You have written many works but these two stand apart. Not taking anything away from what you’ve written before but how you interwove your story with life in general?! Not an easy task as a writer but you did it masterfully. It’s crazy how these last 4 years have been a lifetime of learning, breaking down and building for so many of us. We all share in your story cause we can relate on multiple levels even if it’s not the same story. Loved the video!! I hung out with Matt Baker on and off for a weekend in Nashville this past summer. Nicest guy in person. While I was playing your video my almost 16 year old son heard the song and asked about it. I told him it was you. I showed him a video or two of you awhile back because I’m always trying to hip him to the Freedom movement been talking to him about Natural Law, etc. Well I guess he went to your channel cause he was just asking me if I like certain songs, not joking I didn’t know this. He just asked me, “You like True Warriors Hunt Themselves?” I was like, “Uhh, YEAH!” So you hip with the kids. But seriously though, this was a call to action for all of us. But not just a call to action, a call to our intent. I’ve been thinking about my intent in my work a lot lately. I will not be writing for awhile and not checking out Substack. There is some pain in this decision because I have developed some great connections here, I love writing and reading others writing. But there is a next step in the evolution of what I need to do, how I need to present Natural Law. My writing needs to take a back seat for now and my attention has to be focused. I’m at a turning point and I need to get on with it. If these two posts are the last I read on here for awhile, I’m good with that. Good ones to go out on!

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Holy shit. First off thank you, second off I can’t even tell you how much that means to know that there’s a kid out there that connects with the music I’ve put out. It actually makes me cry, so thank you for sharing that because I don’t think there’s anything more powerful than that. Holy shit. Second off that’s wild you were there w Matt baker, I was living in Nashville this past summer, I didn’t come to Florida until the last week of September, so wait oh my God, did you come out for that festival that was in Franklin Tennessee in June !? Because the guy that put that on Scott Armstrong I know him, and that was like 2 miles away from where I lived at the time. I’m going to pause this comment to find out if you were out there for that because if that is the case that is fucking insane and beyond serendipitous

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"Inventory your fears if you don’t believe me. Write them all down, then investigate them one at a time. Ask yourself, what fear is underneath this fear? Keep going until you reach the bottom. You’ll surprise yourself"

You recommended this method for soul searching some time ago, I've used it many times to great effect, the outcome has not always been favourable but it gets the job done, Thanks again.

Part 2 as with part 1 really speaks volumes about human nature, you certainly have a way of presenting what goes on 'underneath' within your written work.

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Thank YOU for actually using that tool -- Its definitely not "fun" when you see certain things but it leads to freedom, I sure as shit wouldn't be here without it. And if you are brave enough to do that to help yourself, then you are helping countless others -- the world needs people who are healing, thank you for being one of them. I can't express adequately enough how much we need more people like that. 🙏

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I wish I could hug you. The dark night of the soul is not for wimps and you aren't one. You rock! Please don't ever forget that again!

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I will do my absolute best. Much love to you lady. I appreciate you a lot.

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I'm in FL if you ever need anything hit me up. You've got my email. Don't ever feel like you're alone. I know what that feels like and it stinks. I am grateful for your writing and art and appreciate your experience, strength and hope. ❤️

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yooooo what I did not know that!! I'm gonna shoot you an email

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" When he died, something inside me told me that we had fucked up, the matrix had glitched, and we’d have to repeat it in another life or something. I was just waiting around to die in a sense after he left the earth." That's a tough one. Really tough. Your video was great. It made my face leak to see you energized and kicking ass and happy. It's excellent. I love it.

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Thank you so much. I was enchanted by your AI art tonight by the way. But thank you for bearing witness and being so supportive.

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I'm sharing this with my 15 year old daughter...thank you...

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😭 thank you... if this winds up being something that helps her avoid some of the pitfalls I fell into... that would mean everything to me. Blessings to her and to you. Thank you for reading, and for passing it onto her. 🙏 ❤️

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Thank you...

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Once again Tesstamona, SPOT FUCKING On ❤️🙏🙏🙏

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Thank you friend 🙏❤️🙏

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When we consciously are confronted with our mortality. The paradigm permanently shifts.

The veil of delusion is torn away.

It is a painful process.

The dying alone point:

I realized a while back, that we are All alone when we die.

( A couple times flat lining will shift your perspective)

The only time we connect is while we are alive.

Remember, we are Mortal, and life, love, is precious.

I think the thing that hurts most

Is being alone while we are living.

Having said that, some bigger hammer ⚒️ is bound to whack me and test my theory. LMAO.

Never tempt fate.

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Yeah, it’s a tough one. I have definitely connected with those who have died — I guess I should put that in quotation marks, “died” but I have connected with spirits who have left their bodies before, ones that I knew before they left their bodies. and not in every case, but in many cases, I felt the most indescribable bliss, so I don’t necessarily think that we are ever alone, but I think that transition hall or the void or this Galactic waiting room or whatever when we initially die definitely can be. I don’t know. But I would agree with you, though, living alone is equally agonizing.

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There have been about 100 billion humans living on the earth since they first started appearing. I wonder what they were living for? The machine crunched most of them up before they ever knew what happened. Was any one person's story more important than any other's? I think not. They either all mattered or none mattered. It the same today.

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You missed the point of what I was saying entirely. We can't even IMAGINE what the fuck they were living for when they first appeared because our entire "REALITY" is ARTIFICIAL. That is the point. We weren't born to be slaves and we weren't born to be junkies. And who said anything about only some mattering? Of course they all MATTER -- but unless someone gives a shit about themselves, free will is a thing, you cant help someone who wont help themselves. Have no idea what the context is for this comment anyway

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Yep, that one. I met Scott too although I had talked to him before on Unjected. Yep I was there the whole weekend

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thats fucking crazy. Scott and I are both from Oregon. we knew eachother (mostly acquaintance based) via the recovery community in Eugene. We both moved to Nashville like a month apart and didn't realize it until I was out there. Then we both met up at FloteFest in TX then both drove back (seperately) to TN. crazy ass stories. I was on his podcast a while back with RhymeWave on Rebunked... i think 2022 April, episode is on banned.video is all I know. Anyway, I remember that event. I was gonna go to it, but that was during the time I was in that relationship Ive written about extensively on here, so a lot of the typical life activities that I normally would do, I had stopped doing. But thats wild as fuck that we know the same ppl and you were literally two miles from my apartment last summer. holy shit. Did you ever get involved with the SRF crew/living free in Tennessee? I had gone to the two prior to that summer and performed at one, was supposed to perform at the one in October but that was when I was moving to Florida so I had to cancel. Anyway, whoa. weird. crazy fucking synchronicity right there. Back to what you were saying about natural law though.. IDK what your plan is and I'm interested in hearing about it if you're willing to share, but if you get off Substack for a while, don't be a stranger, you got my email. Also, do you know Niti the Farmacist? She introduced me to Natural Law, if you're looking for potential collaborators on spreading the message, and don't know her yet, I'd like to introduce you two. You'd like her a LOT. she's fkng unbelievably brilliant.

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Damn that is crazy! Synchronicity like a mofo. Yes, I’ve watched Rebunked for awhile on and off. I think I remember that episode with Rhymewave and you but I didn’t know who you were. I bet that episode is still up on Rokfin. Scott is actually doing a new recovery thing I believe on his Rumble channel. He left TLAV but from what I hear under good circumstances with Ryan. It felt so good to thank Ryan to his face in person for helping me find research through his diligence and care for humanity that I used for my philosophical exemption at work. I could tell it touched him. That’s crazy you two knew each other in Oregon. I never got involved in the living free in TN but heard about it. I live in suburbs of Chicago, however, when my kids are old enough (which will be here before I know it), I’m looking to move to TN, FL or New Hampshire. I really like Chattanooga area because of Smokeys. I love hiking, outdoors. So when I was going to Cause Fest this summer it wasn’t just for the movement but also to check out potential living. But I don’t think Franklin/Nashville is it for me. Yes you told me about her awhile back you probably just understandably forgot. For sure, I’d like to meet her and thank you for offering!

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Excellent. I'll send you some links. And yeah, the Franklin/Nashville area aint for me either. I like the East TN vibe, I love living in Florida, but if I were to move again it'd likely be out of the country or just somewhere else in Florida haha. And yeah it is a small fkn world, like I said he aint my homie just an acquaintance over a period of time, but def. have run in similar circles for quite a while. Heres a link to Niti's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NitiTheFarmacist if you decide you want to talk to her LMK, I'll shoot her a text.

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Feb 28, 2024
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I'm not sure which part you're referring to, but I came to Nashville in 2022 and I left Nashville about six months ago to get away from a really abusive relationship. I live in Florida now.

However, I do agree that you can find community wherever-- some places easier than others, but I share your same feelings. The best community I found in Tennessee was in the rural areas outside of the city. That is where my best memories were made. That is where I met the best people. I was just thinking of several of them this morning. That is where I had life changing experiences. The only reason I ever really went into the city was to work. I am def. more inclined toward areas where the population isn't so densely packed into one area... and where I can connect to nature without having to drive an hour.

If you are still in rural TN, I bless that land and bless you from afar. My experience may have been tainted there due to the relationship I was in, and of course some of my own personal struggles, but I still left that place a changed person, and for the better, because of the experiences I had. Tennessee is a beautiful state. Just not a big fan of cities so much anymore, too much smoke and mirrors 🙏 ❤️

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