Too many synchronicities to be ignored, Tesstamona - sounds the path is walking you, rather than the other way around πŸ˜‰ I also very much enjoyed Angela's Substack on censorship - she has been on fire lately πŸ™‚

Really enjoyed this - thanks for sharing it!

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thank you so much for sharing what you did here. "sounds like the path is walking you" there are some heavy gems in this comment thread and that was one of them. thank you stone. for real. and YES angelas stack is fkng incredible !!!

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Whatever is happening in these times, there are deep telepathic waves reaching through and connecting strangers like a synchronistic melody, or string, or thread... keep going the mirror said, keep going....ghosts no more, ghosts no more. <3

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omg i love this. i am going to write this down on a post it note so i see it daily. ghosts no more. wow. thank you so much for this, and thank you so much for sharing what you have. it was mindblowing to see that honestly. thank you.

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Weird is a superpower. I have that too. Run with it! 😁

To my mind, synchronicity is a sign that you’re on the right path.

You’ve found your interstate!


Thanks for sharing your insights Tesstamona! πŸ™πŸ’–

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thank you for reading! haha i love that, "weird is a superpower" i already told angela i was gonna write her comment down on a post it note so i'd see it every day, i think im gonna add this one too. thank you!

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You’re welcome Tesstamona. πŸ’–

Glad you’re here to read. And I am honored to have a place in your post its! πŸ™ That’s way cool.

PS. My like button no worky, so here’s your LIKE. πŸ’–πŸ˜

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I think of it as feeling compelled. When I’m compelled, it feels like the hand of God giving me a slight push. I’ve learned to go with it, even when it may not make sense at the moment, as long as it’s coming from a place of being creative.

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exactly. i love that. thank you.

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I needed to stumble on this and I need to reread this because this is the message that I am getting right now : KEEP GOING as at times it feels really difficult and heart wrenching so I found myself suddenly in lows where I don’t wanna do anything or on self doubt mental loops and at times in highs where it’s all pouring out so fast and furiously.

Thank you shinning✨

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I am so grateful you heard it and came across it, THANK YOU for your support and for sharing your experiences here. I always need to be re-reminded of things so I’m grateful all of us can do that for one another since we all seem to be flying the same mission regarding the liberation of our souls ❀️

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Psywar, always has been. I just wasn’t paying attention

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same. we know when we know. and then when we know we realize how much we dont know β€” but at least we arent a lost cause on a conveyor belt anymore πŸ’œ

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Keep in mind, the standard Lrrs team, is six. Three two person teams. Pretty much the minimum for a functional group.

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That’s actually much more doable. Thank you for saying that. πŸ™

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There's a band I love called Our Last Night, and one of my favorites of theirs is a song called Ghost in the Machine. Here's a link to it on YouTube and it has the lyrics in the description. The actual music video to it is great, too, I just sent this one cos of the lyrics being included.


Those are some crazy cool synchronicities, my friend.

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FM 3-05 .301 Psychological Operations Tactics, Techniques, and procedures.

U.S. Army Field Manual.

You can find the PDF at archive.org

FM 3-55.93 Long Range Unit Surveillance Operations

FM 7-93

Pretty much covers forces in the video.

There's many ghosts in the machine.

The psyops manual is a how to manual, a handy reference for seeing what's happening.

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I’ve seen the field manual before IRL. under somewhat sad circumstances. I’ll hang onto that link though - i def didn’t go through the thing in its entirety when it was shown to me. thank you and much love to you.

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The lrrs manual is also an important one, zombie apocalypse survival. I would add, the Ranger hand book as well. Just as reference. Together, they constitute a how to for small groups to function , survive, and prosper ( relatively) in the apocalyptic dystopia that is falling like an avalanche on our heads.

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Now to assemble the group that has their shit slightly enough together to pull that off

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I've been aware of the importance that this very phenomena has had in my life. A little investigation can often show up these synchronistic occurrences and how impactful they have been.

Great post Tesstamona.

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thank you Simon!! we live in a wild and wonderful and "wtf" adventure, that is for sure!

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She is Probably Alexandra here on Substackistan too. Here is her Ghosts in the Meme video on the same topic

https://youtu.be/ucOhG5tb2k4 dated Anno Domini 2023 03 15 (the Ides of March). I think you will enjoy it.

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holy shit. i am about to watch it but already the anno domini reference is another synchronicity (long story kinda) but thank you dude

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You're welcome. All the glory to God. Amen.

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The more I am grateful for synchronicities the more I see. Also: a few decades ago I was enamored with ghost in the shell. Anime about bionic soldiers in some dystopian future, where the original human 'soul' struggles to be seen thru the AI. At least that's how I saw it, not quite like it was intended I am sure. Becoming more relevant each day, how to be truly human in an AI world. Ty. πŸ™

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oh lord yeah it is. TRULY yes it is. Are you familiar with Rudolf Steiners work? thats what the whole album will be addressing (which is a massive topic i know) but essentially reclaiming / remembering our humanity and the process therein , both micro and macro

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Yes, love Steiner's work. Also digging into Nikola Tesla this week as I fly all over the country lol

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Regarding the Psyop recruiting ad. The first time I saw it, quite a while ago, I thought it was the creepiest, most arrogant media medium I had ever seen. Their conflation is so misleading. Watching it again, it feels the same. It’s extremely well done, I’ll give it that.

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that is for sure. i saw someone in the comment section saying "you know you live in end times when a military recruitment ad looks like call of duty (the video game)" or something like that. yeah its unbelievably inflated and deceptive toward recruits, that is for sure, but at the same time they are showing their hand in the goal of the literal infiltration of everything - but that seems to be the goal of any entity that seeks power. its unbelievable how compelling propaganda is, even/especially when you know it's propaganda.

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It’s easy when they have known for centuries that 90% of their citizens usually comply. They know this, it’s why they show no compunction about lying, deceiving, using the Justice system as lawfare, etc. My hope is that there’s enough American Spirit left to ignite enough of our citizens to fight back, being outspoken, using right rather than might, having the courage and bravery to stand up to these World Leaders that want to rule rather than govern.

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I share the same hope. I do not know what it will take, in some cases, I see it brewing to where they may have a breaking point (in a good way), in many cases, I see the opposite. I’ll do everything I can to put my energy toward lifting up those who are already in the position to act on behalf of humanity, and praying for healing for the ones who have collapsed into themselves and given up.

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Sent you a DM

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bout to check it now

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Jun 28
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Thank you!! And yesβ€” watched GITM a few nights ago for the first time and whoa. That was eerie and in some places unreal; revelation of method vibes now that it’s 2024.

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Jun 26
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beautifully said. Thank you.

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