Ok so I've done it. I successfully created something and regardless of the outcome this has already changed my life. Thank you so much for this.

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aaaahhhh oh my god!!!!!! okay so after i made this post i have not been on substack on this very minute and this is the comment I see on this article first. what you just wrote here... im gonna quote it on a piece of paper and tape it to my wall because THIS is the most pure expression of the power of creativity -- thank you!!! I hope you linked or one day are willing to sharer what you created if you haven't already, but either way, you did it, and that is one of the most incredible things a human can do - return back to the truth 😭 🙏

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I agree 💯 : it is one of the most incredible things a human can do. I do hope to be able to share it somehow at least to credit you as the invitation to create that put 🔥 under my butt hahaha!

By the way, your songs are so beautiful and totally helped!

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Hey! I am getting the roundup together right now, is the piece you created on Substack?

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No, it’s not on Substack.

I’m still in the process of publishing it (fiddling with appropriate publishing format etc.)

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No worries!!! We will be excited to see it whenever it is ready!! And I am super proud of you !!!

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All Love🥰🥰💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿🔥🔥

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Thanks for doing this. Great idea.

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thank YOU for sharing your works!

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Our! This is very beautiful, one of the ways to define courage and faith in oneself and in the Absolute! This process is not easy, as you describe having lost and found yourself several times on this path, and finally being reborn in complete peace and harmony. Ready to start a life again.

Wonderful isn't it?! Phoenix!!!!

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Thank U So So Much Yona🥰🥰 We are All connected, but the connection is way better when we are on the same frequency- that's when U can truly resonate with someone else's words, & in turn help them to grow. Thank U Yona for being U🥰🥰💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿🔥🔥

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You are right, we are all connected to each other consciously or not. Frequency is everything! I believe it is the most real way to understand, or rather resonate with, someone else's words. TRUE! I really like the way you think and transmit your knowledge.

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My inspiration is the Name of your Song- "True Warriors Hunt Themselves" I gotchu, release tonight- I'll be back to drop the link in a few🥰🥰💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿🔥🔥

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Those old messages we got, that constant negative self- compromising tape our kind keeps playing... nothing harder for me to recognize it and replace it with something positive!!!

Thank you!! 🙌

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Daaamn - Guurl... rappin that poetry. I wasn't expecting gangster rap style and fkn love it!

capital L !!!

Wherever, Whenever, Whatever,


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Middle aged,

Now and again those lies still replay.

Now, I Know they were and are Lies.

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I wrote and posted chapter 2 (The Curse of Immortality) of what is an ongoing horror/dramedy urban fantasy fiction series this week. Hopefully it finds some more readers. Lovers of vampires and werewolves, come one, come all!!!


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thank you so much! it absolutely will, the rourndup of all of your beautiful works will come out on Sunday ❤️ thank u for sharing it with us

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Just published… it was someone special

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holy $*** JOYCE THAT WAS INCREDIBLE. Thank you. Everyones collective worrks willl go up on this sundays post !

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Thanks for your kind comments, Tesstamona. Much love and blessings 💙🙏💫

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This is so kind of you Tess. Yesterday I wrote and published Chapter 3, Next Stop: Europe

from An Art Memoir: Depth, Light, and Love. I feel so comfortable with our community, and inspired, I am so impressed by your creativity. The work you and others are doing here is the kindest, most motivating nudge for me. Not even a nudge, more like just flowing, one sentence or thought at a time. Thank you.


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it is an HONOR to have you included in this, thank you so much for linking your work!!! Your art is incredible and I'm about to read this post now!

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Back in April I was completely out of bandwidth, or I would have reacted to this masterpiece sooner. True Warriors is still one of my top five songs of All Time. It's what sparked our connection. And the portion you quote here, along with the chorus, is the reason why. Debunking the lies we live by is the work of the day. And our hearts are what guide the work, if we just listen. Keep up your amazing work my friend. Much love your way.

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Self expression is so powerful! It gives voice when in some circumstances you have no voice and need to put your fist in your mouth to stop yourself from reacting. Reacting can be dangerous - sometimes. And this is when self expression comes in .. this week I wrote 2 blog posts and boy oh boy it felt good! And I kept drawing and drawing some more! It is a healing compulsion 😀https://open.substack.com/pub/reclaimyourlifeinmicrosteps/p/you-are-so-strong-and-the-viper-virus?r=22w2nh&utm_medium=ios

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Apr 17Edited
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Of course its a problem, i dont think anyone with half a brain in their skull would debate that, but perhaps i give the gen pop too much credit. Regardless of programming or the delusions we believe as facts, stemming all from some weird collective neurosis (so at the end of the day the blame is irrelevant), thats why the title is what it is, and why the solution is what it is.

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Apr 17
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omg i love this, and i also love what you wrote, "a rising tide raises all boats" hoooooooly shit -- thank u for sharing your works, the roundup / showcase post goes up this sunday!

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