I definitely feel this way. It took me a long time to realize that my sensitivity made me stronger, not weaker. Still have to remind myself in the regular.
I have found that to be true the last few days. Thank you for that. It has calmed me down A LOT. Things have jumped out from the page that I hadn't seen before.
In the height of my intensive research during COV 19 I asked God for someone I could talk to about my discoveries that would understand them, in the real world.
My wish appeared next day on the beach, whilst walking, we are still good friends.
Wow. Breathtaking, Tesstamona. Yes to love! ❤️
I definitely feel this way. It took me a long time to realize that my sensitivity made me stronger, not weaker. Still have to remind myself in the regular.
i hear you on that friend. so much love to you.
That is why and what I pray.
I read what you suggested. Calmed me down to a strange degree. There was one line in there that stood out a lot.. I hope I never forget it.
John is my absolute favorite book. Everytime I read it, it speaks something else I desperately need.
I have found that to be true the last few days. Thank you for that. It has calmed me down A LOT. Things have jumped out from the page that I hadn't seen before.
"I never let anyone see it, never.
And suddenly I realized,
The thing I hid behind so many masks to seem strong,
Was actually the greatest strength of all."
such a trip and I know you relate 😭 🙏 ❤️ much love to you beautiful lady. so much love.
I felt this one. Every word. Sending out a huge bear of a virtual hug. ❤️
Likewise dude. Thank you.
This took me back to my first experience of meditation. The initial horror of the darkness and over time the opening of the heart.
Your writing always builds.
Wonderful work.
In the height of my intensive research during COV 19 I asked God for someone I could talk to about my discoveries that would understand them, in the real world.
My wish appeared next day on the beach, whilst walking, we are still good friends.
Make a wish, you never know…..
“Drifting, drifting,
On wide-spread wings
With sharp keen eye
The cry of the sea
sounds in the ears
of the gull which is … me. “
You’re spreading your wings
Observing, letting go
when the sound of the waves
telling you: you are you again.
Keep shining my friend 💙🙏
what you wrote here is so beautiful. THANK YOU. We are on the same path 🙏
Thank you for reading and sharing where you’re at as well. I appreciate it a lot. 🙏 It often feels like an internal tug of war
Amen to that. 🙏 ❤️