Getting In The Huddle & Letting It Out
For those who are fearful of expressed anger and would appreciate a trigger warning, this is your warning. Skip this post if you are not in the space to have this in your psyche.
I took the following words from
as a cue to do exactly as he just mentioned. For context:I had originally commented on his note here on the Substack app, and that was his response. Here was his original note:
I don’t know how to expand upon it in the image, so here is the rest of what he wrote:
It's hard to watch. And even harder to fix. The whole thing keeps slipping through my fingers like sand in a world feels like a desert.
I wake up one day with some bright ideas and possible positive outcomes. And the next day they are all thwarted.
And people get more deranged, and the internet a little more hostile to the human mind and heart.
I know where I want this to go. I know that I am unwavering in my convictions.
But it's a big world. And I feel smaller by the day.
Thank you to
and now I’ll say something so I don’t continue holding this in. Let’s just be human right now.A few days ago I read a piece of spoken word poetry before a crowd and one of the lines I wrote/spoke was, “I want to know what you wish you could say, but won’t. I want to know what you felt but wouldn’t let yourself look in the eye, let alone speak.”
I’ll take my own advice.
Note: Before I get into what lies ahead, I had to edit this down so it wasn’t a knife fight of insanity when whoever reads it reads it. I’m all for being unfiltered but not at the expense of someone else’s psyche, we’ve all dealt with enough.
There’s a lot of really positive shit I have prepared for you guys in “drafts” and I’d rather discuss those things instead. However I felt I needed to make a statement on the following so I can then leave it the hell alone.
My heart feels a heaviness.
On the larger scale, I’m watching the absolute fanatic insane servitude mentality unfold with the political right, the EXACT SAME THING I saw with the political left in 2020, 2021, 2022, etc.
Let’s back up:
I remember how it felt to have my loved ones turn on me and anyone who wouldn’t unquestioningly comply with often fatal orders from the TV to participate in a massive propaganda campaign involving taking experimental, toxic mRNA injections that had never been used on humans.
I remember losing community, friends, the ability to speak in (or enter) a public space, housing, jobs, the list goes on, all because I trust my own body, intuition and eyes over politicians, psychotic billionaires, criminal pharmaceutical companies and being a guinea pig in a forced clinical trial.
I rejected the jab.
That whole thing was a violation of the Nuremburg code, yet somehow those who called for anyone who did not comply to be “rounded up and put in camps” were considered VIRTUOUS, never mind the fact that it’s identical to what we are told about the Nazi regime in the 1930s — PAPERS PLEASE.
It’s a trip to now watch the same people (on the political left) scream about how we’re living in Nazi Germany when they literally cheered and enforced their tactics. I even remember one girl from Oregon referring to us as “plague rats”.
Dehumanization, a prerequisite to any and all atrocities.
I naively thought those on the “political right” were awake to the fact that the Government was insane, genocidal, and never tells the truth.
I was wrong.
Now, I see the woke right behave exactly like the woke left, just different branding.
Disclaimer: You can still be “on the left” or “on the right” and not be part of these polarized (“woke”) segments. Please be an adult and understand that if the shoe doesn’t fit, don’t wear it. If I’m not describing you, I’m not describing you.
The woke left operates with emotion, guilt, witch hunts, and professional victimhood (imaginary martyrdom) as the collective beating stick to force their programming onto you.
If you are not an identical clone to “the current thing”, then you are the enemy and need to die.
The woke right operates the same way, just different branding. Instead of using emotion they use religion, or BULLSHIT MORALITY (of which they have none) to justify genocide. They play victim too (see the simping for the secular nation state of israel) in order to justify their mania, just like the woke left did. The left played victim and the fear mongering of “cant you see how horrific this is!!” to justify all the covid tyranny. Woke right uses the Oct 7 false flag.
They regurgitate media talking points (just their side, not the other) and defend their messiah (whoever they voted for) without question - the Stockholm Syndrome is unbelievable.
If you voted for someone, you should hold their feet to the fire even more than someone you DID vote for. After all, you CAST your will into things when you CAST your ballot - notice the emphasis on the word CAST?
Here you are, under a spell.
Two Wings, Same Bird
When we say “Two Wings, Same Bird” we’re usually referring to the two party system of government. That also applies to the people who align themselves to an extreme with either side. It’s funny that they claim to hate one another because they are exactly the same, just two sides to the same coin.
The incredible danger of identity politics. It’s funny because the right claimed to be against identity politics but… your identity literally IS your politics. It’s the same shit. Instead of your identity politics revolving around race and sexuality, it revolves around religion and all these prescribed little identities (traditionalism, conservatism, whatever) that were prescribed to you, just like the left has their progressivism and whatever the hell else.
It’s not a knock on the whole of any ideology, but wow, you let it unquestioningly overtake your mind and become who you think you are?
If you cannot criticize the very team you are on, or at least be capable of thoroughly examining it, you’re owned by it.
It’s not even a conversation I can entertain when people legitimately to their core advocate for the mass murder of people in Palestine.
It also doesn’t make me a leftist because I don’t think it’s okay to keep people in an open air prison for decades, experiment on them, and then when (allegedly) they fight back (even though I think Oct 7th was a false flag like 9/11 was) you slaughter civilians for what, nearly two years straight now?
And now you think its cool to forcibly remove them from the land they’ve been on WAY longer than the Rothschild-backed Polish migrants (Israel) - the literal dictionary definition of ethnic cleansing?
Yet if you speak against it, you’re either a commie, a leftie (of which I am neither) or you are just so outrageous and unbelievable.
What master do you serve, child?
You’re stupid enough to believe that’s the Creator? Something that would co-sign that?
Slaughtering humans is not acceptable in any circumstance. Saying, hey, don’t do ethnic cleansing and genocide, doesn’t automatically make me a sympathizer for the wrongdoings of SOME of people within a much larger group (of which likely none of us know personally by the way, over here in the nosebleeds of pretentious ass virtual reality).
It’s not a game of THIS OR THAT.
Does not Christ teach the MIDDLE PATH between the snares of evil? Buddha taught the same thing, am I missing something?
I cannot believe I’m hearing this from the people I’m hearing it from. And worst of all, they use The Bible to attempt to back it up, clearly not understanding shit, but at the same time, if one reads the Torah / Old Testament, that god is not a god of peace.
Those who claim to follow Christ, however, what are you doing?
Christ is referred to as the Prince of Peace, am I wrong?
He was also pretty clear (allegedly) of what would be done to you if your actions turned the young and innocent AWAY from him (something about a cement block around your neck and into the ocean you go) — what do you think your words, actions and example are doing?
Exactly that.
I know The Christ Spirit is real, and I have had Christ respond when I pray in that name. I’ve had other experiences I will not detail because not everything is for public consumption. However, I do not call myself a Christian.
This man-made INSANITY is why.
Gladiator Games
It’s sickening to watch people who used to seem like they were awake to the two-party snare / gladiator game fuckshit go full throttle with it.
What were the last four years about? Were you faking it? Just waiting until it was your turn to be the screeching lunatic? Didn’t like it when the left did it so you figured you’d do it as soon as you had the chance?
I try to not be an asshole. I try to not pop off. I try to not argue with people on the fuckin internet. I try to not argue with people IN GENERAL.
I try to not let this shit rob me of my PEACE, of my LIFE, of the MISSION I am legitimately on, I try to not let this be a reason why I compromise my own standards of being and behavior towards others — and I am falling short EVERY DAY.
I don’t know what to do either.
was so much more eloquent and vulnerable. It is so hard for me to be vulnerable when I feel so much anger in my heart.Absolutely fuck this entire political charade. It hurts to see what it is doing to people. To US.
AI mRNA Vaccines were announced DAY TWO into this administration.
I thought we were all on the same page that we weren’t fucking with those who peddled the death jabs and tried to experiment on the population with literal poison, gene mutation, nanotechnology, and god knows what else.
I have friends, young healthy friends, WHO ARE NOW DEAD AFTER TAKING THOSE JABS.
Your little hurt feelings (leftists) and your little dumbshit delusions (righties) can get FAR AWAY from me. Y’all are both addicted to self-righteousness, which is ironic because there is NO righteousness to you.
Luckily, most of you don’t do anything in real life and spend most of your time chronically and fatally online.
Unfortunately, there are actual GOOD PEOPLE who allow the internet to color their perception of REALity, and it makes them isolate, their mental health declines as their connection to others does, their faith dwindles, they start to develop mental health issues (who wouldn’t?!) and addictions, and then all of a sudden they’re dead.
I’m tired of people who are too chickenshit to truly LIVE pushing innocent people to the point of suicide, addiction, or flat-out capitulation. This zombie-ism is contagious and the internet seems to be the primary method of contamination.
I try really hard not to fall into any of those categories.
It takes a lot of bravery to truly live.
It takes a lot of strength to not give in to vice, suicidal thoughts/ideations, or endless forms of self-sabotage that result in capitulation and isolation.
I have fought against them, and I have also given into them. I am NOT preaching at anybody, but I’m also not going to sit here and not say this shit.
Once again, common sense seems to be the most hated thing in public discourse — and people from ALL political affiliations are guilty of perpetuating this literal retardation of the human experience.
It’s hard to tow the line or even know where it is between “live and let live” or “live by example, demonstrate through action not word” versus when to fight against shit that is so evil it keeps you up at night, against shit you know to your core is so wrong you cannot withhold yourself from addressing it.
I don’t have the answers. I don’t think being jaded and resorting to various forms of hedonistic escapism is the answer.
But I don’t know what the answer is.
Just because I don’t know what the answer is, doesn’t mean I won’t remain open to finding it out, and it damn sure won’t be my excuse to “teaming up” with either side of this absolute dumpster fire.
On an inner level
On an inner level, I really resonated with what
said.In the last year, I lost one of my closest and long-time friends to suicide, and I also lost my cousin to suicide.
I lost another friend to alcoholism, and another friend to unknown circumstances.
On an inner level, I’d like to make this world BETTER so that stops happening.
On an inner level, I still feel the grief of those deaths plus the deaths of everyone else I’ve loved so much and watched die over the last 15 years. Especially in the last 5.
14 people in the last 5 years. In the last 15? I don’t want to count. I don’t even want to guess anymore.
The fact that any time you talk about grief and how insane it is to be young and have everyone you started life with be dead from murder, suicide and drug/alcohol overdoses is met with…. “yeah.. so what?”
Maybe we really are in a death cult. I refuse to join. Fuck all y’all Jim Jones ass motherfuckers.
Not sure if I should post this.
It’s aggressive. It’ll ruffle feathers. But at the same time, I AM HUMAN.
And if I cannot be myself around other humans, then who have I made my master? Who have I handed my sovereignty over to? Who have I made my God? The opinions of a bunch of flawed ass individuals just like me, that’s who.
I am not my God. My God is someone I should probably get off the computer and go talk to immediately, but I do not believe in a God that takes sides in geopolitics and turf wars, I do not believe in a God who justifies the slaughter of one group and the special favoritism of another.
That’d be the influence of something demonic, not holy.
Well, I like to leave people with solutions.
I’m not sure I have any other than I need to pray and probably go for a walk outside and maybe phone a friend.
I am sad.
I’m sad because everyone is fighting and being a cunt and cheering on for evil shit and getting totally blindsided by this “new” regime, when I thought they understood there is no separation, they’re all globalists, they’re all on the same side.
And… it’s not ours. When I say OURS, I mean all of us, the ones fighting every day like good little socially engineered manic peasants.
Can we STOP?!
Oh well.
Whatever I focus on magnifies. So, I’ll try to focus on the people who are aware of that and are in the solution. I’d name drop them here but I’d rather not have their work be associated with this rant of a post.
See things I’ve restacked or cross-posted, or just other posts of mine that aren’t this one.
I am sad.
I am sad at watching humanity drain from the living.
I am sad at witnessing the life force drain from the bodies of people I loved and shared life with.
I am sad that the ones I didn’t have more time with are gone.
And I am sad at the fracturing and gross abuse and neglect of those of us who STILL have time left… and this is how we are choosing to spend it.
Moving forward, I’ll be discussing music, poetry, podcasts, spiritual things, and honoring the legacy of my cousin, of which the one year anniversary of his death just happened. I have a whole huge thing written but I haven’t felt ready to hit “publish” yet.
I am going to now go do things that make me feel sane. But damn. Before I do what’s necessary to build myself back up from a state of lowkey demoralization, I have to admit that I do feel deflated and just… disgusted.
Disgust is a dangerous thing, too.
It’s a gateway into dehumanizing people. I am inherently against doing that, no matter WHO is doing it, the last thing I want to do is do it myself.
I’ll have much nicer things to say later. But right now, I just needed to say, if AI mRNA poison jabs, civil war, global war, genocide and ethnic cleansing aren’t ringing some serious alarms in your psyche — don’t speak on being on the right side of anything. You are everything your ideology or religion preaches against.
You’ve become identical to the forces you claim are your opposition.
The End.
The Consequences of evil manifest in the suffering of both the guilty and the innocent.
Generations of actively supporting a system of choosing between two evils has unsurprisingly manifested evil.
When Karma drops on the guilty, the shockwave of impact burns the innocent as well.
There is a cure.
Refusing to embrace evil period.
A hard, painful, and expensive cure.
Sadly the vast majority prefer the convenience of the moment over the needs of our children.
And so, here we are. Another civilization failing another "Bronze age collapse" of Empires. 1250BC, 150BC, 537AD, 1453AD, and now 2025 AD.
The Devouring Vulture spreads it's wings for the feast.
We keep doing the SAME thing.
Why can't we understand, Love is the answer, the reason, the purpose, the cure....
I felt this to my core. I also agree with The Cosmic Man. We don’t know/forgot how to truly be human so we can all release. We all need to decompress at some point in our lives or else everybody will just be walking zombies with no emotions/decency left in them. And I also hate the “divide and conquer” agenda that both sides push. It is exhausting. But if I have to separate myself just to keep me sane and human , than so be it. Don’t be afraid to reconnect to nature and ground yourself. I’m going to take a walk after posting this comment. As always proud of you, peace and love you friend. ❤️🙏🏻