"We are the ones who found each other

Because we traveled alone

We are the fertilizer

to the wasteland's soil "

Aw :) I love that. I love the finding each other because we traveled alone and I also love the fertilizer in the wasteland. That's a really beautiful line and a truism, for sure. I used to say "I met my husband in the pit of Hell and we climbed out together" but I don't say that anymore. But it's true :) Sometimes things are dark for a very long time and then you emerge and because you have known darkness, you really appreciate the light on every blade of grass and the consciousness of every tree. It's easier to have an objective view of things, when you have been SO connected to pain. When you come around to finding your hopes are based on reality and things can get better, your ability to understand that makes you strong. It makes you able to help others. A lot of people who have never seen darkness like that cannot understand when someone else is going through it and they are afraid. But you can march in with no fear, and you do. You can reach out your hand and wait, however long it takes because you know. I will be better tomorrow, sometimes means next year. But as long as people have the opportunity to strive for something, they can hang in there. Whatever set backs they may experience will not be as powerful over them because they have had an inkling of hope renewed by a brave friend like you.

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I was reading this and honored to hear your experience, esp the one about where you and your husband come from, ive seen SO many real love connections get shattered by addiction (I've experienced it myself, the love doesn't go away but people die or disappear into madness indefinitely) so its such a big deal that you guys made it out TOGETHER without destroying one another. that is a story i would love to read if you would ever share it. Then i read the last line and it made me cry. Thank you. huge blessings and love your way.

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Thank YOU for being who you are.

You are special to me already! I know you are touching many lives with your good work.

I may have said good work before. I don't just mean good writing, or nice music. I mean the WORK you are doing in your interior life and that you are sharing with others.

I am SURE it is having a tremendous effect in the world. I am so glad that you are okay. I wish for you many good things so that you may continue to focus on what you love.

Because you are able to do that, many more people benefit. You have many more people to love in your life who will need your deep understanding and your level of awareness and dedication.

May we all heal.

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😭 i cant believe how emotional im getting today, THANK YOU. i cant tell you how bad I needed to also read those LAST TWO LINES --- more people to love.. and may we ALL heal. THANK YOU.

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Awww...you two!! This was so beautiful to read!!

A beautiful piece and images too,Tess...XO Sending you love!

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"Everything that has a beginning has an end."

{holds up a ring}

Everything that has no beginning never ends.

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beautiful 🙏

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Yes. Forged in the flames, hammered by the truth, shaped in passions desires.

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🙏 🔥 💎

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Ooh look - another sufferer of extreme static, named by me as ‘Medusa Hair’.

This week the static has been off the charts so I really needed to read this fabulous post!

Thanks a lot, Tess.

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“An ocean of grief became our tsunami

the power of momentum tragedy

is yet to be seen..” Wow. So powerful. Beautiful work and know that you are helping people that you’ve never met on their healing journey ❤️

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thank you so much. im grateful to hear this. 🙏

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We are the ones who found each other

Because we traveled alone

We are the fertilizer

to the wasteland's soil

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Thank you @Tesstamona 🙏🖖

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thank you for reading and as always for your words here 🙏

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Always a pleasure.

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Wow! What a powerful work! I'm in awe...

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thank you, i am glad and grateful it resonated 🙏

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Sounds like the Aghora experience in the charnel fields in India in “AGHORA, At the Left Hand of God” by Dr.Robert Svoboda

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my friend, good eye -- i just looked these books up and am ordering them now. Thank you so much.

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Dr. Svaboda was student of Vimalananda. They’re valid.


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thank you for sharing this, I have not read it -- will be looking into this.

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Flames can destroy us or refine us. Love this my friend, and love you!

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thank you!!!! love you!

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You were the fine people who dug me out just as I was loosing hope. thank you so much,you've saved the lord...sounds daft really..

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The devil’s greatest deceit is a self-deceit. They believe they are working for themselves, that they are their own creation. But they are God’s creation, and the more darkness they bring into the world, the brighter the eventual light. Lucifer, the bringer of light, seeks to deceive their followers into the darkness, while never realising they are ultimately working against that aim.

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zero idea what angle you're taking or how that comment ties into what i wrote - you think because i am not a self-depricating person who shouts from the rooftops that without following the abrahamic god i am absolutely nothing and YHWH is everything as i proceed to give myself a thousand lashings a day for my sins that I'm of the devil? cant much help ya there if thats the case - thats a pretty heavy dogma you have ingrained in you. especially if thats what you got from this. BTW comments like this are one of the main reasons why people are fleeing organized religion, if you feel you have a message of value, you realize your actions are doing the opposite right?

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Woah. I liked everything you wrote (very beautiful) and believed what I wrote to be in concordance with what you had written. I’m not a dogmatic, religious zealot, just someone very familiar with the darkness and looking at biblical works from a more esoteric viewpoint.

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I really relate to what you wrote, even the title. I found God in hell. That entire hell was based on deceit, and all those inner demons while seeking to destroy me, worked to free me. This is why I believe that we can always find God, even in the darkest places, and forces which appear to be working against God, at a deeper level are working for Him (I say Him, but use a pronoun of your choice, it’s all beyond language anyways).

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My apologies. I don’t know how I perceived that so far off from its intent. I’ve been a bit hyper reactive lately and I couldn’t figure out what you meant, and I’ve had a lot of people come at me sideways in the way I assumed, so I assumed incorrectly. Apologies again my dude. 🤦‍♀️ I should have asked before assuming at very least.

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No worries, I understand that! I look forward to reading more of your work.

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thank you for your understanding, and likewise, i'll be on the lookout for yours. 🙏

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Jan 14, 2024
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this is such a fkng epic comment 😆 thank you!!!!

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