God is always in you. Inseparable.

You’re a trooper Tesstamona!

Or should I call you auntie Tesstamona? 😁

Glad you and yours are all well.


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❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️ thank you and God Bless

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Most welcome ma’am. πŸ’•

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Yes. Exactly. GOD bless you.

Love is the answer

Love is the key,

Love is the reason, to be.

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Love is the answer! We are so happy you are here and we love you! Stay safe, take care of yourself, stay prayed up and keep your circle small with only genuine people in it! πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈ

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AMEN!!!!!! My circle of concern is tightening or rather where I allow my energy and attention to go after all this. A great β€œdetox” is upon us. Much love to you Cam.

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As always, your words are just what was needed. You echoed some of the very things going thru my own mind lately, messages that keep coming to me from various sources, which are really all the same Source. I loooove what you said about the sense of peace coming over your friend, the message and knowledge that everything was going to be ok. I know there were multiple groups organizing to pray and meditate collectively on the storm, with the intent of shrinking or even eradicating it, and it ended up being much less harmful than predicted. "When two or more are gathered in My name," right? It's my fervent prayer lately that the ones in charge of causing all this evil that is going on, (you know exactly what I mean), will be exposed and very publicly get a huge dose of karma, and also good karma for all of their victims as well. I have so much faith in the goodness of the future, and I am so grateful for the real ones like yourself who want to see this world returned to the loving place it is meant to be. I am so glad that you and all your loved ones are safe, you have been in my prayers and are always in my heart.

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I feel like I say this almost every time I talk to you but that just goes to show how synced up we are - dude, thank you. I have been in a real weird wormhole with all this hurricane / death messy-ness that this comment kinda helped me a LOT just now. Thank you for showing so much love, thank you even more for keeping us in your prayers. God bless you and I am SO grateful for you, thank you for being who you are.

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You’re welcome, that is what I’m here for. Thank YOU for exactly the same things!

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You are a gift to us from God, and we are so happy you are here. Love you.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. – John 14:27

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Love you so much. You guys are some of the greatest humans on planet Earth and I am so proud of you for everything, and so honored to know you. Plus, I have some pretty incredible art of yours that I get to proudly hang on the wall now. Life Affirming in all of the ways. Thank you for everything. ❀️

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Please take care of yourself, in times like this and what you've been through has surely taken its toll. Know you're not the only one. It's interesting my post last night contained words from Bob Marley. Who knows, there may be a positive energy between all of us like-minded people. Bless you, sweet one!

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Thank you so much for saying this. My brain is fried you are correct. I think I’m gonna get off of my phone and all Internet devices for the remainder of today and just meditate and pray and get centered. I hope you and yours are doing OK, do you guys have your power back yet? Much love to you.

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Yes, we got our power on Tuesday morning. We have all our debris piled up and getting back to normal. We took supplies up to Lake Lure after our power came on, it's down to people helping people now. Sickening about the C-17 being used as a photo opp for Harris. Take care, and be gentle to yourself! Hugs

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Haha! "diet north korea"

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πŸ˜‚ def 2020 Los Angeles for ya - glad I left, only thing I miss is my frens

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