Fuck that—we do not. 😂

“Do we cater what we have to say to make it more “palatable” to a society that is more hypersensitive than a clitoris, and more reactive than a grenade with the pin removed two seconds before impact?”

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holy shit i forgot i wrote that and didn’t delete it before posting 😆 bahaha but forreal tho 😂

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Here, here to your song - many things to comment on in this right-on missive, but your observation about live performance keeps popping up in my field of vision - I'm beginning to think that live performance might be one of only a handful of ways to convincingly convey spirit of any kind to those who have been reared in and/or captured by this digital fakery - to see a bunch of humans having a blast doing what they love making intriguing noises just might be irresistible - they'll want to have a piece of that action! :)

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I agree, and there is truly something different about delivering even “unpalatable” messages IRL versus on the internet, its a completely different thing. They can see who you are, that you don’t fit the image of some terrorist hobgoblin, and yeah from there peoples guards tend to drop really fast haha. THANK YOU for emphasizing this, seriously. I will do my best to continue performing live as much as possible. once the album is done i’m going to focus on that full force for the sole purpose of delivering a message without algorithmic robots getting in the way!

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So much to think about. But I totally agree with focusing on growing spiritually strong and physically healthy. Thank you, Tess 💫

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You are very welcome my friend. <3

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I’m glad it was, thank you for reading

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You're welcome always God bless you and your family forever

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I'm super interested your favorite recommended resources re: Anthroposophy. Thank you for the excellent fiction and your resilient process.

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Yes maam. I am going to compile you a list and DM you some links and resources and book names!

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Thank you so much!! ✨🌟🌞🌟✨

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I followed your BC great stuff. post Trap poetry perfect for this time.

The Anthropocene was summbed up by Boyd Rice perfectly "The strong rule the weak and the clever rule the strong."

Music has never been the product. The format and perception was the product. Vynil, Tape, CD, Posters and the power of the musician to rule perception.

The A.i LLM was the houses of the holy trick that every hegemon used scince civil-EYE-Zation (zion)

was invented. To hold a perception of a hidden power that only a chosen few that rules over the ledger system. Its now a Real time Machiavellian Hellscape.

Without pen and paper we are ruled by the swords of our imagination.

The poet like Shelly or Bacon or whomever defined a generation and captured the eon in a paragraph or stanza.

Now how will anyone do this in a plural desert of the NPC mindset.

A counter opportunity only to be absorbed by the blob of a non ownership system.

The communitarians are laughed at yet they hold the key...

From the Bolshevic Bankers taking over the world.

or the Soviet LLM A.i normie suburban GTA of the mind.

From Ghengis to Gates

or Stalin to Musk

there is a hope in the hubris of the internet.

That is the charging rush of creation that fearlessness shifts oneself's

rebellion in the raging torrent of dead fish going with the flow.

Steadfast and resolute that is the one thiing

the owners of the empty box in the houses of the holy quake

in their boots that others may get a waft of this potency.

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This is beautiful. And understood - The Hope is what creates the evolution between the thrashing and flames of polarities. And thank you for linking with BC. The new music moving forward (long story) is not a trap sound anymore, more like mystic blues meets dystopian coal mine canary.

you raise a good question, how can anyone do what those poets have done in the desert of the NPC? Its already happening. It will become louder too, you dont much see it online, but we’ll do our best to inject it into the machine in hopes people will come out of it maybe. “come out of her my people” just took on a whole new meaning in real time holy shit.

Thank you ❤️

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Yeh cheers I haven't listened to every song on you site will check out more. I am big fan of electroclash and folk jazz blues crossover.

This is me


Have been researching the shamanic journey at moment and it seems like the process. I like your style of just evolving quickly and crossing over all styles and making it your own. That is Maverick and brave work in this world of perpetuated mediocrity.

Can see that in some kind of focus of poems music capturing in the light is the breadcrumbs for all those incarned soul that forgot how powerful they were in all permutations of life, passed and present. Its that focus that makes the defining solidarity that all the bad energy of the world is lost in and well its without saying only few will go through the alchemical divorce to find the non chemical wedding but the souls own built apothicary of the self.

Many thanks for the connection your words inspire and evocative of some of the etheric creativity that is much needed in a world going through perception damage and in need of healing of those who can expose the real.

Thank you <3

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Many thanks for the free introduction to your music poetry. I would probably never have known about you were it not for Substack.

Words are powerful, add music and they will permanently reside in the brain matter. Rebellion keeps the truth alive, don’t give up.

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“Rebellion keeps the truth alive” I absolutely love that. Thank you so much for reading/listening and sharing your feedback. I am glad to be virtually acquainted with you here on the ‘Stack!

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Tried genre: "rap" ?

Could work.🤷‍♀️

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They approved the song, but it’s alternative blues so can’t do rap haha. point being i dont think it had anything to do with the “mis-genre-ing” because the genre was correct. I spoke to someone who used to work in distribution back in the day and he said they never flagged or blocked a song from a mis-genre issue even if it had been incorrectly labeled but it wasnt

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