How do you comfort such loss?

Maybe, as I am learning from a storm,

( Mo Anam croi, Anfa.)

You remember to live,

Remember love,

Love, and live.

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Daily laughter and goofiness from you has been a God send 🌪️🥹 Which I am so very thankful for 🙏🙏 Since I have lost most of my support 💔🗡️ It doesn't mean that the feelings have ceased to exist nor will they ever 😪🩵 Love is the answer, Love is the Key🗝️🔒

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Jun 19Liked by Tesstamona

This is a beautiful eulogy, thank you for sharing it with us. Condolences and gratitude ❤️‍🔥

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Thank you for bringing Naomi to life for us, painting a vivid picture of how she made others around her feel. I always love to hear about friends who laughed and got into mischievous fun together. We’ve all had those. My condolences. What a testament you give here in such beautiful words. She definitely seemed like a very warm soul. When you can hear someone talk about their friend who has passed on and you wish you could have known them, that’s something.

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This is beautiful, Tess. You have such a way with words. I'm sorry for yet another loss. You are becoming such an open-hearted warrior, forged in the fires of pain, so that you can continue to make your time here count, and build your legacy. ❤️

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that just made me cry. thank you. thanks for listening and reading about her too. it means a lot.

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You're welcome beauty.

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Sorry Tess, I I know you’ve lost a lot along the way. We have too. Each one is unique. Sometimes I’ll hear about an old friend passing, usually from a death of despair of one type or another, and it’ll hit me in an unexpected way. I’ve definitely become cold to it in a way, but every once in a while one will shake me up.

The lessons are always the same though, at least for me. ❤️

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Very much agreed.

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Jun 19Liked by Tesstamona

"Naomi NEVER spoke an unkind or disrespectful or angry word toward me. Never. That is an unbelievable feat, to finish the cycle of this incarnation and have people you leave in your wake that can truly say that about you."

I can't aspire to "never" but I can aspire to nevermore. So shall it be. 🙏🙏🙏

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Synchronicitous. I was writing a poem last night called “nevermore”. I love what u shared and I’ll do my best to do the same.

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Jun 19Liked by Tesstamona

You are already my friend.

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You are an open hearted warrior forged from rock bottom. Sorry for your loss, friend

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thank you. 🙏

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I wonder 💭

Will I have anyone writing about Me fondly or at all after I’m gone❓

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It's a good thing to wonder. We all determine that with every single passing day. We are all living legacies in process, determined by how we make those around us feel.

However, given my brief exchanges with you, and the energy you emit, I would think that answer would be YES.

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Jun 19Liked by Tesstamona

‘People may forget what you looked like, may forget how your voice sounded, but they will always remember how you made them feel.’ May Naomi’s memory be a blessing to all who knew her 💙🙏

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amen and amen. her memory will always be one of warmth and laughter. it also reminds me to be more attentive. a better friend and person. more calm. more still. these lives we live... these friendships, the people we know... my God, we have no real grasp on how fragile and fleeting it all is.

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No one is really gone as long as there is one person left who carries that flame of love and friendship in their heart. Only when that very last person is gone, will the other one be gone too. Behind the veil separating us, they’ll meet again.

My mum wrote long ago:

There is an old belief that on some distant shore, far from despair and grief, old friends will meet once more.’

You are such a beautiful soul, you will meet again on that distant shore once you’ve been called 💙🙏🤗🥰

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I knew a Naomi named Shannon. She died last year and I didn’t hear about it for months. I thought she was now happily living in Florida. She was the purest soul who chose not to treat her maybe treatable cancer. A lot of people are mad at her, but not me. She lived life her way until the very end.

Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. ❤️❤️

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Thank you for sharing yours. I awoke with a sick heavy sadness today I appreciate getting to hear someone else’s experience. Thank you. 🙏

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You’re welcome. My girl was 43, forever young and beautiful.

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Here is to both Shannon and Naomi. Forever young, beautiful, and Love.

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