Great, great love.

"What is my motivation for getting out of this bed?

I meant that seriously, not in some sarcastic or

self-pitying way.

What is it?"


"to slow down enough and

embody that which we call


"It never means the absence of fear, it means going forth in the presence therein."


"Ask myself in every moment,

where is Love here?

How can I harmonize with it?"


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🙏 🙏 🙏

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"nothing external to blame,

my spark has been dimmed,

and it is that spark of life that makes

a being sovereign."

But not to worry... Caveman TV, the campfire, naturally damps down, but can easily be stirred back into blazing brilliance. Ebb and flow is normal. 🙏❤️

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Thank you for this reminder. Lol Caveman TV. The fire- seems to be calling me and perhaps all of us during this approaching solstice and slowing down of things. Much love to you friend.

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Nice to know that the sensorship is not being censored among us all. The wheelhouse is shiny and bright, even with the odd, occasional cobweb. 🕸️

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True. and if you mean censorship regarding the music, technically it has been, but not to the degree where it was removed from youtube, so in THIS current “climate”, that’s a blessing. I’ve had a few videos yeeted from other platforms but to hell with them. Or perhaps you meant censorship of another form, like the way we can often censor ourselves. Thank you for this. Even with the cobwebs, yes, there is still light. 🙏

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You are not alone. I’ve been having the same thoughts for the past month. You will ignite the fire to fuel your quest.

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Thank you for this. One of my friends said the same thing to me this AM.. I was not in a good place and he just emphasized that even though it feels like we are alone, we are NOT… so many ppl are going through what he refers to as “initiations” or “hell” right now. So thank you for also making it known that you are here too, it can be quite hard to see through the fog. Keep me posted with how u are doing. We will both re-ignite.

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Just typed a new post as an update in my life currently. Check it out whenever you get time to.

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You can do this. You’ll find your spark. ✨

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Thank you. <3

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I'm riding the same wave. The dreams have been vivid and lucid. Almost like I'm blending the two realms. Maybe that's the why it feels fitting to enjoy the soft glow of the coals... Cook some jiffy pop on top. I think the big show is on its way. Rest while we can.

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Your spark may have dimmed but its essence still smolders, and you will once again ignite the fires to fuel your quest. Do not despair. I, for one, will walk beside you along this journey. You’re not alone.

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Thank you. I have been so slow to reply to pretty much everything, but I saw this and wanted to make sure I caught it. Thank you for being you.

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You are welcome. As always, I do not comment in hopes of a reply, but to provide some respite for a soul weary from battle. You offer prodigious amounts of energy & thought-provoking content for those searching for a path through this new territory. I offer you a metaphorical watering hole to rejuvenate your own spirit. Onward…

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Wish I had em on Spotify, oh well.

The line about gasoline fumes.

Remember, gas in liquid doesn't burn, only when it is a gas, fumes. only in its transformed ethereal state.

Then with a spark it explodes.

It's not the flame that burns you know

When there are flames, you learn.

Flames dance,

Dance with them.

Burn bright, set fire to the night!

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Really happy to read you're quitting cigarettes. 🔥🔥

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Oh, I also like going from censorship to Senseorship. Don't quite know what it means just yet...maybe being guided by a new sense, a new instinct?

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Wonderful meditation on the big WHY? Why do this? It makes me think about my WHYs which I'm working on to turn them into WHENs.

I love how it ends on the "note" of determination. One by one all of what held you down are being burned away, especially given since Pluto entered Aquarius.

This is the time to go boldly into yourself and by extension, the Universe, Source, Universal Mind. You got this Tess!

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