wow. I salute you

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🫡 🙏

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be safe I just heard the forecast.

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Wow! Just wow! Tesstamona, this was by far the best thing I have listened to today; I can relate to everything you said! We are the ceo of our own lives and don’t need permission from others to live but when we are in survival mode we can’t see anything else other than survive for that day or week. Without help it is damn near impossible. Thank You! This gave me strength!

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Thank you so much for listening. .Love you. I hope you are okay. We will keep praying for those who are still in the hot zone in Florida. If you need to get in there to check on family, when I return home after it passes, let me know because we could organize a convoy going in.

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Love you too. I’m hanging in there best I can for right now. I’m going to attempt to get in contact with my family that’s down there through Facebook.

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let them know if they have iphone 14s or above, to upgrade to the iOS 18 software - then go to settings, apps, messages, and there’s a place where you can use satellite for text messages if cell service goes down. Only on recent conversations though, so make sure you text them if they decide to get that before they lose service.

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Thanks for the info

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Tesstamona my dear brave soul I am listening to your words and tears are streaming on my face! Your words again resonate with me. The self sabotage, the mountain of challenges you had to endure and conquer, the loneliness, putting aside your life calling because you have very little choice, helping others without thinking about you. Yes we are the CEO of our lives but girl when you are in the middle of so many storms (real and metaphorical) you cannot see anything because one is in SURVIVAL mode. Without help it is almost impossible. I will stop here and send you a private message. You are treasured, you are seen, you are an inspiration. I am listening to your words while searching for a job as I had to leave my previous one after 2 years and 8 months of being bullied relentlessly. So your recording gave me strength today ... thank you!

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Thank you so much. I am grateful this helped you. I will talk to you in prpivate messages, just now able to go through these and see these.

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Last year working in cape tribulation I got this vibe to leave. 7 weeks later cyclone wiped the place completely. But yeh hurricanes cyclones typhoon they are shifting us all to come together in new spaces both inner and outer. Great to hear your going through it and with resilience and philosophically.

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Warrior spirit 💪

Thanks for sharing and all your beautiful honesty in these times.

Algorithm ghetto hit home and landed so well.

I pray you keep making soul music for all of us out here that energize from it. !

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Thank you. I really appreciate these words of kindness today. ❤️

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It's blowing my mind as to how little factual , detailed info on Hurricane Helene has reached me in Australia. Even the local insurance industry rags are not covering it like usual.

Still listening thru. Man, my Very sincere condolences over the string of loss & deaths beseiging you.

I'm listening still though.


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Thank you. We have hurricane milton incoming now, I had to evacuate the day after recording this. its nuts. and if it makes you feel any better, our OWN media here in the US is suppressing the shit out of these disasters, because they are not natural in any way. this is war, but we will focus on survival right now before we tackle anything further. Godspeed and God Bless you.

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Got the deep shudders at 16min in, when you described the darkness blowing in, like a chill wind.. I got transported back to October 1st around midnight when a sudden sinking feeling seeped in around me.

I live alone but it felt much like the rooms around me filled up with more stillness and silent heavy emptyness. It was dreadful but I dealt with it.

Have to. Think I did some singing and some writing, read old journals from Decades ago which I wrote during the best party years of my life, living it up in the big smoke of Sydney.

You are compelling and your unbridled emotive stream of consciousness is doing a world of good to my soul, and ewaking up some of the deep scars Ive buried in the last couple of years.

Gotta live more raw. Because this is a state of war.

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“Gotta live more raw, this is a state of war” - i love this and also thank you for sharing all of what you did. my mind is scrambled at the moment with all this going on but i just read this and i wanted to say thank you.

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Milady, I hear you. You are not alone in your revelation. The most critical thing of all is Love. The choice to love, the act to love, is the path to healing.

Grief teaches us the agonizing critical significance of love.

Giving love, which is giving yourself, is a blessing on all levels. Not only for others, but also, your own heart mind and soul.

That is the only reason and purpose to life.

Life is a battle. Our only weapon, is Love.

Just as in a duel, the action, the strike, provides defense. Strike with the sword of love.

All of creation is the echoing resonance of GOD'S voice.

Tolkien eloquently described it as a song.

We are All, part of that song.

That song is Love.

Music, song, true poetry, is sacred for that reason.

Even grief, is part of that melody.

Sing! Speak the truth of love.

Music speaks directly to the heart and soul, Music connects people.

You are critical, you do have purpose.

You have the weapon for the battle.

The Word of GOD is as sharp as a two edged sword, piercing straight into the heart and soul, dividing truth from delusion.

(I paraphrased Hebrews 4:12)

You are not alone.

Remember, HE is listening.

Join HIM in the song.

The word is Love.

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