The Consequences of evil manifest in the suffering of both the guilty and the innocent.

Generations of actively supporting a system of choosing between two evils has unsurprisingly manifested evil.

When Karma drops on the guilty, the shockwave of impact burns the innocent as well.

There is a cure.

Refusing to embrace evil period.

A hard, painful, and expensive cure.

Sadly the vast majority prefer the convenience of the moment over the needs of our children.

And so, here we are. Another civilization failing another "Bronze age collapse" of Empires. 1250BC, 150BC, 537AD, 1453AD, and now 2025 AD.

The Devouring Vulture spreads it's wings for the feast.

We keep doing the SAME thing.

Why can't we understand, Love is the answer, the reason, the purpose, the cure....


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Holy shit you have a song called democide blues. Sidenote, dude your music is so fucking dope, you could easily earn a living playing around Tennessee and honestly all of Appalachia and I think you would be mighty welcome in Florida as well. But let me get back to your comment.

What you said about karma, yes. I’ve begun to understand that shit on a new level since early 2024, how you can get hit with karma that isn’t even yours just by proximity.

I’m doing my best to learn love but I think my best has gotta get a whole lot better yo. I don’t want to be angry at people / the world so much. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you for always pulling through with the Love message.

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Thank You milady!

How can anyone look at this insanity and not be enraged?

Between the friendly fire wounds, the fallout , and the karma bombs, there's no way to stop it and nowhere to hide.

Love is the only option for survival.

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I felt this to my core. I also agree with The Cosmic Man. We don’t know/forgot how to truly be human so we can all release. We all need to decompress at some point in our lives or else everybody will just be walking zombies with no emotions/decency left in them. And I also hate the “divide and conquer” agenda that both sides push. It is exhausting. But if I have to separate myself just to keep me sane and human , than so be it. Don’t be afraid to reconnect to nature and ground yourself. I’m going to take a walk after posting this comment. As always proud of you, peace and love you friend. ❤️🙏🏻

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Love you too and thank you very much. I think I am going to honestly relax and just go the fuck to sleep. I am gonna wake up early in the morning and attend to my yoga practice before thesun rises, that sounds like the ultimate treat right now. Thank you for what you said because I was really hesitant about posting this at all. Thank you again and love you friend.

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Your user name on here is fkng epic

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TB: Amen to you for airing it all out. You have at present a full mind, a shaken spirit, and a positive soul which are shuddering at trying to reconcile all of this. Here’s my .02: when we are all faced with the ultimate choice where will we stand? With an “ism,” or with our hearts/souls/spirits which know the way and know who to align with? That’s mostly a rhetorical question, especially for you since I’m clear where you stand. As for your choice to have Cosmic Man articulate the issue and the true choice, bravo. He says what you say and feel on the regular. As always,peace.

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Much peace and love to you friend and thank you very much for your two cents. It is always welcomed. I am extremely grateful for all of you guys on here. And yeah, that contention of feeling like damned if you do damned if you don’t is a weird place to be, but it does seem that regardless of what happens no one ever really regrets Letting their heart out of the cage. Peace to you, friend.

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It's important to find that balance and "drain the wound" as I say. There will be tons of people trying to shame you for being human using all sorts of calling. Doomer, black pilled, victim mentality etc. All because you're being human. We have forgotten the mystical art of release. We can't keep going forward without rest. Without taking the load off. Glad you're setting the pace for this. We can't fix a problem if we don't acknowledge it first. This place has been turned into a hell right in front of our eyes. We must first bear witness to that and how it has changed us. Then, we can make a plan to fix it

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Thank you for allowing the Grace & the space for little ole me to do so — and I imagine many others in your life. I’m also really surprised but at the same time not at the collective sentiment of allowing ourselves to let it out and recalibrate. Thank you. I am going to heed The suggestions and go to bed early and just get myself some rest. Thank you, truly, for all of your words. I’m glad that you’re here.

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The feeling is mutual. What keeps me going is to see others keeping it going. And getting lifted up whenever possible. I appreciate you and your work as well. And the light spread further. 🫸❤️‍🔥🫷

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