I love "we have noticed love". In fact, tis true. "we mistook the lantern for the flame" Yeah! That's exactly how it is.

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real talk! I've fallen for it more times than I can count lol. all the blessings your way 🙏

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A lot of what you said today resonates strongly with what I was thinking as I read the previous post. Mainly that we ARE Love. God is Love, and we are in God, and God is in us. Love is woven into every fiber of our being. Want evidence that Love actually exists and is worth fighting for? Look in the mirror. You're still here, so Love is real. Keep fighting for Yourself, and you're fighting for Love.

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omg i love this. "want evidence that love actually exists and is worth fighting for? look in the mirror." that was beautiful --- THANK YOU!

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You're welcome. 💗 Truth's gotta be spoken, that's what we do. 😊

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"We feel love, underneath all the pain, and now, at this point, it is stronger than the pain."

I subscribed to your YouTube channel and now listening to your music videos playlist. I can hear all the lyrics clearly, a bit rough, but I hear an authentic deep spirit. Smokey atmosphere, beautiful voice, and very sensitive music accompaniment.

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Thank you so much. That means the world and I am so grateful for your listening and feedback. 🙏

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Embrace your genius. There will be stupid people and lots of mediocre people with hidden agendas that will try to ride you. But there are people, like me, that are inspired by authenticity, talent, and vision.

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Last night I dreamt about remembering who I really was.

One of the really important teachings of Jesus is in the gospel of Matthew chapter 5. "Let your message be ‘Yes’ for ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ for ‘No.’ Anything more than that comes from the evil one.” It is a very important passage to the religious society of the friends of Jesus. We don't "swear" to tell the truth in court. Jesus says not to swear, but have your yes be yes and your no be no. So it's for our sake the courts accept "do you swear or affirm" to tell the truth.

I realised I belonged at the Dayton Friends Meeting in late 2017 and they agreed. We are "the people known as Quakers."

God is love. One of the things I was shown in 2018 was a metaphor of God as a huge oak tree and all of us are acorns. We are all still attached to the tree. We have within us the capacity to become oak trees too. Or we might not, depending on many events and conditions. Also the connexion we have to the tree is a connexion we have to all the other acorns. So there is a metaphor.

In quantum physics we use as many dimensions as we need to express the conditions we observe. The equations work for any number of dimensions from zero to infinity. So I have also been shown a model of reality with my soul in a nearby set of dimensions and a connexion to my body through a dimension doorway to animate the systems of the body. The mind is with the soul. The memory is beyond the soul. Our brains are not storing memories we are receiving them. The axons and dendrites of the brain change size and shape to receive important memories more easily and rapidly without hesitation. I can remember anything that ever happened even if it wasn't a thing that happened to me.

You might say that memories are all "in the Akashic records" though this is inexact. It would also be true to say that the Akashic records are in the multitudinous sets of memories. This is difficult because it involves several orders of infinity. So it's more than just infinite, but infinite raised to an exponent which is also infinite. It helps to have an infinite number of dimensions in which things can be.

Imma go like your song on YouTube because the algorithms drive views. 😁😎🎶🎇🔥

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what you said in the first part of this comment -- my whole being responded to it. oh wait now i get it ahahah i said that in the lyrics of that song "until I find someone whose... YES means YES and NO means NO..." -- so fun fact, I had ZERO idea that was in the Bible when I first heard it. There's a guy on YouTube named Bear Independent. We mixed in similar circles when it came to freedom communities, I listened to him speak at the Self Reliance Festival back in.. shoooot i think it was 2022? But he's very much a man of the God of Abraham and he is also an excellent source for those interested in preparedness. Very intelligent man. He would always say in his livestreams, "let your yes mean yes, and your no mean no." That stuck so hard. If there is one quality that is the most highly regarded, and also non-negotiable if I am to allow them close to me, it is TOTAL HONESTY. Hard to find these days... but I cannot make concessions in that area no longer. And I have to live by my own standards as well. That whole "do what you say you're gonna do" or "word is bond" is a big deal to me. When I heard you breaking it down it just rerminded me of all of that. Thank you so much.

I admire and am proud of you for the path you are on. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, I'm so grateful substack has connected so many of us. And yo thanks for visiting my YouTube! Soon I will be releasing music under a new artist name -- but one more song will be released under Tesstamona before I do lol. I appreciate the algorithmic assistance, I am currently flagged by YouTube for "wrong think" and my account is still in "restricted mode" bc of a podcast I did a year ago, so yeah, hooray 😆 🙏

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I think Bear sounds like a good soul who wants to share the message of honesty. Next time I get to Tennessee I will look into that festival. Central Point Oregon is a bit of a hike to that region. So I shall focus some of my energy on manifesting a vehicle of some sort.

Long ago in a pile in cousin David's attic there were Popular Mechanics magazines from the 1960s and 1970s. It seems like every issue had a flying car on the cover or featured in an article inside. Not a single one has ever been allowed into general production by the FAA. Gotta protect the big airline industry I guess. Anyway, while I'm manifesting a car, I see no reason not to ask God for a flying car. 😁

Honest tea is the best policy.

YouTube is run by depraved people. Sorry your account has fallen afoul of their wrong think policies. George Orwell smiles. But telling people the truth is risky in that those who fear the open exploration of truth are threatened by its discussion.

God bless you and keep you safe from harm. Amen.

Oh, btw I sent you email today to the address you subscribed from my eldarcapital account. But Gmail is run by the same people as YouTube so they prolly filtered my message to "spam". They don't much like me at Google/YouTube/Alphabet. But they know what I think of them. 😎

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The paragraph was beautiful and my whole being responded to it. My mind telling me be the example which goes back to the “ you can only control yourself message that has been beaten into my head through countless AA meetings REAL sponsors, and prayers at my breaking points these past few years. Oh yeah and to also have boundaries and stick to them with everything I’ve got

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Dec 12, 2023
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First off, this that you wrote... this is exactly what I experienced with the relationship I recently got out of:

"I remember the day we got together and I thanked (out loud, Yikes!) a God I have neither use for, nor believe in: "Thank you God, for giving me another chance at love." I. Said. Those. Words. Out. Loud. And, I walked into a den of personality disorder and Smorgasburg of abuse."

That was perfectly stated and also very eerie that our experiences were that similar in that respect. But what I have come to see... and i am sure this will continue... yeah it was massively fucked, and it definitely broke me, but it broke all the things that needed to be broken... and the things that didn't ... those remained. I thought I was done for, but I wasn't. So I would NEVER recommend that to anyone lol but sometimes I think we have these encounters in order to be further launched into our evolution, becuase I don't think I was going down a great path before I met him. So maybe it was fated. Matt Kahn has a video on YT called "Twin Flames and Soul Contracts" and offers an excellent viewpoint on these dynamics and what their utility is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2da2CQEyy0&t=1s

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