Light only shines in darkness.

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Love this & those beautiful flowers! Thanks for sharing!!

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St. Pete is my hometown, born and raised. I wish I would have appreciated the night blooms when I was living there. This is a beautiful message and extra special to me.

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OMG no shit!? Yooooo!!!! I did not know you were born and raised out here! I'm just a little south of St Pete in Sarasota/Bradenton area, but I'm in St Pete a lot. only a 45 min drive. wow. I'm glad you got to see these. IDK where u live now, but if you're ever back in Florida, please let me know!

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I have a palm tree covered in the flowers. They’re so beautiful but I miss a lot of blooms because I forget to go out at night and look!

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You do!? This is wonderful! I’d love to see pictures!!! after 10 PM seems to be when they really get kickin but you’d likely know better than I, I’m new to Florida, so I’m getting to see all of this for my first time!

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I’m not in FL right now but if there are any back when I return next week I’ll send you some. They really are amazing!❤️

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that would be amazing!!! i think they are still in bloom for another week or so. I may go see them again at night, I live here but not in St Pete, I’d have to find the ones in my area — everyone up there seemed to know exactly which trees would have them 😆 i love it

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What a wonderful message attached to beautiful flowers.

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Thank you Simon. I hope you are well 🙏

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I'm well thanks Tesstamona.

Simple things like witnessing an unusual flower blossom are sometimes the important things. You lead by example, I have been getting out and about but I must do more, I can see the benefits for you.

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Thank you friend, and thank you for sharing your own experience — it means A LOT that the journey I go on and share can benefit others, this connects us, and our journeys, even if we are physically separated by an ocean :-) Yes to more out and about / IRL analog experiences!

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I've heard of Nightshade before but had no idea what that actually meant. These are beautiful, and wow do I relate! Thanks for sharing, I love the pictures!

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absolutely!! this happened at the perfect time. I’ll tell you about it sometime lol. they are such excellent teachers and reminders. and what a perfect thing to see during the invisibility period of venus - the flower blooming in the dark. thank you for reading. and thank you for being YOU.

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Yes, I'd definitely like to hear more! You're welcome and thank you for being you, too!

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lets touch base this week and I will def. fill you in. It's not something I'd put on the internet but I'll definitely tell you lol. ❤️

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Sounds great!

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Saved for after the yoga immersion! Getting some sleep now 🥱😴

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Rest well - I will be there with you in the process when it begins - only a few more hours to go 🙏❤️🙏

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Thank you for sharing! Life has been happening lately and I had a pretty rough week this past week. I’m back in Georgia at my mom’s house after the fafsa money did not come through. I’ve been in three accidents in one week. Me and the vehicle are fine. Iv got two interviews for warehouse jobs this week to get some income. The important thing is that I recognized it is a setback and these things in life happen for people to realize they are not always in control and that something better is for me. The positive in this situation was:

One of my friends who’s house I was staying at in Kentucky taught me some cool practical DIY skills and then we also went shooting so I got to attain a couple new skills that I could take with me

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holy shit. im glad you are safe dude. i am mostly extremely glad and proud of you for your perspective and outlook. there is a reason for this, it will become clear in time. I also love that you got to learn some skills from your friend in KY. The things I learned from my Tennessee and Alabama friends… holy SHIT. Those are experiences and skills that change your life. If you come down further south to Florida this summer, LMK, and I’ll let you know if/when I pass through GA!

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Will do!

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