Honor the space between no longer and not yet. That line speaks volumes! And it’s on a notebook! Special dude, special. You are so right about this going back and digging up old writings. Thanks for reminding us of this.

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Funny thing is I know I wrote that line “honor the space between no lonnger and not yet” and also have no idea why / exactly when 🤣 I think we are more often than not channels for something else - that’s why this keeping of works and revisiting is so interesting - esp right now. I hope you have an amazing Sunday and HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!!

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Thank you for the Father’s Day wishes and I FEEL that; what you said about being channels for something else. Have an awesome day!!🙏

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I actually have something I stumbled across a while back, I've never published for 2 reasons 1) when I found it, it was my handwriting & yes I do vaguely remember writing it but I swear it was written by someone else & 2) I actually wrote it to/about an ex when things seemed way better than what they really were- Im pretty sure I have it in my stuff here, Ima try to find it

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I just resurrected a short story I had totally forgotten about and written off as no good. And surprisingly, I actually like it! Here it is:


And to think I couldn't write stories. I guess I proved myself wrong.

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Tess, as someone who has a hell of a resurrection story, I really appreciated reading this article, thx. www.herojig.com

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Jun 16
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I still have it. I’ll DM you

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Jun 16
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Omg do not insult that brilliant piece of art EVER!! I’ve never made a song with anyone’s lyrics but my own. If we were to cowrite something it’s another route / process that has to be discussed, and if we do it, it’s not gonna happen immediately bc I’m in the middle of so many projects in the studio right now it’s insane. I did not forget about it, it’s just something we’d have to discuss further and I’m in the middle of finishing other songs and shooting spoken word videos and I work a full time job - if I don’t get back with you right away it’s not bc I forgot it’s bc everything is happening all at once right now.

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I’m sure it’s dope Will.

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