I'm currently in the process of a purge, it's time to let go of those things I no longer need. This is external, deep housework, I need an organised environment before I feel comfortable about working on the internal. I'm also trying to be more 'analogue' about stuff as opposed to 'digital', as you've said we cannot rely on binary code if things get restricted and access limited.

Another very helpful post, there's always an underlying positivity with your work, absolutely essential at the moment.

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sounds like we're in the same lane - my instinct when i came home tonight was to start cleaning before I organize my mind to gear up for the year ahead.. i was grateful for how Jai Dev broke that down and I know Jordan Peterson talks a lot about that too. It works. I'm rooting for you dude. And thank you for sharing your experience here, I do not take it lightly when people are authentic and honest, it's a blessing.

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Our hearts communicating with the heart of the Universe...that is beautiful. It's so easy to forget our interconnectedness. It seems so simple, but it is also huge, yet all the while it's just who and what we are. And I do think we all have such a wish. I thought mine was one thing until I sat with it a moment and realized it was something much more fundamental, and it truly is something that starts with me. Can't wait to read the last one!

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