Let me be super clear since we live in such polarized times, i.e.: “if you don’t agree with ALL these things, you must be the exact opposite!”
The assumptions on the internet and real life are nothing short of psychotic — thanks to lockstep programming (psychological warfare) ongoing for generations.
Above is but one definition of subversion. For the record, I am NON partisan. Two wings, same bird.
It’s important to define what we know to be true about ourselves, and what we also know to be untrue.
I re-posted this video (that I recorded in early 2023 during the Biden administration, not that it matters) a few days ago.
It’s interesting because back then, you’d get a lot of shit for saying this.
Now? You have a lot of people agreeing with you — and you have NO idea what “side” they are on.
You also have the ones who assume you’re on a “side” and take great offense to this statement.
Story time:
A “user” on the internet was so identified with the current political branding in power, they felt I was threatening them.
The pro-2A pro-militia guy thought I was threatening HIM by saying the government needed to be overthrown. That’s funny.
For the record, I am pro-2A and pro-militia as well. People have a right to defend their lives and organize to protect their families and communities from tyranny.
We do not need a government to grant us this right - this is innate.
I was referred to as a snowflake and invited to “come try it” - which is hilarious, for reasons I won’t outline on the internet.
People consume media like manic junkies - this poor creature didn’t even read the caption where I literally said “Repost from two years ago, doesn’t matter who’s in office, two wings, same bird”.
Let’s get real clear on what I am, and what I am NOT.
I invite you to do the same if you feel called.
We’ve all been censored for way to long, to the point where it becomes self-censorship. I’m over it.
I am pro-sovereignty, pro-humanity, pro-freedom,
I am anti-psychopathic globalist elite, and anti-technocracy / transhumanism.
What I LOVE:
Kundalini yoga, meditation, esoteric studies
MUSIC! Poetry! Art!
Self-sufficiency (meaning non-reliance on the system)
Permaculture, agorism, homesteading, voluntaryism
Martial arts, self-defense, firearms, tactical training
Being outside, in the sun and away from technology, wifi, and 5g towers
LOVE itself
using preparedness and action as strategy
Answering the call I hear from Source
Empathy, morality, free thinking.
The rEvolution of humanity and the SOUL
What I’m NOT about:
Surveillance states
THEFT (taxation)
poisoning people and the environment by geoengineeing, big Pharma, big food/big agriculture, etc.
Thinking politics is the answer (it’s not)
Diverting responsibility for making my own choices to ANYBODY
Banking cartels, drug cartels, war
The AI Agenda (Silent weapon, Ahriman)
mRNA injections and any merging of humans with nanotechnology
Using hope as a strategy
Rejecting the influence I see from opposition to Source, otherwise known as Satan
Narcissism, degeneracy, hive mind slavery
Agenda 2030 / The Great Reset
So if you are new here and hear me criticizing government or other power structures, I’ve been doing that since I was a teenager, it doesn’t matter what puppet is in office.
We can move forward with what is to come - and boyyyyy is it full throttle to the root of the evil we now face:
Algorithm Ghetto has a Subversion Remix.
Eerie, Dystopian, heavy on the AI agenda, and yet somehow danceable, with an old-school hip hop meets trip hop sound.
We tried our best to take you to the edge, but NOT have you feeling like you’re on an LSD trip that just took a wrong term. We (me and Cris Cordero, the mixing engineer on this song) took great care to craft this.
Sound healing is a thing. Sound awakening and revolution from one’s apathetic or nihilistic state is ALSO a thing.
I have just one question for YOU.
Are you ready for it to come out Tuesday 2/25?
With that said, are you subscribed to my YouTube channel so you can see the video, along with continued podcasts and video episodes on the topic, plus solutions, PLUS an album that is almost finished?
You can subscribe to the Tesstamona YouTube Channel here. You will find music videos, live shows, spoken word poetry, vlogs, podcasts and perhaps more.
For your playlisting needs, are you linked with me (Tesstamona) on Spotify?
If you’d like to be, guess what, they make fancy lil widgets so you can connect to my Spotify here:
Now you know what I am (and am NOT) about, and to spread messages that liberate and unite the people against our numerous existential threats, music and spoken word poetry are two of my greatest weapons.
It has been demonstrated time and time again to work, and this is only the beginning.
Live so hard and so free that someone tries to kill you for it.
Ideally they won’t, but hey, if they do, you know in this system, you did something right.
Point being, I’m all in, and if you are too, then let’s go.
FEBRUARY 25th. Stay tapped in, because this is the beginning. Ghost in the Machine (debut album) is coming out hopefully by May of this year.
Everything changes when that happens. Everything is already changing now.
All that, all of it, that's why we're friends. 😁 You're awesome, Tess. Much love to ya. 💗