I definitely needed this message this moment. Thank you for the positivity

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Grateful for you friend. If you're still in GA hopefully we can link up this spring/summer. 🙏

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I will actually be going to welding school beginning of June for 1 year in Kentucky

Hopefully we can link up before. If not then we can sometime after

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no shit! dude thats awesome!!! yes i'd be down to meetup before that if you've got the time before you move. I'm on the gulf coast of FL so not sure which part of GA you're in but its about an 8 hour drive to get up to the FL/GA line for me, which aint bad 😎

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I’m in Woodstock so more northwest GA

What part of FL you in

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I am on the Gulf coast, south of tampa in the Sarasota area so we're prolly like.. 10 hours apart?

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That’s not too bad we could possibly link up at a halfway point.

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I love the song, it's simply great, a bit short so I play it in loop indefinitely

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Omg! So, when I look at Substack comments, it doesn’t let me see which article it is and I thought you were responding to an article I wrote where I shared two different songs with two different vibes from other artists. I didn’t realize it was this article. I think I need more sleep but also, I can’t tell you how much that means to me, I didn’t know you were talking about that song. Thank you.🙏

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which one?! i love em both :-)

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You did it again, Tess... 🔥🔥🔥 Great piece!

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Thank you Stone! Much love to you

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This is wonderful, and so true, Tesstamona. Thank you for reminding me this morning. I've rebuilt my life so many times, pushed relentlessly through so much adversity - there are times that I'm just spent in every way imaginable. However, I *have* risen from the ashes time and again, which is why the symbolism of the phoenix resonates so deeply with me - as it does for so many others.

I'm in a period of searching again, for whatever it is I'm meant to do at this point in my life. I'm reaching for something, but I don't quite know what it is yet. If I've learned anything, though, it's that when the time is right, I'll find myself already in the middle of it and be able to look back to see how I was guided there without even realizing it.

I have an artistic rendering of a phoenix that takes my breath away, and I've seen nothing else like it. I've wanted it to be a tattoo for at least 2 decades, but I never get around to it because it will be mother effing expensive. I need to save up for it, so I have a visual reminder daily.

Here's to supporting and encouraging one another on our respective journeys. 💕

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Thank you so much for this. This sentence right here: "If I've learned anything, though, it's that when the time is right, I'll find myself already in the middle of it and be able to look back to see how I was guided there without even realizing it." -- YES. yes to all of it. We are on the same journey and thank you for that reminder... it is understood. BTW I massively support the Phoenix tattoo. I have been feeling the need to add to the ones on my skin as well - I haven't because of the funds, but I think the time is nearing where I'll be in a good position to spend a little bit to document some of these rites of passage and reminders. Heres to the shared ride and journey 🙏 🌟 🙏

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"I saw the gap again today

While you were begging me to stay

Take care not to make me enter

If I do we both may disappear

If I do we both may disappear

I saw the gap again today

While you were begging me to stay

Managed to push myself away

And you as well, my dear

And you as well

Pushed you away, my dear

Pushed you away

Pushed you away

Pushed you away, my dear

I will choke until I swallow

Choke this infant here before me

What are you but my reflection?

Who am I to judge or strike you down?

Who am I to judge or strike you down?"

I love finding different contexts for this song, it's my favorite, and I think it really fits here.

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Those lyrics are beautiful --- when you say "this song" -- are those your lyrics/your unreleased song?? or is that from a song that I should know about but don't?

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It is a song called Pushit by Tool, the version from their album Salival is the one that is my favorite.

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Give up the false self and stay risen. The ups and downs are mostly mechanical mind mishaps which keep you entranced. Many love the ups and downs because that is all they have to make them feel real and alive. Shuck what society tells you and live in a higher state of being, or your true self.

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Men of England, heirs of Glory,

Heroes of unwritten story,

Nurslings of one mighty Mother,

Hopes of her, and one another;

‘Rise like Lions after slumber

In unvanquishable number,

Shake your chains to earth like dew

Which in sleep had fallen on you –

Ye are many – they are few.

~Masque of Anarchy

by Percy Bysshe Shelley


God bless you, lady. You inspire many. Amen.

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Mar 15
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Thank you for sharing this. I relate very much and it always helps to know who is walking their way out of that and back toward ourselves. Much love to you.

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Mar 14
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and thank you!! 😭 and to answer your question -- YES, one of the songs is underway (meaning halfway through the recording process) the other two have the instrumentals in place btu haven't laid down vocals yet. Planning on doing that this weekend... which starts tomorrow. And thank you for asking dude. Cuz for some reason I need all the fkng rerminders I can get to get the fuck back to what makes me feel most alive. I am gonna log off here and finish unpacking my apartment so I can make proper space for recorrding this weekend. ❤️

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