GeoEngineering: The Evidence
Military research documents, receipts, and video contained in article
Forest Fires as a Military Weapon PDF from ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency - known today as DARPA) and the US Dept of Agriculture — Please note the list of cities nation and WORLDWIDE mentioned in these documents of exactly how to burn them and when.
In regards to GeoEngineering, how it works, and receipts for what we’re seeing today, see information here.
I published an article earlier that is effectively a “part one” to this, which you can read here if you haven’t already:
This post is largely an information dump. Feel free to bookmark this and take your time, as there are hours of information via videos and documentaries in this one article.
I realize the claims are that an arsonist or arsonists started these fires. I think most of us know that is batshit insane and a blatant lie — unless the arsonist(s) you’re referring to are the U.S. Government, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, the U.S. Military, and a host of related entities.
I understand this is a highly sensitive subject and I again want to acknowledge that. I am from the west coast, Los Angeles was my second home after I left Oregon. I still have many loved ones there.
I now live in Florida, got the living sh*t scared out of me this past hurricane season, have family here, and have loved ones & family in Appalachia who got wrecked with Hurricane Helene. Two weeks after Helene, I was evacuating for Hurricane Milton.
I think being HUMAN on planet Earth is enough of a reason to care - but in case you needed to discern someone who vampires off tragedies versus someone who is genuinely invested in this shit STOPPING, there you go.
GeoEngineering - Let us back up, but not even that far. Patents go back more than 100 years but let’s start with something more recent, from seven years ago:
I grew up in Oregon. I lived there until 2019, when I then moved to Los Angeles. I left LA in 2021 due to lockdowns and mandates. Went back to Oregon to get back on my feet and recalibrate - then moved across the country to the Southeast.
I lived on the WEST COAST for the first 32 years of my life. I’m 35.
I do not EVER remember fires growing up. And I grew up out in the woods. The country. NOT the city.
I remember when they started, and they were bad.
I was just telling someone about it. They started in 2016/2017. You couldn’t breathe we’d get so smoked out. I’d never dealt with that before. Then they got way worse in 2020. I was in LA then. I remember seeing a small tornado on fire in Hollywood.
It was abnormally hot, we were worried about our music gear melting in our apartments because the AC couldn’t keep up. It was 125 degrees in DTLA that day - hottest on record.
I didn’t know shit about geoengineering back then.
When I returned to Oregon in 2021, so much of the started had burned down. Entire towns were gone that I’d known my whole life. It all happened that summer of 2020.
Forests were charred black. Rent went up like crazy and there was no vacancy in my hometown because everyone from surrounding towns lost their homes.
The water, the streams, the rivers we’d go to every summer, the swimming holes - they were dry. They used to run deep with waterfalls - now, they were smokey, and had little to no water. I had never seen anything like it.
Dane Wigington putting out this info 7+ years back lines up with my personal experience. Feel free to add yours if you have a working memory and were born and raised on the west coast.
From SIX years ago:
As he states, all world governments are involved in global climate engineering and “solar radiation management” programs, which is what causes this shit.
Remember the droughts? When they first started in California? Long time ago.
Notice in the first video how it showed the ability to dissipate natural precipitation coming from the Pacific coast?
Too many people ask why before they understand the what and the how. Start at your current level of understanding.
The why is a much longer road if you don’t already know. It is public information though, you should give the World Economic Forum’s website a visit and a look into Agenda 2030, formerly known as Agenda 21. It’s been around for a VERY long time.
Engineering Catastrophic Wildfires To Temporarily Cool Arctic With Smoke (Updated)
I’d read that, if you didn’t watch the above video from 6 years ago.
It’s not a lone arsonist, or any random arsonist.
It’s your government, your military, contractors like Lockheed Martin and Raytheon, and every other government and their militaries and other defense and geoengineering contractors like the above mentioned.
If you want to know who “the big they” is - outside of OUR consent and our WILLING blindness and passivity - because we’re part of the problem too - it would be them. I could add aa few others to the list, but they all work together, and publicly. See the fkng WEF. None of this is a secret.
They can’t get away with what they do if we don’t let them.
That was 6 years ago, but guess what? I looked at the map and interactive database S2 Underground created last night when tracking the LA fires and saw the same thing - all that and then some.
I linked it in a post I made here that I last-minute decided not to publish. I’ll share it now.
It’s called the Common Intelligence Picture. He made a short 4-minute video explaining it. This is the link to his site:
Video explanation:
I would also suggest watching his intel update as of 1/11/2025 which you can do right here.
Moving toward the latter half of this article:
Let me know in an anonymous poll where you’re at with all this.
Just so we’re clear: when I say GeoEngineering, that includes technology like HAARP. It’s not by any means restricted to chemical spraying.
If what you think was not represented please leave it in the comments.
This will help me with knowing what I do and do not need to include moving forward when covering this topic.
UPDATE*** Here is Dane Wigington’s breakdown of the California “Wildfires” - released Saturday, January 11th, 2025:
Hurricane Helene’s path - shown to be guided via radio frequency manipulation / transmissions and aerosolized cloud cover (making them more conductive) :
An older video (7 years ago) where he warns about cell towers, the (then upcoming) 5G and how it’s the frequency used for “crowd control” among other things. See the 18 minute mark where he demonstrates what these frequencies do to water particulates (our bodies are mostly water):
Did you see how the water coiled like DNA when exposed to a frequency? Do you know where I’m going with that? Okay.
That above video is CRUCIAL.
Onward —
Full Documentaries:
The first doc I ever saw on any of this, Frankenskies. I believe a man from my home state, Oregon, made it (this is by far the most censored video on this topic btw - you can’t find it on. youtube at all, you have to go to their website and get the direct link)
Do me a favor and just bookmark this article because I know nobody has time to watch all this. But you’ll want to make your way through it if you’re not familiar, because this shit isn’t letting up.
The LA fires are a result of long-running geoengineering.
The fires are from a fucking DEW in all likelihood, they look the same as Maui.
Everyone I’ve talked to said the winds were crazy, up to 100 MPH, friends who saw debris / trash cans flying by their second story windows!? And “SUDDENLY” there was an inferno in their back yard.
I do have photos and I do have video from them. It’s nothing much different than what I’ve seen circulating online though and I’m not sharing personal things without explicit permission. It’s just.. I don’t even know what to say. I really don’t. I’m not going to post what anyone has sent me unless they tell me to.
However, someone on Substack has shared his own photos. He lived in the Palisades.
There’s another who has shared images as well.
I’ll link their posts here.
Alright, I’m outta here, tomorrow (January 12th) is the worldwide OFFLINE day that I will be participating in, which you can read about here. Hopefully there will be more, talk about all the things later.
My heart is warmed when I run into new (to me) people who are on the journey down the rabbit hole of enlightened knowledge. Dane Wiggington and is a great semi mainstream believable resource for the climate engineering topic. As you are obviously discovering, the deeper you go, the more you discover how all paths lead to the same place, which is a very dark and mysterious secret cabal. My first enlightening was with the book "the secret teachings of all ages" by Manley P. Hall. Followed by "Behold a Pale Horse", by William Milton Cooper. Nord Davis Jr.s pamphlet, "Sui Juris" turned me into a warrior, then Lt. Col Thomas Beardon's work crossed my path. Many more brave outspoken individuals followed, such as John Hutchinson from Canada, Bob Lazar, Phil Schnieder, Al Bielick, and too many others to list and ramble on about have been a part of this journey of mine, of which all leads back to the same dark place at the top of the pyramid that controls all and sees all. Everything is connected! I have lost many friends in the fight to expose many truths and enlighten others to "forbidden knowledge". The internet is being scrubbed, slowly, but surely, and so are the brave and wonderous heros who are attempting to speak out. Mark McCandlish of "zeropoint and the fluxliner" is one of the more recent that comes to mind, his video is on my youtube channel. If you look at my "conspiricy" playlist I will include below, you can see just how many videos have been banned, scrubbed, deleted, or disappeared from it. I have a large library of scrubbed "conspiricy" videos I recorded to DVD in my home collection that I will eventually start uploading to my substack, if life is favorable to allow. I will end this comment with my "live free, or die trying", slogan. Cheers, and much love to all!
Apathy and disbelief seems to be the norm.The spraying happens regularly here in Kelowna and mentioning it to our MLA gets cobwebs. Same with our health departments. What can I do?