I just lost a good friend a few days ago. When I saw his ex wife, who I am also friends with post about his passing I lost my breath and a blanket of guilt surrounded me. I wish I would have checked on him more often but I am glad he is no longer suffering. I remember at each meeting he would give me a hug and for those few seconds it was like all the noise stopped. He was one of the good ones. One of the first men I looked up to and that I finally felt safe to be around and comfortable enough to open up about my struggles. I’m gonna miss going to get coffee to talk about life and moving furniture with him.

I wholeheartedly agree about pain has taught me the most in this life and nothing else has made me get uncomfortable than pain. I’m a hard head so life has to keep breaking me until I finally surrender and ask for help; but when I do ask for help a weight is lifted off my shoulders in the acceptance that I don’t have to do life alone anymore and that I am loved and cared for even though my head still tells me I’m not worthy of any of that. It’s just a matter of picking up that seemingly heavy phone and connecting with someone we feel safe with. Much love to you and I’m sorry for your loss.

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Oh yeah I love the picture you included for Amy and how you honored her.

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My condolences for your loss. As to God allowing evil to happen, it all comes down to free will choices. That’s the beauty of it and the greatest love is that the universe works according to Natural Law and Hermetic principles. It all consists on the choices we make individually and in the aggregate. It is our greatest strength but also can be our downfall. The creator does not force it on us, God allows us to choose for ourselves with guidance (angels?) or perils (demons?). This is Love. No one can be forced to come into this way of being and understanding polarity, correspondence, vibration. It can only be shown, taught and experienced by the individual and the karma which proceeds. I was in the middle of writing a short story and saw your comment so I read it. Thought you could use some good vibes from the earnestness of your writing. Plus I needed a break. Ha!

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