a debt-based economy.
These are all examples of castration, as is our total lack of revolution in this country.
The list could go on, many are specific to men, which is undeniable — we have grown men living in states of perpetual adolescence.
We see the same thing with women, it just manifests differently.
Men get accused of not being masculine because they act like children.
Women get accused of not being feminine and being masculine because they get thrown into survival mode and have to play both roles… OR… they drank the kool-aid and think they’re out here being an “independent woman”, when really you’re just continuing the footwork of a Rockefeller-funded movement (women’s liberation) that served no purpose other than the banking cartels wanting to tax 100% of the population, as opposed to 50%.
Don’t get me wrong, I still work a full-time job for my money and survival, that’s how its always been. I’ve never been financially reliant on a man. But that is not the point I am making. The point I am making, I already did in this article:
It’s alright, I drank the kool-aid too. I don’t fuck with that anymore, but I also do have to make money to survive. It’s really not about who works and who doesn’t though. It has nothing to do with money.
This is about out-of-balance energy.
We have forgotten our power.
We have forgotten our worth.
We look for our reflection in the perceptions of others.
We think our value lies in things, not character or morality.
We don’t bring shit to the table in relationships, we’re just looking for what we can get, like looking for a surrogate parent in adulthood.
Peter Pan Syndrome affects men and women alike, and it should be addressed. Otherwise, no one is at the helm and the children are f*cked.
Did y’all know that the highest rate of suicide in the United States lies in children between the age of 10-14? The children are already f*cked, but as long as they’re not all dead or statist slaves, there’s still a chance to turn this around.
But we can’t do anything if we cannot, in fact, grow up ourselves.
I like what JP says here about shadow integration. There is nothing SAFE about being castrated. There is nothing virtuous about being harmless, that is castration. There’s also no virtue in being an out-of-control monster— you’re traumatizing everyone around you, and are a slave to your shadow.
The virtue lies in having the capability to be a monster, but choosing not to.
That is an integration of your shadow.
You take something that could beat you to death and you alchemize it into an asset.
That is alchemy. That is shadow work.
With all things, it starts with us.
A healthy collective requires the health of its individuals.
We often think we aren’t hurting anyone by (fill in the blank with the areas of life you’re neglecting or abusing) —- but we are.
It is robbery at best, and a dealer of brutality, agony and death at worst.
We all have a specific purpose. Everything in nature does. We are not separate from nature, we are one of natures expressions.
If we don’t show up to life, we rob everyone of what we’re here to give.
We also rob ourselves of the joy of a fulfilled and liberated life.
Most people think they’re afraid of death, but by the way we behave when we lash out or avoid, our actions speak to a person who is afraid of LIFE.
So we create these cuccoon realities to comatose our way through existence and destroy anyone or anything who may threaten the efficacy of our delusions— a self-imposed prison that takes countless others into bondage.
We’re not responsible for the traumas, injustices and propaganda / programming we received when we got here, but as we grow up, we are absolutely responsible for our full recovery from this, which includes not wounding other people just because we’re bleeding.
Hurt people hurt people. Broken people break people.
By contrast, and in accordance with the Natural Law of Polarity…
Healed people heal people.
Free people can free people.
Loving people can truly, deeply, love others.
This is the most potent medicine of all.
Easier said than done, but it can be done.
Our chase toward ease and comfort is a childish luxury that is far too expensive to pursue, if one takes a look around at the current state of things.
We didn’t come here to just lay around or run in circles, we came here for exactly what the fuck is happening on this planet, and we are here to play a role.
We are not meant to be spectators or bury our head in the sand while people burn all around us.
So, what now?
That’s where the shadow work lies. That is the alchemical fire that transforms. Yeah, you do NOT want to go there. I don’t either. But what is the alternative, living your entire life making the same mistakes and having the same misery-making results? Fuck that.
I’m going to share something with you that has saved my life. It is how I break through everything that constricts and blinds me, and this is effective to such a degree that I largely credit it with why I have been able to stay sober for nearly 14 years, among other things. I wouldn’t be alive without this method.
Alright, let’s go.
Here’s something you can do.
If you are plagued by a situation, if you are harboring massive resentment or wondering why you are so reactive to certain situations, this is a pretty good road map to gain some serious insight into yourself:
If you have a trusted person in your life, read this to them when you are done. There is power in being witnessed. If you do not, at the very least, read it out loud.
Take a notebook and open it to where you are faced with two blank pages.
Draw a line down the middle of each page.
In each “column” that you have, write the number 1 at the top left, 2 at the next, 3 at the next, and 4 at the last column.
Column 1 holds the name of the person or situation that you harbor resentment and anger toward.
Resentments are incredible road maps to our own self-undoing, and when you work through them, they shatter delusions like no other.
So write that shit in column one. I don’t have a notebook here, so i’ll just write out an example. I’m not going to put my personal shit on here, so I’ll use something that everyone who knows me won’t be surprised by. But typically when doing these things, they are very personal.
Expect everyone close to you and everyone you’ve been close to to be your most likely candidates for column 1. You can even put yourself in that category, but NOT for the purpose of “drifting into morbid reflection”, because that is the other side of the coin of pride, and is not helpful at all.
🌟 Example Inventory:
Column 1 -
Who/What: Everyone who turned on their families/friends in the COVID years for not complying with tyranny.
Column 2 - This is where you describe the resentment. This is NOT the place to be nice or spiritual. You need to draw out the voice of the shadow in the next two columns, so it might go something like this:
These motherfuckers made it so I couldn’t get a job and wasn’t welcome inside public spaces without risking my life with a vaccine that has since killed several of my friends and millions of people worldwide — and they still don’t see it.
They believed the TV over their own common sense and behaved in the ways that the “Good Germans” of Nazi Germany have been described to us in the West. They wished death on me and referred to me as a plague rat. The fact that they are so weak minded that a television set could make them disown their own kin is fucking sickening.
Everyone has lost their mind and those of us who see this tyranny approaching are scrambling to fend for ourselves, it’s like reality has split in two and we have to hide who we are just to not be poisoned.
They censored us in our art and businesses and online, and made it so we couldn’t earn a living or be heard or move forward. Our own families stood by and watched with a blank stare. In some cases they cheered it on.
We couldn’t attend school, travel or perform music. Our entire lives stopped. I had to move states three times and I still don’t feel like I can move freely within my own country.
I never know who is part of the cult and I feel like I have to live a double life because of how viciously these motherfuckers wish death on you, and how much damage can be done to any endeavor of yours due to censorship, and your family and loved ones just stand by and side with the fucking state.
It’s as if we aren’t even human if we don’t fall in line with Daddy Gov.
We are moving toward a civil war at best, and the very people that were supposed to love and have your back all turned on you because they fell victim to propaganda, and became addicted to the dopamine hit of VIRTUE. (Hello hashtag activist army — I’m talking about you.)
Yo, I could actually go on for a MINUTE with that resentment, but I don’t need to dump all that on you. You get it. DRAG THE SHADOW OUT. Find out how pervasive it actually is. You might not have that resentment in your conscious mind, I certainly don’t, but just writing it actually surprised me, I had to shorten it for the sake of the article. It actually touches everything, and I’ve become unconscious of my anger because for so long, it was so overwhelming, that I had to shut it off to survive.
That resulted in me isolating a lot and not living authentically, which resulted in low self esteem and chronic depressive symptoms, and not getting close to anyone for years. WOOO see what I mean? I didn’t even tie that together until I just wrote this shit. Good example of lack of integration (suppression of anger) leading to being in a castrated/disconnected state.
This is where you write down what areas of life this resentment affects.
You divide this into six categories:
ambitions, security, self-esteem, pride, pocketbook (money), personal & sex relations.
Okay, so how would a resentment like that affect those areas? Again, tap into the voice of EACH shadow. I’ll keep this brief.
Pocketbook: I still to this day can’t get jobs I qualify for or enter spaces I could play music in because I didn’t take the jab. I also lost a ton of money with the economy being shut down for 2 years, and for 9 months I basically lived out of my car and crashed here and there until I could secure housing again. I still haven’t financially bounced back from where I was when this shit went down.
Ambitions (this means whatever we wanted to happen): I would have thought that truth, love, and relationships that had long standing would have meant more than aligning yourself with the right “political team”, as if there even fucking is one. I miss the old world, the place where we could all go places freely and weren’t so divided.
I wanted people to listen and look at the evidence and documents I was providing but they wouldn’t. I wanted to be able to speak freely, but I was censored, and because of that, I have to completely re-do my artist name and identity because my accounts are nuked. I wish everyone wasn’t insane.
Security: I had to hide who I was and what I thought, everyone felt like an enemy, I wasn’t safe really anywhere, I had to relocate three times to avoid these mandates, providing adequately for myself financially was nearly impossible, etc.
Self esteem: I wish I would have spoke up even harder and told everyone to fuck off even more, the fact that I went into survival mode and tried spending part of that time under the radar because I was surrounded by “the enemy” that I never even wanted problems with makes me resent myself.
personal and sex relations: sex with a vaccinated person became off the table, and as far as personal relations, it destroyed tons of longstanding friendships, family dynamics, overall faith in humanity and also affected my recovery community back home.
This is where some serious juice is my friends.
this is the MY PART column, which is the entire point of doing a four column inventory.
This is also split into categories, there are four of them:
-Selfish, Self-Seeking, Dishonest, and Afraid?
Dishonesty is also broken down into three segments:
Lying by commission: telling a lie
Lying by omission: omitting info and altering the truth - def a fuckin lie
Delusion: LYING TO OURSELVES. (This can sometimes be hard to see, which is why reading this to another person who isn’t a “yes man” and will call you on your shit is so beneficial.)
Let’s start, again I’ll keep it brief, I’m realizing how intense this resentment is as I’m writing this.
Afraid: afraid of being rejected, inadequate, abandoned, homeless, broke, all my dreams dying because I might not be able to participate in society, fear of losing my ability to perform music, afraid of the government and being taken out, afraid of not being able to survive the end times and dying alone, etc.
Selfish: Becoming so obsessed with the problem and the way it affected me that I neglected several friendships who needed me to show up for them, I was always caught up in myself and my own dramas and stressors, I became a really shitty, dramatic and unstable friend to many.
I was blind to the blessings in front of me as well, because all I could focus on was my problems. I wasn’t there for anyone else, and they needed me just as much as I needed them, but I only cared about my own pain.
Self Seeking: Wanting to be heard at the expense of my sanity and peace because I was seeking acceptance, justice and recognition in “being right” about all that shit.
Dishonest: I lied by not speaking my mind or even pretending to agree with people in situations when I thought they were batshit insane, just to protect myself or because I was afraid.
I have also been living in delusion by thinking that I was “mostly over” this resentment because clearly not.
Alright, that’s a semi-surface level run-through of a four column inventory. But even in just briefly doing that, I am shown significant things here:
Yes, people behaved shittily, (if that’s a word), but where is the majority of my anger coming from?
In these inventories, we must disregard the other persons part ENTIRELY if we want to be free. FUCKING ENTIRELY.
They do not continue past the second column, because victims don’t recover.
My anger / resentment is shown in the fourth column, my part, the place I actually have control over, because they are MY actions. I can’t control other people.
It shows me yo, holy shit, when I become so obsessed with anger, injustice, depression, etc. I am an INCREDIBLY selfish person. I don’t want to be that person. I love community and friends and I don’t ever want to be that person who is just a taker! fuck that! So I learned something good about myself that I was previously unconscious of.
What else?
I learned much of that anger was actually coming from feeling WEAK and INAUTHENTIC and disconnected from myself, because there were many situations where I was too afraid to say how I really felt and what I really thought and what I actually fucking KNEW.
That’s where the majority of the damage was done. Sure, I was in survival mode and had to kind of play along in certain situations, or I would have been out on the fucking street. But that is a very demoralizing thing to do to oneself.
This ties directly into the castration I was speaking of. I castrated myself, and since then, instead of being authentic and strong, I became caught in a cycle of isolation, self-sabotage and chaos.
I am actually seeing more clearly now that me “not feeling like myself” these last few years has a lot to do with that. Feeling like a cockroach having to hide and scatter across the country, and blend in with the herd to avoid a lord of the flies scenario.
That will absolutely make you lose respect for yourself, and what happens when we don’t respect ourselves?
We become filled with resentment and anger.
We also cause a lot of damage to others and we self-sabotage.
THIS is a gift. I can integrate all that anger, and instead of lashing out indiscriminately and wasting my energy, I can simply do the thing I was too afraid to do, BE 100% IN EVERY F*CKING SITUATION NO MATTER WHAT.
It started in a place of suppression, weakness, fear, anger, resentment… and it turned into assertiveness and authenticity.
The result? You become less angry. You have more capability of “being a monster” should you choose, because you aren’t a monster fueled by anger and resentment anymore— you’re a monster fueled by knowing who the fuck you are and being unwavering in your spirit.
That is an entirely different animal, and one I enjoy becoming.
Alright, that was intense, I wasn’t planning on sharing that, but holy f*ck! You subscribed to Memento Mori Alchemy, so there you go! Let me know how your shadow work goes!!
Right On Sister! I have realized that the people (like yourself) that can/may end up being able to help others "straighten out" their lives, are also the ones that got the Living Shit Life kicked out of themselves! It takes one to "know" one, and the Empathy &
ympathy only exists from Experiencing The Hell yourself!
Now, to really become authentic, is to have the COURAGE to speak about it Personally & Publicly, because most others would think, "AM I THE ONLY ONE?!"
And the answer is "HELL NAH! I CAN'T JUST BE THE ONLY ONE!" - The Whole WORLD is truly messed up and if I could just Help ONE Person, Awaken ONE Person, Help SAVE ONE Person (if they are Worth saving - meaning do they Have even a bit of SELF-WORTH?! Do they even WANT to be Saved?, etc.). Well maybe, maybe not - but it is maybe part of my PURPOSE to Shine some Light on them to help them Realize this/that/or the other for Themselves!
The Rabbit Holes Run Deep and around in circles these days, and there is no Map to The Maze of Life . . . We just get out there and Keep On Keepin' On - Keep MOVING - Keep LIVING instead of Existing = DEATH
Thank you so much for removing the paywall (though it’s worth every penny and then some).