Powerful and thought provoking post. Thank you for this. Society has become increasingly disconnected with not being able to honor the dead, how they just move on so quickly as if nothing happened. It’s difficult to understand. Peace and blessings to you, Tess! ❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Peace and blessings to you too my friend 🙏

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I am speechless. I have so much raw emotion spiking through me at this weak moment. So many losses in my life, but I also know death is not the end. The soul of someone we loved or has touched our life, lives on through our beliefs, our memories, and our hearts. You have been through so much since Helene, and I pray you find peace through your adversity. The world needs more people like you to tell your life stories.💔 ✨️

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I just saw this comment. I hope you are doing okay and hopefully what I wrote here didn’t make you feel worse or bad. I agree with you, death is not the end at all. I have been contending with so many different surges of emotion around death but it sounds like you are familiar with this experience. Thank you so much for what you said. Seriously. I appreciate you so much for that. God bless you. and BTW, are you guys doing okay? I am hoping you have power now. I’m guessing you do but I’m having a hard time keeping up with “time” lol

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So much I want to say here. You are right about the sacred, hallowed nature of this time. We have forgotten how important it is to honour our dead. Your post made me think about how I could do this. Candies, prayers and conversations with their spirits.

Then the personal losses you’ve had to go through. Your pictures are a beautiful tribute. Sending you love and grace, Tesstamona. Thank you so much for sharing this. ✨

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Thank you so much for not only reading but for what you’ve said here. At times, shoot, I dont know if you remember that movie Zoolander, but if you do, do you remember that character Mugatu who would say, “I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!” — when it comes to many things, that is how I feel lmao, but when it comes to the way the collective responds to DEATH, that is when I feel it the most, and it is exactly what you just said here. So thank you, for helping me feel like i am NOT taking crazy pills, because yes, it is a sacred thing that deserves to be honored, not feared and avoided. So much love to you!!!!

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You’re not on the crazy pills, or if you are then I am too! We have list, in general, our connection to the spiritual and the sacred. People are lost. The lack of connection with our ancestors is part of this disconnect. And, of course, fear is there too. Sending much love back to you! ❤️

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Yes. I have had that message come through (via other healers/people) of the importance of either connecting with my ancestors OR that there was a notable… well hard to explain, a notable “presence” of unfinished business within my own lineage. Not all bad, but definitely the way they live and die absolutely stays with us, the work we are doing here I think is so much more far reaching than even the realm of the living on earth. XO and thank u again

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I hope the business gets finished so there is peace for them. You clearly have a role to play. Look after yourself 🤗❤️you are loved 💫

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Powerful and deep discourse, thank you for sharing and honoring The Departed.

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Thank you & thanks for reading 🙏

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When I think of my dear departed loved ones, I tell them I love them and thank them for having been in my life.

Thank you, Tesstamona, for being here and sharing your life. 🙏💖

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Just to say I like your writing.

We are meant to feel happy for the departed in their different and free life of love and beauty, whereas there is often profound grief over long periods in the misery of losing a loved one.

In the coming NewAge there will be revised doctrine of immortality and reincarnations, on a long path to Cosmic Consciousness.

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That doctrine(s) are already out and have been for thousands of years, long before the Torah, but even in Christianity it talks about reincarnation, people just read things from an exoteric/ literalist POV and our ancestors were symbolists - any high spiritual teaching has to be conveyed esoterically because there are no words to literally describe these things. That’s why I talk about multiple realms here and what to do if a soul is struggling on their journey in another realm.

You’re correct though grief is… many things. It is Love but has many other expressions and complications. I’m feeling a lot of anger right now with it. Not just for the way they died or how many have died, but also for how quick society is to pretend like they never lived once they’re gone. It’s so hard to explain. Hopefully this response made sense. I hope you’re enjoying your Friday 🙏🫡❤️

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Reincarnation, in the Biblical sense is nothing like the eastern concept.


Which is the Biblical idea, involves two distinct, inseparable aspects .


The Spirit.

The Spirit is first, reborn, in the physical life.

The renewed, ie, redeemed Spirit, is a state of existence with the active presence of GOD'S Holy Spirit, becoming actively present in the spirit, consciously integrated with the physical soul.

The Soul,

Is not the spirit.

The soul in Biblical thought, is the living mind, “self” of the physical body.

Our common idea of self/ ego, physical awareness.

The Spirit, is the divine essence, the breath of life, the eternal existence imbued by GOD.

Upon death, the Spirit, leaves the Soul-body to be present with GOD.

The Resurrection, is the recreation of the physical soul/life, along with the Spirit.

This is the fully realized rebirth.

The completed process of being “Born Again.”

The resurrection of the dead, is, the realized reincarnation.

Yes, All souls, and All spirits will be resurrected.

However, not ALL will be resurrected into Life.

Those that chose existence without GOD,

Will receive their choice.

There can be no existence, outside of GOD.

Existence without GOD, is separation from life, Death, for eternity.

Those resurrected, that chose GOD,

Are resurrected into eternal life in complete union with spirit.

It is free will.

We must choose, Spirit, the eternal, or the soul, the purely physical.

GOD created us, with free will, in GOD'S image, triune, spirit-mind-Soul,

He did not create us to be slaves,

HE desires free association, honest free relationship, We must choose, GOD, Spirit, the eternal.

Love is a choice.

The choice is, Love-Life eternal

Or, self-flesh, entropy.

That is my current understanding at least.

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its a fascinating thing to ponder and learn about regarding our current understanding / ability to understand things as humans. I’ve gathered a lot from various texts including the Bible. From the Biblical standpoint, what stood out to me was the resurrection of the “dead” while one is still alive - I suppose we’d say renewal or revival these days, but to go from a “hardened heart” or dead inside/autopilot to illuminated with the Love of God.

And of course there is mention of the physical resurrection / ascension or life after death. Christian Esotericism or Mystic Christianity has its own cosmology that I find very interesting. Eastern philosophies can align with this as well, depending though. I don’t remember prior deaths or lives - but I do believe in reincarnation, or rather, the continuation of the soul…. however, I Do beleive one can live in such a wicked/destructive manner that somehow the soul can get … diminished or harmed in some way? Fragmented? And one would essentially “devolve” instead of evolve/ascend after leaving the body.

What I do know for sure is limited, but it is this: I’ve had a lot of ppl die in my life, I know many of us have, I know you’re no stranger to death either. IDK your experience, but some of them, I have had forms of contact from, and certain ones, you can feel their energy, or the condition they are in at that certain time. then suddenly it’s like there’s “no signal” and then maybe, years later, a signal might come through, although not as pronounced as when they initially left their bodies.

I have no idea what’s going on “over there” but I do think that the death process is not uniform. Beyond that, I have no idea, just various theories. All I know for sure is that we don’t “end” after we leave our bodies, but I know you know this too. Beyond that, I’m not sure.

What I do know is that while I’m here in this body, I want to be resurrected by the Love of God while I’m living, to live in such a manner.

And thank you BTW - for your consistent outpouring of messages of Love. You are the reason why I re-opened my Bible and began reading the Book of John - and I had a VERY different experience than I’d ever had before with the Bible when that started. Thank you.

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What I know for certain about life after death is, that I really don't know.

I have guesses, primarily, I have questions.

What I know about GOD, is that GOD is real, real in ways, experience, levels that I learn more of every day.

Love, is proof of GOD.

As for your statement of renewal in this life. EXACTLY!!!

Our spirit and soul, being born into Love-Life, here now. Exactly. The Kingdom of GOD manifest.

The testimony and witness of GOD, to the world, to the lost, the walking wounded.

That is the Gospel manifest among us.

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