Right On Sister! I have realized that the people (like yourself) that can/may end up being able to help others "straighten out" their lives, are also the ones that got the Living Shit Life kicked out of themselves! It takes one to "know" one, and the Empathy &

ympathy only exists from Experiencing The Hell yourself!

Now, to really become authentic, is to have the COURAGE to speak about it Personally & Publicly, because most others would think, "AM I THE ONLY ONE?!"

And the answer is "HELL NAH! I CAN'T JUST BE THE ONLY ONE!" - The Whole WORLD is truly messed up and if I could just Help ONE Person, Awaken ONE Person, Help SAVE ONE Person (if they are Worth saving - meaning do they Have even a bit of SELF-WORTH?! Do they even WANT to be Saved?, etc.). Well maybe, maybe not - but it is maybe part of my PURPOSE to Shine some Light on them to help them Realize this/that/or the other for Themselves!

The Rabbit Holes Run Deep and around in circles these days, and there is no Map to The Maze of Life . . . We just get out there and Keep On Keepin' On - Keep MOVING - Keep LIVING instead of Existing = DEATH

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This comment is fucking gold, especially the part about having discernment around who we choose to help or save, or whatever. Being in service to others is my greatest desire, and one of the most worthy pursuits for a person, other than freedom, but I do believe that being useful leads to freedom, but as I have recently been reminded, helping the wrong people will get you killed.

Not everybody has a conscience or a soul in the way that one might expect. And yes, when people hate themselves, the war inside their head will only destroy you, especially if you try to help or love them. When someone has whatever parasite mentally causes us to hate ourselves, if you love them, that thing will go ballistic because it’s not about to let somebody love the object of its hatred. Human psychology is such a fucking hornets nest. But all I can say is this is all a very worthy pursuit, just with discernment. Much more than I’ve been using. Thank you so much for your always inspiring insightful commentary.

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Thank you so much for removing the paywall (though it’s worth every penny and then some).

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thank you for your comment, I'm glad it was helpful. I definitely like to honor the paid subscribers and give them exclusive content, but also... that inventory tool at the bottom... i think it's too valuable to have a price on it, so i want it to be passed on in the same way it was passed on to me. Much love to you.

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What's an example of PRIDE (col 2)?

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No....column 3!

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An example of pride in the context of that resentment would be “how have they never apologized to me or admitted they were wrong and I was right” or “I feel like less of a person if people don’t acknowledge that I’m right or was never doing anything wrong” or “I want to punish other ppl for not admitting to what they’ve done” — any voice that shows the dents the ego takes on regarding how they’re perceived by others, or being right/wrong. Pride could also affect how much certain pursuits in life were set back due to that situation, from the voice of our attachment to our worth via the progression of these pursuits.

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Yeah your completely right about not knowing our worth. And Peter Pan syndrome

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The video reminds me of Mark Passio talking about “Having the psychopath.” Have it and bury it, but have it. Great writing too.

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I don’t trust a man that doesn’t know his own darkness. The idea of shadow integration is so powerful and has been unpacked by many visionary thinkers like Joseph Campbell...and yes Jordan B. Peterson.

Thanks for the thoughtful and powerful essay. I’m glad I found you.

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An unbroken heart ,can neither give love nor receive love.

Healing cannot occur until we are broken.

An unbroken heart exists alone, isolated, nothing can reach in, nothing can reach out.

When a heart breaks, the heart is exposed, love may escape, reach out, touch others, likewise, a broken heart allows access to love.

The healing process , brings communion. Growth, comfort, compassion, strength.

Without breaking and healing, we can only know the void, alone. Despair, pain, sorrow, joy may only exist when it is shared. Love only is when it is shared.

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Thank you! This is very much needed!!

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