Months ago, I was introduced to the concept of ‘the silent mind’ and it turned out to be another life changer. Tuning into Source through the silent mind connects me to that larger consciousness.

I know now that even 10 minutes will help me to be at peace or to avoid sleepless or disturbed nights.

You introducing me to kundalini yoga has had a snowball effect, going from kriyas to meditations and further.

You are such a bright light!

Love, hugs and blessings 💙🙏💫🥰🤗

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Love you Joyce!!!!! I was just thinking about you yesterday. 🙏

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Thank you for the gems you’ve shared, each one lands deeply.

The fastest way to ground yourself is through the body. Engage the muscles of the perineum (vaginal, rectal), hold for 10 seconds, release, and repeat three times. This instantly drops you into Hara, the deep abdominal center where strength, earthly wisdom, and grounded presence reside. It brings you right here, right now: where there is only this moment, nothing else...

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Yes!!!! The root lock. Learned that in kundalini yoga. Thank you so much for your expansion on that. I’m glad the videos landed too, I’m very grateful to have found them. Much love ❤️

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I stop, close my eyes, and alter my breathing. One deep, slow breath - in through the nose and out through the mouth - after another. I then remind myself that all will unfold as it should, and that usually grounds me. ☺️

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I love this. Thank you for sharing it ❤️🌹✨

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I’ve just started to meditate and am working on accessing my akashic records. This is totally new to me yet feels so right.

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Omg I’m so happy to hear this!!!! Meditation is revolution, returning to the real!!!

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It is! I wish I’d started sooner ✨

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