I love that you do Sidereal! I prefer it myself, but it is hard to find astrologers that know it. I know very little myself, but I find it fascinating. Please share more on this! I have a LOT of work to do on myself and I'm honestly a bit nervous (a lot nervous) about what's to come. I feel like I'm on the cusp of something huge (we all are) if I can get out of my own way. I struggle with differentiating between my intuition and ego. For years I've definitely been "protecting" myself from my own power, and I'm for sure hiding something from myself. Also I'm so glad you said what you did about politics. Such a shitshow, and I too think voting is stupid cos it doesn't actually matter, everything is decided by the people who are really running things. It's time for some systems to collapse.

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yooo I have the perfect astrologer for you if you are interested. He is from Bulgaria, he actually lives in Florida now, and I've had several readings with him. He uses Sidereal, but also works out of the ancient Babylonian and Egyptian texts, translated into the book known as "Mathesis" if you are interested. He is beyond brilliant. His name is Trifon Nikolov. I'll send you a link of a youtube video Lada Duncheva had him in, and there's a link to book a session with him. Or, if you want, send me your email address and I'll text you his Skype number so you can contact him directly! He does reads that way and he doesn't mind at all when I refer people. I've studied astrology myself for a very long time and I've worked with a LOT of different astrologers.... Trifon is my number one recommendation because of the thing you and I both seem to value the most -- Truth. Here is an example of how he breaks things down/his demeanor lol: (by the way, you know that article I posted on Kindred Souls that was originally in Bulgarian and I translated it to English? That teaching was sent from him. He is a wealth of knowledge.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgG-pnIuiD8&t=2220s

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Ok I gave that a listen (at least as well as I could with a yelly baby in the room), and wow that is great stuff! I would love to book a reading when the budget allows. I still have a LOT to learn!

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I love that you're looking into this!! Great piece!! ❤️🥰❤️

One way to reconcile tropical and true sky sidereal is that the tropical chart often reflects the progressed true sky sidereal chart. That can explain why both or one over the other may resonate for some, depending upon where they happen to be in their life journey.

I know that my true sky feels more correct to me personally. In tropical, I'm a Cap stellium. I don't even feel like a Cap. In true sky, I'm a Sag stellium, and overall, it feels more correct to me.

For instance, I never felt like my tropical north node was correct. The day I read the description for my true sky north node, I was in tears. (For anyone reading this who doesn't know what I'm talking about, your north node is the expression of your purpose in this life, of what you are meant to accomplish while you're here.) It's not supposed to be easy.

And sure enough, my north node is conjunct my black moon Lilith (the expression of the shadow), making that even more emotionally charged and challenging for me. But the emotions attached to this showed me the accuracy of what I was exploring. My tropical north node? Crickets. What it outlines, I can do in my sleep.

Now... incorporating the two to account for the progressed chart? Jackpot - one provides the infrastructure to tackle the other without feeling overwhelmed. It provides a steadying bar for what would otherwise have felt like an abyss to me.

So, experimentally, I like to pay attention to both and find the expressions of the nexus points.

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Thank you, I’ve been studying astrology for many years but don’t really post about it. A lot of it is due to the above mentioned, people are really set with the status quo around it - but I may start including more in future. ❤️

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I think it's great to open them up to the difference among the chart types and let them take it in. Especially the fact that it's been tampered with and most are still trying to piece that back together unless they've settled into one style that they prefer. ❤️

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This was fantastic. Nice throwback to Yuri there 🤌🏻

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Thank you! 🙏

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Thank you for all of the insights on the number 8. I've had a shallow and simplistic "almost but not quite" view of that number.

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you're very welcome, I'm still learning too. It's definitely not intuitive, I just share the teachings that I'm given. I have 8 in my numerology chart so im certainly familiar with it but definitely no master. Have a blessed day!!! <3

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Remember those Magic 8 balls?


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Thank you so much, Tess! There's a ton of great info here. I didn't know about sidereal astrology and I'm fascinated. It makes me think about the ancestors (as does everything, I suppose 😀). Our ancient kin would've looked at the sky for these insights, not squeezed it into an artificial calendar. And I love your info on the 8s! Thanks again for all of this. ♥️

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A wonderful, hopeful, powerful read. It will help me a lot to remember to be truer to my word and to not waste time.

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Thank you 🙏

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