If you’re alive on planet earth in 2023 I’m assuming you’re familiar with the way addiction, PTSD and it’s related symptoms destroy and ultimately take lives.
But there is something else at play here…
One spirit leaves… but a few more emerge. All in the same week.
Deaths have come so frequently over the years that it…starts to become something you can’t describe with words in regards to how we process it.
A beautiful soul passed away a few days ago. As tragic as it is for all who are left behind to grieve her absence… I know her pain is over.
In the same week, two people extremely close to me emerged from the living-death, meaning the fires of addiction. These two people do not know each other, but ironically, they have the same new sobriety date. I pray it remains that way.
The circle of life continues. When someone dies, it fires us up even more to stand harder in the light, to never give in to the doomscroll hysteria culture, to be relentlessly devoted to solution based living, and remain authentic when we fuck up or are losing our shit too, because if we aren’t allowing ourselves permission to be human, we aren’t creating safety for others to do the same.
Other people taking the risk to be vulnerable is what saved my life when I got sober, because I was able to follow suit. Then something totally foreign and terrifying became habit. Baring ones soul and truth before many.
When pain is shared, Love is born.
It’s not easy to stand on the firing lines. It’s almost an art form to be devotional to our loved ones and to the world at large, without forgetting to also love ourselves, and not neglect our own needs when we are busy focusing on how we can show up for other people. If you’ve got things that have helped you in this area, please share in the comments. I could use it. I’m sure others could too.
I had a thought regarding the concept between good and evil, angels and demons, dark and light, and our concept of God. It was odd, I’ll share it.
I know the Great All exists because of my experience with it. I am not part of a religion. However, the common question arose in my mind the other night, which is this:
“How could God be all good or love us if God allows evil to do evil on this world? If that is the case, God either does not love us, or God is not all-powerful, or must not even exist.”
This phrase is said and thought in many different wordings, and I understand why. This world can be very hard to make sense of.
Here was the thought that came into my head after that question:
Demons serve a purpose.
What pushes you toward the light, or toward that which we call God, harder and more authentically than that which we refer to as Demons? Or Darkness?
Would there be a need to evolve if we did not suffer? Would there be a need to seek a higher consciousness if we were not suffocated in the one we were stagnant in? Would we ever give two shits about God if there wasn’t a life-or-death need to walk the path toward that which is something beyond words?
I don’t know about you. What I know about me, is that NOTHING has ever propelled me further into the best experiences of my life than extreme hardship. Nothing has taught me better lessons and given me better gifts than extreme hardship. I’m not saying this is the only way to walk that path or receive blessings and growth in life, but that has been my personal experience. I learn things the hard way. Pain has been the touchstone of all of my spiritual growth — and that is not an original statetment from me. For those of you in recovery, you likely recognize where I got it from.
However, you don’t have to be in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction to be able to relate with that. We are all human. We all bleed. We all love. We all grieve. We all gain, we all lose. We all suffer, and if we’re lucky and we learn how to surf the cosmic ocean, and the often savage ocean, we will all know what it is to thrive and prosper.
Freedom. Is there any more of a worthy pursuit and value?
Freedom isn’t just “the government can fuck off entirely”, although I do tend to lean that way if we’re talking politics. But I’m not interested in bread and circuses these days.
Freedom is a state of being. It is a consciousness. A higher consciousness. Love is there, Love with a capital L. God is there. You wanna know what ISNT there? Fear. Fear is fucking nowhere to be found. And that, my friends, is attainable and available to each and every one of us.
On fear:
There are many spiritual and religious teachings that tell us to put our faith in God and not to fear. To pray. This can very easily be manipulated and abused to a lower frequency and translate to passivity and bystander syndrome in ones life. That is not what I am talking about.
I considered that, and then another thought came to mind:
That’s not what was meant by those teachings. That teaching is to literally prevent the pollution of the quantum field by collective anxiety and fear and angst. I may be wrong, but that shit does make sense. Let me give you an example:
Have you ever been caught in a cycle when you were constantly trying to control something out of fear, and because of incessant interference on your end, you actually made shit worse?
Yes, me too.
Now, have you ever found yourself in the same situation, but restrained yourself from interfering, and instead, did something like prayed? Or turned your attention to something else, and just got yourself out of the way?
Did you notice that it actually worked itself out 1000x better?
Yes, me too.
We are all connected on every level. You see it. I see it. You can even see when “moods” are going around in the collective. Energy is just as contagious as anything we view as a contagion in the medical sense. Whether positive, negative or neutral, it makes no difference. We are all connected in a quantum field, in a cosmic ocean. The entire universe operates off of vibrations, and our thoughts and emotions are creating these vibrations constantly. We are all communicating with each other without words all the time.
Don’t know why I’m sharing any of this, just decided to. Maybe it will help someone. It’s interesting to consider though. Demons do have their place, and when we break the cycle they hold over us, we step over them and enter a realm of a higher consciousness. They are teachers too, and ultimately, if we know this, they can be defeated at their own game, because they all point toward the light, just not when you stare directly at them, if that makes sense.
The relaxing of our need to worry and fear incessantly, lord that is hard and no one should shove their emotions down, but there are several actions to take to alchemize/transmute that fear energy into something that is less of an interference to the natural order of things being able to play out. One last example of that:
Have you ever been trapped in a really fucked up cycle, and as soon as you stepped out of it, the blessings rushed at you so fast that they almost felt anxious to get to you? As if they were saying, FINALLY, we’ve been WAITING! And then the flood gates open, and everything around you transforms. Some true blue Cinderella shit, from rags to riches on every level, except it’s not a dream, you don’t turn back to rags at midnight. You just stay in that energy, unless you choose to go back to the familiar cycle. Often we see this happen, but that’s another article.
When we get the fuck out of our own way (and others way), we free up things that we often refer to as Divine Timing, Miracles, Gods Will, Magic, etcetera.
I don’t know if this post will mean anything to anyone, but I am writing what I feel. It’s an emotional time of sorts, and I am not unique in feeling the feels. Grief from death and changes and separations are real and I allow and honor them.
Fear and hope and love and new light and miracles are real, and I stand by and watch them, breath half held… just continuing to be surprised by what is possible in this world… which so far is everything.
If you benefit from this publication in any way, please pass it on to someone you love. If you’d like to support my work in other ways, feel free to become a subscriber. Love you.
(Final message at bottom of image.)
Rest In Peace… and FLY IN BLISS… Dear Amy.
And to everyone we have lost in recent years. Alexa, you crossed my mind the other night. I wish you were here.
To the ones who have chosen life, after existing in the living-death for so long…. you have no idea the tears of gratitude I have cried for your return. Thank you for choosing to be here and to give this life thing another shot. I know it is the furthest thing from easy. But you are needed. Please, stay a little while longer.
I just lost a good friend a few days ago. When I saw his ex wife, who I am also friends with post about his passing I lost my breath and a blanket of guilt surrounded me. I wish I would have checked on him more often but I am glad he is no longer suffering. I remember at each meeting he would give me a hug and for those few seconds it was like all the noise stopped. He was one of the good ones. One of the first men I looked up to and that I finally felt safe to be around and comfortable enough to open up about my struggles. I’m gonna miss going to get coffee to talk about life and moving furniture with him.
I wholeheartedly agree about pain has taught me the most in this life and nothing else has made me get uncomfortable than pain. I’m a hard head so life has to keep breaking me until I finally surrender and ask for help; but when I do ask for help a weight is lifted off my shoulders in the acceptance that I don’t have to do life alone anymore and that I am loved and cared for even though my head still tells me I’m not worthy of any of that. It’s just a matter of picking up that seemingly heavy phone and connecting with someone we feel safe with. Much love to you and I’m sorry for your loss.
Oh yeah I love the picture you included for Amy and how you honored her.