Poignant! You were meant to see that and share it. I don't know why but when I read this it brought me back in my mind to a temple I visited in Japan where there was a statue to the God of Thunder who is said threw/throws lightning bolts to invaders...Raijin, God of lightning, thunder and storms...sometimes seen as a destructive entity, also a protector, he has many meanings..seems to me he brought you a boon, insight into dark and light. :) https://mythopedia.com/topics/raijin
Yo 🤯🤯🤯 I’m looking into this now - thank you. This also has some synchronous ties which I won’t get into here but two days ago (so the day before this happened) was the first time I sat down to play piano in about a year. The song I played is a song that has a huge significance to me and I would imagine many others who are familiar with where it comes from, and it’s called the song of storms. Thank you, dude. I’m gonna check that link out now.
Also, that’s incredible that you’ve been to Japan. I’ve been to Cambodia and it changed my life and have been drawn to Japan and its culture for many years, but have never been. Would love to hear about your experiences there.
That is wayyyy trippy yo! My first thought was exactly what your fren said… you captured light waves. Traveling at the speed of 186,000 mph. (Although that is apparently not a constant. It’s been measured at 220,000mph)
The chances of that are infinitesimal. And the guy disappearing! Lawdy. Maybe he portaled on outta here. Buh bye!
Read your post with trepidation - as always! The words that came to my mind were and still are - parallel worlds! In one second you were able to see the others layer of reality in another timeframe. I can see / perceive the image of an Egyptian God in the other one - Anubis! Fascinating!
wow you were able to see Anubis in the cloud formation in the second one?! I recognized it as a Being and the rising of … but I did not have a name for it. I am going to have to do a double take on that when I get a second today. Thank you for sharing that. !!!
Dear Soul yes this is what I saw seconds after opening the picture. Once upon a time, when I was painting intuitively every day I was able to see lots of images, creatures around me. Something unusual opened up within. It was a fascinating time!
That was an amazing answer to your prayer, Tess. God moves in mysterious ways, even more than we could ever imagine. He hears us, hears you, and He answered. You know what happened to me recently. I asked him a couple of days ago, he couldn’t explain, but there was perfect peace, he was at peace.
The hand of God reached out to you. Thank you for sharing it 💙🙏💫
And thank YOU for sharing that experience with me. It was the most beautiful way to have started my day and brought tears to my eyes to hear it. I love you!!!
whoa. right as I read this, and read the word Awen, I immediately went to a message I received yesterday (right before I went on this walk) and it was an animal totem of sorts. It was the bat. I went to re-read the explanation for it, because I knew I recognized that word Awen. Sure enough, the explanation for this was exactly what you just said here. Wow. Exactly what this message said, is what would exactly take place within an hour of receiving it, and I had forgotten the message entirely until you just said that. Thank you. And, I thank you for all you publish and all you share. It was your works that pushed me to return to reading the Bible and to read the Book of John, which set off a cascade of events, one event in particular that happened a week ago and I have not shared about yet, but I will. You were part of that, so thank you. I will remain encouraged. I will continue speaking and praying to perceive God in all things. And I pray your conversation continues forever as well. I thank you, because your example has inspired me in many ways, and has helped me along this journey more than you know.
whoa. WHAT. Awen translates into Ruach HoKodesh!? This is blowing my mind. I had been exposed to the …. information i guess is the word? that the Holy Spirit is the Divine Feminine aspect of the trinity, which makes a lot of sense to me for a multitude of reasons but wow. I had NO idea those two words were connected. How do you know all this stuff?
One of my favorite Bible translations is the Morgan Bible. 1588, it predates the KJV, and is in Welsh. Ancient Greek and Hebrew, translate into Welsh more directly than into English.
Plus, I am a student of medieval Welsh poetry.
English is a polyglot of Brythonic ( Celtic) Latin, Saxon, Angle, Norse, French….a mix of six languages.
Many words in English today, do not mean what they originally did in the source language. Or even, what they did 100 years ago.
My other background is Anthropology, and Archeology. Focused on North Western Europe from the late neolithic through the Iron age.
whoa. so you can read welsh too then. I’ve wanted to find the oldest versions possible of the Bible, obviously when I read it I’m aware that it’s been heavily redacted, altered, mistranslated in many cases, and the parables / wording used do not mean the same things today that they did when written - so there are other texts I read as well that would be considered esoteric but, this thing about language and how messed up the english language is in general — gives way for a lot of people to wildly misinterpret these texts and weaponize them, either against themselves, others, often both. anyway long story short id better learn some new languages. Used to be fluent in French, can’t remember most of it now. Thx for that info.
And this I think you will find interesting as well. BTW, my friend Seren, (Stella Fullard) is a believer, her current direction are songs of GOD, in Welsh, with trad arrangements and instruments.
Very strange photo!! I know a little about how cameras work, and could guess at how this happened. But, an explanation shouldn't diminish the fact that this is a 1 in a million shot with divine mystery attached to it!
All can be true I believe! I mean, yeah the odds of that happening are bizarre at best, and I never processed that until one of my friends said how weird that was and that was why he thought I was initially messing with him. It was taken on an iPhone, so it wasn’t like a legitimate camera, but I also have no idea how the camera on the inside of a phone works in comparison to an analog camera I mean. But yeah, it kinda freaked me out at first, now I feel like it was a tremendous gift no matter what the reasoning, what are the odds that you push click the second a lightning bolt strikes 🙌
Here's what I *think* happened, if you're interested- All cameras essentially function in the same way, a balance of the shutter speed, aperture (how wide the shutter opens), and the sensitivity of the light sensor. Cell phone cameras use very fast shutter speeds to avoid shaky images. When you took this picture at the same time as the lightning you essentially took a flash photo. But, your phone wasn't synchronized to the flash. Essentially, the shutter speed was too fast for how long the flash lasted and the darker half is from where the light is being blocked by the shutter blade. The chance of you catching that is mind boggling!!!!
Poignant! You were meant to see that and share it. I don't know why but when I read this it brought me back in my mind to a temple I visited in Japan where there was a statue to the God of Thunder who is said threw/throws lightning bolts to invaders...Raijin, God of lightning, thunder and storms...sometimes seen as a destructive entity, also a protector, he has many meanings..seems to me he brought you a boon, insight into dark and light. :) https://mythopedia.com/topics/raijin
Yo 🤯🤯🤯 I’m looking into this now - thank you. This also has some synchronous ties which I won’t get into here but two days ago (so the day before this happened) was the first time I sat down to play piano in about a year. The song I played is a song that has a huge significance to me and I would imagine many others who are familiar with where it comes from, and it’s called the song of storms. Thank you, dude. I’m gonna check that link out now.
I think we're on the same wavelength!
Also, that’s incredible that you’ve been to Japan. I’ve been to Cambodia and it changed my life and have been drawn to Japan and its culture for many years, but have never been. Would love to hear about your experiences there.
That's amazing, I've never been to Cambodia. Japan was amazing. I'd love to go back someday.
same, regarding both countries. return to cambodia and go to japan for sure.
That’s incredible, the whole story from start to finish, and your pictures. Whoah. I am in awe, thank you for sharing this!
Thank you so much for reading! It’s an honor to be able to share these stories with people.
That is wayyyy trippy yo! My first thought was exactly what your fren said… you captured light waves. Traveling at the speed of 186,000 mph. (Although that is apparently not a constant. It’s been measured at 220,000mph)
The chances of that are infinitesimal. And the guy disappearing! Lawdy. Maybe he portaled on outta here. Buh bye!
Cool share Tesstamona! 🙏💖
Thank you ! I had no idea light travels that fast either. That is incredible.
You’re welcome Tess! 💖 I was actually mistaken. It travels at 186,000 miles per second. To make it even more astounding!
Have a glorious day in Florida! 😁
Read your post with trepidation - as always! The words that came to my mind were and still are - parallel worlds! In one second you were able to see the others layer of reality in another timeframe. I can see / perceive the image of an Egyptian God in the other one - Anubis! Fascinating!
wow you were able to see Anubis in the cloud formation in the second one?! I recognized it as a Being and the rising of … but I did not have a name for it. I am going to have to do a double take on that when I get a second today. Thank you for sharing that. !!!
Dear Soul yes this is what I saw seconds after opening the picture. Once upon a time, when I was painting intuitively every day I was able to see lots of images, creatures around me. Something unusual opened up within. It was a fascinating time!
That was an amazing answer to your prayer, Tess. God moves in mysterious ways, even more than we could ever imagine. He hears us, hears you, and He answered. You know what happened to me recently. I asked him a couple of days ago, he couldn’t explain, but there was perfect peace, he was at peace.
The hand of God reached out to you. Thank you for sharing it 💙🙏💫
And thank YOU for sharing that experience with me. It was the most beautiful way to have started my day and brought tears to my eyes to hear it. I love you!!!
Love you, too, Tess 💙🙏💫🤗🥰
The left, the world in shadow,
The right, the world in the light of GOD.
Lightning, splits the darkness.
Inspiration, is revelation, from GOD.
There's a Welsh word, Awen. The spiritual inspiration from GOD that strikes as lightning from the darkness. The origin of true poetic inspiration.
Awe-Wen, Sacred Awe.
I suspect,
GOD was speaking.
I also suspect you are listening.
The prayer you spoke is , one I myself pray , though not nearly often enough.
Be encouraged! GOD is listening, HE hears you and HE answers.
It's about relationship, it's about honest, true conversation.
I pray your conversation continues forever.
whoa. right as I read this, and read the word Awen, I immediately went to a message I received yesterday (right before I went on this walk) and it was an animal totem of sorts. It was the bat. I went to re-read the explanation for it, because I knew I recognized that word Awen. Sure enough, the explanation for this was exactly what you just said here. Wow. Exactly what this message said, is what would exactly take place within an hour of receiving it, and I had forgotten the message entirely until you just said that. Thank you. And, I thank you for all you publish and all you share. It was your works that pushed me to return to reading the Bible and to read the Book of John, which set off a cascade of events, one event in particular that happened a week ago and I have not shared about yet, but I will. You were part of that, so thank you. I will remain encouraged. I will continue speaking and praying to perceive God in all things. And I pray your conversation continues forever as well. I thank you, because your example has inspired me in many ways, and has helped me along this journey more than you know.
Thank You milady.
An important aspect of Awen,
The word translates into Hebrew;
Ruach HoKodesh,
The Holy Spirit,
The Word-Breathe, of GOD.
Which interestingly is a Feminine gender word.
Which means, The Holy Spirit, is the “Feminine” aspect of the Trinity.
Please remember, GOD, is spirit, which is to say, neither male or female, as we understand gender.
The Holy Spirit, is the creative “force”
The source of inspiration and life.
whoa. WHAT. Awen translates into Ruach HoKodesh!? This is blowing my mind. I had been exposed to the …. information i guess is the word? that the Holy Spirit is the Divine Feminine aspect of the trinity, which makes a lot of sense to me for a multitude of reasons but wow. I had NO idea those two words were connected. How do you know all this stuff?
I was a Celtic Reconstructionist Pagan.
One of my favorite Bible translations is the Morgan Bible. 1588, it predates the KJV, and is in Welsh. Ancient Greek and Hebrew, translate into Welsh more directly than into English.
Plus, I am a student of medieval Welsh poetry.
English is a polyglot of Brythonic ( Celtic) Latin, Saxon, Angle, Norse, French….a mix of six languages.
Many words in English today, do not mean what they originally did in the source language. Or even, what they did 100 years ago.
My other background is Anthropology, and Archeology. Focused on North Western Europe from the late neolithic through the Iron age.
Plus, Studying the Bible.
whoa. so you can read welsh too then. I’ve wanted to find the oldest versions possible of the Bible, obviously when I read it I’m aware that it’s been heavily redacted, altered, mistranslated in many cases, and the parables / wording used do not mean the same things today that they did when written - so there are other texts I read as well that would be considered esoteric but, this thing about language and how messed up the english language is in general — gives way for a lot of people to wildly misinterpret these texts and weaponize them, either against themselves, others, often both. anyway long story short id better learn some new languages. Used to be fluent in French, can’t remember most of it now. Thx for that info.
An interesting note concerning the Beibel Cymraeg,
The English worked very hard to eradicate Welsh after 1607,
The primary reason theWelsh ( Cymraeg) language, survived is the Morgan Bible.
Here's a link:
And this I think you will find interesting as well. BTW, my friend Seren, (Stella Fullard) is a believer, her current direction are songs of GOD, in Welsh, with trad arrangements and instruments.
WHOA. Wow, that is cool. And what Chelsea said is an awesome thing!
Truly!! I love her so much
It's an incredible photo capture, Tess. And not a cell in my body is surprised that YOU were the one to capture it. ❤️❤️❤️
😭😭😭😭 I love you!!!
I love you back, beauty. 😘😘😘
Very strange photo!! I know a little about how cameras work, and could guess at how this happened. But, an explanation shouldn't diminish the fact that this is a 1 in a million shot with divine mystery attached to it!
All can be true I believe! I mean, yeah the odds of that happening are bizarre at best, and I never processed that until one of my friends said how weird that was and that was why he thought I was initially messing with him. It was taken on an iPhone, so it wasn’t like a legitimate camera, but I also have no idea how the camera on the inside of a phone works in comparison to an analog camera I mean. But yeah, it kinda freaked me out at first, now I feel like it was a tremendous gift no matter what the reasoning, what are the odds that you push click the second a lightning bolt strikes 🙌
Here's what I *think* happened, if you're interested- All cameras essentially function in the same way, a balance of the shutter speed, aperture (how wide the shutter opens), and the sensitivity of the light sensor. Cell phone cameras use very fast shutter speeds to avoid shaky images. When you took this picture at the same time as the lightning you essentially took a flash photo. But, your phone wasn't synchronized to the flash. Essentially, the shutter speed was too fast for how long the flash lasted and the darker half is from where the light is being blocked by the shutter blade. The chance of you catching that is mind boggling!!!!
If you feel called to share, I’d love to hear what else you see