Girl! I believe one needs to be true to oneself! Pleasing the masses is not possible and probably not even advisable. We have to keep our mouth shut way too much nowadays and at least creatively we can be ourselves. You are and continue to be an inspiration my friend!
Thank you very much. It's quite the game of .... i dont even know what to call it between the way they're cracking down on art now plus the revulsion of the ones who identify more with government propaganda than they do their own humanity (or they confuse the two) so thank you for this.
Dear brave soul we are living in a world where “forces” can change things with a click of a button. In my opinion - the only way to keep the meaningful, heartfelt, authentic art going is via face to face events (but the reach is not great) or/and post on platforms on line and ask the audience to share and share some more plus reposting regularly the same bits of art in whatever form one does it - paintings, music, poetry, writing and so on!
thank you so much for this. you are right the face to face option is most powerful, and yes you are also correct in that the reach is just honestly sad - most people get all their info online even where to attend events, but i will still never give up on IRL events. I always feel weird asking people to help share music or poetry but I suppose I can try that during this time and the worst anyone can say is no lol. THank you so much for this.
and when the truth is ugly - this is where my question lies. Ultimately though, I agree with you, I do not believe in really toning anything down if it compromises the truth in any way.
I've come to find that book recommendations are my best truth spreading helper, as I've found that many if not most people these days DO NOT want to be taught by a peer. It's the strangest thing, as I love being taught new things no matter who is doing the teaching. Perhaps it's because we have access to so much information that we feel like we already know everything, or most certainly know enough to form a cohesive world view. And speaking of books, it probably has something to do with "judging the book (i.e., the person) by its cover." And this is just speaking from my personal experience, but when I'm attempting to drop knowledge on some random person, or even a friend, family member, or colleague, they probably cannot help but thinking, "what in God's good a guttered name is this tattooed weirdo gonna teach me about anything?!" Now, perhaps I'm just projecting, but it sure does feel that way quite often. Hence, I now keep it simple and drop a book recommendation, and sure as shit, a few months later, they tend to come back and say, "you know, I think you were right about so and so..."
interesting observation here. I've recommended several books to people asking for advice or even sent them video/podcast/lectures on various subjects and they still asked me to "bullet point it" or summarize it for them and im like... nah. however i was moreso talking about music as im gettin ready to release new music and already dealing with a lot of issues and it isnt even released yet. I released a spoken word poetry piece a few days ago and it was blocked in the united states by Spotify. fun!
Ah, well in regards to music, there may not be a better medium to use when trying to spread the word of truth, as once you have them subconsciously grooving with you in agreement, the conscious words of truth have a much better chance to be effective.
Taste is subjective—so therefore what is palatable to one may be bitter to others. Attempting to make our stuff taste good to everyone? I’ll leave that to the idiots at Kraft Heinz, General Mills, and Kelloggs. Besides—sugar is poison. 🤷🏻♂️😎
Artists make people uncomfortable sometimes. There are always statements that cannot be expressed without retribution. I also feel art is more personal than a salve that has to treat whatever wrongs in the world. Bringing raw expression to the fore is itself enlightening without making an obvious statement of truth. The truth is in the doing of art.
You seem to have answered your own question in the memes, which I see as bite-sized art. There are no masses, just specific audiences. For example, two of the memes - the Pearls Before Swine comic and the zombie picture with the Orwell quote - both speak the same “truth” - that using one’s phone to scroll the internet is bad for your mental and physical health as well as for your ability to meaningfully engage with and respond to what’s going on. The PBS comic’s audience is made up of newspaper and online comics readers. There’s definitely overlap between that audience and one who will know who Orwell was and what 1984 is about, but I would guess they’re not responding the same way to zombie memes or even seeking them out. I admit I’m making generalizations, but it does help to think of the nuances in who’s seeking out the art in the first place. So maybe you don’t need to soften the art itself, but think about how to soften the edges of your audience so your art reaches more people.
whoa. this right here. not soften the art but soften the edges of the audience. or define them. that has been the emerging question that i’ve been having to level with, that i cannot actually speak to “all people” - if I did i’d have to just… stand outside and make a weird noise and walk back in. Thank you so much for this. You defined in words I needed to hear what I was thinking but didn’t know how to “figure out” if that makes sense. Thank you again.
I’ll let you know if I come up with any genius ways to determine that 😆 also an interesting game bc we as people are always changing so the people we resonate with will also shift… in theory. <3
To me, there is a middle ground - it's like an approach to how to deal with swimming. The 'palatable' approach is to shield your children from it, to gently advise of theoretical ideas about water itself, but always in highly-protective mode... ever keeping them away from the water itself. The 'hard-core truth' option is to take the kid out on a boat, throw them in damned water, and tell them to 'swim or sink.'
Of course there is a third option, and that is to TEACH them how to swim, putting in the work to bring them along at their own pace so that - when you are done - they are not only have the skill, but can be confident in said-skill.
lol i dont meditate “hard” that’d defeat the purpose. meditate is just an easier/faster way to sum up what im actually doing. and of course it resonates, thats why i wrote the post posing the question in the first place 🙏
There are different degrees to which people are under threat to life and physical safety based on how they express themselves.
And even those who must limit their expressions for a time... experience a profound medicine through being able to witness, silently blessing or maybe getting to extend nourishment to those who can express themselves more directly from where they're at.
Whatever bridges we can build to increase stabilized dialogue (in any way, for any participants, in any mote of timespace)... increase recognition of the value of honest communication (arts and plainspeak too)... and to increase collective support for free life-honoring expression... we've got to do it.
Whenever any one of us can say the truth we've experienced as clearly and accurately and forthrightly as we can, it's a service to all.
And wherever we find ourselves in the spectrum of being able to do that as outright as we like, or getting there at the pace we can get there without being killed for it, preserving our ability to offer our gifts to the collective in every way we can, that's part of being in service too.
Great post. Made my eyes like platters, seeing the thing about Spotify and spoken word earlier today. Thank you for your work, friend.
You're so welcome. When I get to spend time with your content, it has reverberating ramifications for me. It shifts and strengthens my energy. It's a great blessing.
Girl! I believe one needs to be true to oneself! Pleasing the masses is not possible and probably not even advisable. We have to keep our mouth shut way too much nowadays and at least creatively we can be ourselves. You are and continue to be an inspiration my friend!
Thank you very much. It's quite the game of .... i dont even know what to call it between the way they're cracking down on art now plus the revulsion of the ones who identify more with government propaganda than they do their own humanity (or they confuse the two) so thank you for this.
Dear brave soul we are living in a world where “forces” can change things with a click of a button. In my opinion - the only way to keep the meaningful, heartfelt, authentic art going is via face to face events (but the reach is not great) or/and post on platforms on line and ask the audience to share and share some more plus reposting regularly the same bits of art in whatever form one does it - paintings, music, poetry, writing and so on!
Your voice is powerful and needed!
thank you so much for this. you are right the face to face option is most powerful, and yes you are also correct in that the reach is just honestly sad - most people get all their info online even where to attend events, but i will still never give up on IRL events. I always feel weird asking people to help share music or poetry but I suppose I can try that during this time and the worst anyone can say is no lol. THank you so much for this.
If you censor yourself it's not truthful. Art should be about truth and beauty.
and when the truth is ugly - this is where my question lies. Ultimately though, I agree with you, I do not believe in really toning anything down if it compromises the truth in any way.
Well said.
Uh no, no a 1000 times no! And if there’s a way the artist can craft the truth as artfully as possible, all the better.
PS. Great post Tesstamona!
thank you and thank you!
I've come to find that book recommendations are my best truth spreading helper, as I've found that many if not most people these days DO NOT want to be taught by a peer. It's the strangest thing, as I love being taught new things no matter who is doing the teaching. Perhaps it's because we have access to so much information that we feel like we already know everything, or most certainly know enough to form a cohesive world view. And speaking of books, it probably has something to do with "judging the book (i.e., the person) by its cover." And this is just speaking from my personal experience, but when I'm attempting to drop knowledge on some random person, or even a friend, family member, or colleague, they probably cannot help but thinking, "what in God's good a guttered name is this tattooed weirdo gonna teach me about anything?!" Now, perhaps I'm just projecting, but it sure does feel that way quite often. Hence, I now keep it simple and drop a book recommendation, and sure as shit, a few months later, they tend to come back and say, "you know, I think you were right about so and so..."
interesting observation here. I've recommended several books to people asking for advice or even sent them video/podcast/lectures on various subjects and they still asked me to "bullet point it" or summarize it for them and im like... nah. however i was moreso talking about music as im gettin ready to release new music and already dealing with a lot of issues and it isnt even released yet. I released a spoken word poetry piece a few days ago and it was blocked in the united states by Spotify. fun!
Ah, well in regards to music, there may not be a better medium to use when trying to spread the word of truth, as once you have them subconsciously grooving with you in agreement, the conscious words of truth have a much better chance to be effective.
Also, that first meme about the Epstein client list is hilarious!
lmao i know i loved it, cant remember who posted it but i think i found that one on the 'stack
Taste is subjective—so therefore what is palatable to one may be bitter to others. Attempting to make our stuff taste good to everyone? I’ll leave that to the idiots at Kraft Heinz, General Mills, and Kelloggs. Besides—sugar is poison. 🤷🏻♂️😎
I love this so much. THANK YOU
Artists make people uncomfortable sometimes. There are always statements that cannot be expressed without retribution. I also feel art is more personal than a salve that has to treat whatever wrongs in the world. Bringing raw expression to the fore is itself enlightening without making an obvious statement of truth. The truth is in the doing of art.
thank you for this.
Your welcome.
Trust yourself. You’re doing great Tesstamona! 🙏💖
thank you friend
"posting subversive content doesn’t mean we are basement dwellers"
—But my office IS in the basement! 😳🤣
Lmfaoooo 😆😆😆😆 hey at least you leave the basement though! Only a mission based per diem dweller in your case 😆😭🙌
I TRY to play the part of the creepy basement-dweller. But alas, I am too beautiful.
You seem to have answered your own question in the memes, which I see as bite-sized art. There are no masses, just specific audiences. For example, two of the memes - the Pearls Before Swine comic and the zombie picture with the Orwell quote - both speak the same “truth” - that using one’s phone to scroll the internet is bad for your mental and physical health as well as for your ability to meaningfully engage with and respond to what’s going on. The PBS comic’s audience is made up of newspaper and online comics readers. There’s definitely overlap between that audience and one who will know who Orwell was and what 1984 is about, but I would guess they’re not responding the same way to zombie memes or even seeking them out. I admit I’m making generalizations, but it does help to think of the nuances in who’s seeking out the art in the first place. So maybe you don’t need to soften the art itself, but think about how to soften the edges of your audience so your art reaches more people.
whoa. this right here. not soften the art but soften the edges of the audience. or define them. that has been the emerging question that i’ve been having to level with, that i cannot actually speak to “all people” - if I did i’d have to just… stand outside and make a weird noise and walk back in. Thank you so much for this. You defined in words I needed to hear what I was thinking but didn’t know how to “figure out” if that makes sense. Thank you again.
You’re very welcome! Yes, figuring out the audience for one’s art can be really hard. I frequently wrestle with that as an author.
I’ll let you know if I come up with any genius ways to determine that 😆 also an interesting game bc we as people are always changing so the people we resonate with will also shift… in theory. <3
To me, there is a middle ground - it's like an approach to how to deal with swimming. The 'palatable' approach is to shield your children from it, to gently advise of theoretical ideas about water itself, but always in highly-protective mode... ever keeping them away from the water itself. The 'hard-core truth' option is to take the kid out on a boat, throw them in damned water, and tell them to 'swim or sink.'
Of course there is a third option, and that is to TEACH them how to swim, putting in the work to bring them along at their own pace so that - when you are done - they are not only have the skill, but can be confident in said-skill.
Just my two cents, for what their worth... :-)
I think they are worth a great deal, certainly more than two pennies my friend! Thank you!
The ink used to write the poets words are equal parts, blood and tears.
Blood and tears shared forges unbreakable bonds.
Art is all about communication, sharing experience.
Communication is about connection.
Taken all together,
New bonds, new experiences are created,
That is the real beauty.
We were created to connect and create.
A thousand times AMEN. Yo btw, I hope everything has gotten worked out with your house 🙏
It's in process. Logistics etc are complicated . The mold is in the addition built onto the 100 year plus stone and timber cottage.
Very important questions.
I chose 'Other'
As there is always a trinary option between yin and yang there is trinary option that joins the two.
If One is called to the frontline where pens and swords meet.
Then so be it the binary of choosing immortal acts of creativity
or the destructive construct of obedience.
they both come from the same source.
The intent is pure mastery.
im going to go ahead and meditate on this whole comment this weekend. Thank you.
no worries… don’t meditate too hard. It will come naturally if it resonates..
lol i dont meditate “hard” that’d defeat the purpose. meditate is just an easier/faster way to sum up what im actually doing. and of course it resonates, thats why i wrote the post posing the question in the first place 🙏
There are different degrees to which people are under threat to life and physical safety based on how they express themselves.
And even those who must limit their expressions for a time... experience a profound medicine through being able to witness, silently blessing or maybe getting to extend nourishment to those who can express themselves more directly from where they're at.
Whatever bridges we can build to increase stabilized dialogue (in any way, for any participants, in any mote of timespace)... increase recognition of the value of honest communication (arts and plainspeak too)... and to increase collective support for free life-honoring expression... we've got to do it.
Whenever any one of us can say the truth we've experienced as clearly and accurately and forthrightly as we can, it's a service to all.
And wherever we find ourselves in the spectrum of being able to do that as outright as we like, or getting there at the pace we can get there without being killed for it, preserving our ability to offer our gifts to the collective in every way we can, that's part of being in service too.
Great post. Made my eyes like platters, seeing the thing about Spotify and spoken word earlier today. Thank you for your work, friend.
I know I replied to you in the note but I wanted to again say thank you.
You're so welcome. When I get to spend time with your content, it has reverberating ramifications for me. It shifts and strengthens my energy. It's a great blessing.
This is beautiful, thank you so much. I heard TJ Morris from Bear Independent say something very similar the other day. 🙏