A few things I’ve noticed:
There’s the event(s), the experience, and then…there’s the response.
Before I go further, if you need to track the fires in LA, get intel on thermal or event activity and incident response in the area (or anywhere else) - may I suggest using this database that S2 Underground created:
Many thanks to S2 for this.
*Update: you will be getting two posts from me tonight because tomorrow is the day many of us around the world are going offline. See this post for details - this is January 12th, 2025.
To see part TWO of this post, which focuses exclusively on data regarding the cause of these unprecedented weather events, CLICK HERE.
The Event
I’m going to list some common threads. Those of us who lived through tornados, floods, hurricanes, fires, especially ones on an “unprecedented” scale and multiple times - this will resonate.
Something happens - suddenly, everything you knew is no more. You may be fearing for your life, the lives of your loved ones, or both. You don’t know if you have anything to return to if you had to evacuate.
The Experience
You realize how fragile everything is around you - the veil is removed from the routine and surroundings you once knew as life. This alone is enough to send a person into shock.
You may or may not have support in your immediate locale. Whether you go through said event alone or supported in community will dictate greatly how the event affects you.
You may or may not have people outside of your immediate locale who are aware of the event, and have their heads out of their asses enough to check in to see if you’re alive. This will affect the experience as well.
You may or may not be dealing with something that is one way in reality, but portrayed in the media completely differently (and inaccurately) - or, not at all. This will greatly impact the experience, as well as your trust and view on humanity.
You find yourself walking a strange line (or in a wormhole) of wanting to do whatever you can to make sure this never happens again (preparedness) and willing to do anything to get a shred of normalcy back in your life (avoidance) - you may adopt maladaptive coping mechanisms to do so.
You are surely dealing with sleep deprivation, possible injuries, nutrient deficiency or illness. You are surely dealing with a dys-regulated psychological state (fight/flight/freeze) which can last months after the experience.
You may have lost loved ones (death) and you may have lost your home. You may suddenly be living in a different area, wondering how you will survive. You may be in the same area, but nothing feels familiar.
The Response
Community response - and the ability of the individual to ensure their safety - will often determine whether an individual or group sustains detrimental trauma and develops PTSD.
In some cases, trauma and PTSD are unavoidable, but it is a sliding scale. The event and experience are one thing, the responses are another.
When writing on the societal reaction toward those of us who went through Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton in a two week period - I noted the similarities between American culture’s response and what we call rape culture.
I’m not sure what article it was - it might be this one, maybe this one, or this one, or this piece, or any of the others around that time. Writing was my only constructive outlet so I wrote as much as I could.
The incident becomes a spectacle and parasitic feeding frenzy of victim blaming, laughing, relishing in the destruction of lives, mixed with a total denial that anything ever happened, or it wasn’t REALLY as bad as the people who directly experienced it say, because “the news” or social media didn’t portray it the same way.
The news and social media in that analogy would be the rapist and their apologists or enablers - in every case I’ve seen, they all have them.
If you have things to add, leave them in the comments.
Communication blackouts - there may be ZERO national coverage and even limited regional coverage to what is one of the most devastating scenarios a person can experience (see Appalachia and Hurricane Helene - STILL to this day - currently, with unprecedented winter storms in the area, 3500+ hurricane victims in WNC are having their FEMA hotel vouchers revoked).
SPECTACLE - social media will waste no time in watching tragedies and finding cute ways to get attention by turning it into memes they think are funny, or saying some of the most ungodly shit you’ve ever heard in your life.
Expressed satisfaction at death and destruction of a group/area because god must be punishing them for voting a certain way, or god must be punishing them for whatever it is they don’t like about society they assume said group of people (even if it’s millions) all have.
Disparities among responses - the southeast got almost no coverage, especially Appalachia. The scenario in California is being monitored like a hawk by the media. MSM didn’t say anything about WNC, and the death toll they reported was beyond insulting - there were entire communities wiped out in floods and mudslides, we’re talking thousands of people. Not a word on that.
To watch the video where that screenshot came from, it’s an intel update as of 1/11/2025 on the situation in LA and in Appalachia, click here.
Amping the conspiracy aspect of the event before asking how they can help (or share anything about how others can help) - often these are social media “influencers” and news pundits, modern day whores of babylon.
Politicizing the events: The public response to the fires in LA and people gloating on the internet saying “you get what you vote for!” right, because everyone voted for their neighborhoods to burn to the ground.
Another example: hurricane helene and milton in the southeast and people rushing to post memes of “Haha, I guess the politicians in Florida shouldn’t have taken climate change out of their school textbooks!” or “God punishing MAGA”.
People dehumanize, wish death and celebrate the suffering of those they PERCEIVE to be in opposition to their ideology.
Yes, I’ll show you something dope.
Months later in Western NC, Billy Bond, a permaculture expert has used various methods to clear up the toxic chemicals in the land/water that were making search and rescue volunteers sick, and even killed some cadaver dogs.
This video is not going to tell you all of that, it’s just a brief example of how someone can use their skills to help their community - he is one of many. Learn a skill and inventory the ones you ALREADY have that you aren’t acknowledging!
Finishing the point(s) on Response:
We should note there are very complex responses the people who go through these events themselves have - and dealing with the overwhelming onslaught of community, media and social media parasitism makes it all the more complicated.
When you watch the open celebration (and total silence or malicious coverup by the government and media) of the destruction around you - you lose faith in humanity.
For the record, I’m not advocating for this. We do NOT need a nation of disconnected nihilists - that would be a literal a collective of suicide. Just because it’s understandable why someone would lose faith does not mean we should - but it may be more than reasonable to reappropriate where one places their faith.
Once a person finds themselves at that crossroads, well, who knows where the road will lead them next, but I’d imagine (unless you’re fully committed to never facing reality) we all find ourselves here.
The disparities in responses are worth noting as well.
California absolutely deserves help, but to hear the White House pledged to fund recovery efforts 100% for the next 180 days (likely bad news / smart city installation incoming) yet gave NOTHING to a decimated Appalachia, where people are now sleeping on the streets in the middle of a “polar vortex winter storm” who lost everything to a geoengineered hurricane that traveled 600 miles inland and 2200+ miles in elevation is enraging.
Behavior Worth Noting (Takeaways):
People seem to be more moved by negativity than anything else. I’m watching people have LOTS to say about the fires in Los Angeles, about how they deserve it, it’s their fault, it’s karma, “babylon is burning” — but said nothing when the Southeast got rocked.
Do not take the tiny bits of info you get from the internet/TV and assume you understand anything. There are 9 MILLION people in Los Angeles County. They are NOT all the same. Everyone in this divided ass nation needs to travel more.
Disparities in emergency response: Weird how many resources and evac centers are available to people there immediately, but people in WNC / East TN had NOTHING and are losing the little that they did have (3500 people with FEMA hotel vouchers).
Difference in media coverage - the fires are everywhere in the news which yes, it is important, but I noticed how Hurricane Helene was NOWHERE. By contrast, some individuals who are normally very vocal about disaster relief are strangely silent now that it’s California.
Politics politics politics - religion religion religion - people are ADDICTED to both.
No one is addressing the elephant in the room, STILL.
Final Thoughts
Billy Bond asked Dane Wigington on the livestream they recently did,
“What marching orders can people do right now to move the needle forward on this?”
Dane’s response:
We need to move it now and people need tot keep their pace. We need them to stay at the front line. I could never remember all the people I’ve seen come and go from the front line, never to return, because they think someone else is moving the ball up the field.
All of us are needed. We cannot accomplish this without all of us being on deck and manning this fight. This is a climate engineering Manhattan Project, all of us without our knowledge or consent are subjects in this global experiment that holds everything in the balance, everything.
Everyone, wherever they’re at, can start a spot-fire of awareness in their own particular setting and circles, and you stoke that fire and ask others to do the same until it builds to where it can’t be stomped out, and all these fires merge together and now we have the issue on the radar..
Dane Wigington, Geoengineering Watch
He also mentioned that 23 states are now looking at legislation to ban the spraying of chemtrails / abandon that method of geoengineering. Tennessee just banned it.
EDIT: Since I was not clear enough in the two posts I’ve written (highly suggest visiting PART TWO where I discuss evidence as this is largely a psychological observation) - Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (chemtrails) is only ONE method of Geoengineering. ONE.
The second point I’d like to drive home is just because one state banned SAI does not mean that same state will not continue to be affected by SAI.
Air does not adhere to imaginary borders we call state lines.
The point in Dane Wigington and now me mentioning it is - although I have ZERO faith in legislation or government whatsoever - if all methods of Geoengineering, including SAI, including RF manipulation, HAARP, the seeding method for creating fires as a weapon (see the second post for the military report on that) the list goes on - if we the people made it so ALL of this shit stopped worldwide, then yeah, in theory we’d be way better off.
It’s also worth noting a State passed legislation banning it because that’s an incorporated STATE acknowledging it - most people still don’t believe this is happening, let alone has been for decades. Do you see why that’s still a good thing even though it doesn’t do shit to solve the problem? It’s a step toward more people hopefully realizing, YES, this is ACTUALLY happening.
We’d still have other things to prepare for, like the pole shift and the effects of the solar maximum cycle on the Earth’s naturally weakening magnetosphere, but that’s another topic.
Apparently I have to say all the things I didn’t mean while also mentioning ONE thing I noted. From now on, I will not “Substack while sick”, as I was not as careful writing these as normal since I’ve been down with an illness for the last 8 days and counting. Thanks.
We always knew a tornado or weird weather was coming when we saw heavy spraying when I lived in Nashville, and sure enough, we would, so I’m glad it’s banned there now.
(Still doesn’t mean they won’t be affected by GeoEngineering, see above.)
“bUt ThAt ArEa AlWayS GeTs TorNaDoS!” No shit, that’s what makes it a perfect place to engineer them - you do realize the first time a hurricane was engineered was in Florida, right? Look up Project Cirrus, 1947.
NOAA has an illegal federal gag order on it via Lockheed Martin and Raytheon (private defense contractors) as does the National Weather Service.
They get a script from geoengineers at companies like those and that gets passed down to the local meteorologists.
Same phenomenon of how doctors believed the covid jab was “safe and effective”. They aren’t really testing or measuring this shit for themselves, they’re just regurgitating what they are told from the authorities in their field.
No different than what they were trained to do in school - repeat after me.
There’s nothing scientific about that.
Anyways, I’m outta here. Check in on your people instead of doomscrolling or watching TV.
Oh yeah i forgot, things you can do:
Regarding the LA fires, I’ve contacted people I know there and have remained in contact with them. When needed, I sent money when someone asked - they lost everything and evacuated with the clothes on their back. Ask people what they need.
Other than that, there’s not much anyone can do now, the fires are still going. If you hear of resources like shelters etc you can share those, but likely people on the ground already know where they are.
You can share the link at the top of this article that S2 made for people wanting to track event and incidents in that area.
If you have people there, talk directly to them.
All other resources of what a person can do to be useful in these scenarios can be found in articles I put out during the hurricanes. Regarding SAR (search and rescue) efforts, I don’t believe Grindstone Ministries is going to California, but I saw that Aerial Recovery Group was headed that way - tap in with them if you’re interested.
I have no idea who is still helping in WNC / East TN from Helene.
You can also send out prayers of healing and protection.
To people who have dealt with real SHTF scenarios of any kind, what do you have on your preparedness checklist / plan that you’re willing to share?
Let us not forget that regarding LA - these “fires” all look identical to DEW (Direct Energy Weapons) which are the easiest thing to research on your own if you’re somehow unfamiliar.
We know what’s happening - smart city land grab and herding - same shit as Maui, same shit as Appalachia, same thing in several other areas.
The question is, what are we going to do about it? What are we able to control? What can we do in our own lives?
“ We always knew a tornado or weird weather was coming when we saw heavy spraying when I lived in Nashville, and sure enough, we would, so I’m glad it’s banned there now. “. HA! You are being facetious, right?!
California Water Supply
The Resnicks control 57% of the Kern Water Bank, controlling California’s water supply.
They profit while we suffer. Water that could fight fires is going to their crops. Privatizing water = crisis for the people. Time to take back control!