I'm not dealing with any insomnia, but the part about listening to your body truly resonates. Mine is definitely telling me something and I've gotta listen and figure it out what that is before it starts screaming.

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Yes!! Yes once it starts screaming all hell can break loose. I have been down that road many times. Grateful for you as always.

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Likewise 😊

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I love Kali; your words resonate deeply with my soul. Kali bliss your nightmare

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I love her too 😭 still getting to know her of course, but when I go to her, it has calmed fears that other methods could not. Thank you for your blessing, and may you be blessed in all of your endeavors 🙏

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Insomnia is my constant companion. I know about insomnia journaling as you suggest, yet something retains me from doing. It's this weird -- I know it's good for me, but I refuse to do it. -- Self-punishement?? I should. Intensely written! Thank you 🙏

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I totally get it — i’m very familiar with being resistant toward things that I know could technically help, but for whatever reason I don’t do it — all the way up until the point that I do. Thank you for sharing your experience, it seems like for various reasons, a lot of us are having sleep difficulty right now, but it’s always nice to have the reminder that one is not alone, because it can be a struggle that affects all of life.

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Quality sleep is imo the most important. I recall, during heavy depression, all I needed were meds to sleep. I was able to cope with it as long as I had enough sleep. Still using them today periodically, only if it gets unbearable. Someone here wrote an essay that helped me a lot. Unfortunately I didn't save it and can't find it anymore. It was about the indifference between day and night. Something has switched in me while reading, since I'm only struggling to fall asleep at night. If I want to sleep during the day, I literally can enjoy to fall asleep. The opposite is at night. Looking at day and night being not isolated from each other, but night being part of the day, triggered some level of comfort in me. It still has to settle though. 😊🍀 Yes, it's good to be reminded not being alone! 🙏

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Thank you ufor this. Ive often been on that clock (up late, sleep late) but I was always so happy. It's the most creative time. For some it may be natural to sleep early and rise early -- but perhaps its normal and natural for us to not all be on this clock, the clock of the machine. Thank you so much for this, I just read it. I often feel guilt for resting so this helps more than I can explain

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And a Beautiful pic She is, I am truly honored😊😊 Love U Mamas🥰🥰💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿🔥🔥

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She truly is. LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!

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I looove that statement about empty hands. I'm going to take that to heart like Tess did!

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“Don't isolate yourselves, it is the tool of the enemy “ so true and I found myself naturally isolating myself after some heavy duty trauma experiences about 15 years ago. I have to work hard to not be a hermit. Thank you Tesstaminia for your sharing inspiration ✨💖✨

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thank you for sharing yours. still gotta work real hard to not isolate but lately its been getting better. much love to you.

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Blessings on this piece!! The mind is certainly difficult to calm. I like Psalm 91 and Psalm 23 and simply hanging out with God, giving the steep burden to Him to bear. He is able! We are not created to haul burdens around ( guilty myself...)

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Yes, I have found great comfort in prayer and in turning certain things over that would drive me to absolute insanity if I did not -- when the entire world fails, that will not. 🙏 ❤️

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This could work as a epic song lyric. Like the ones that take up a whole side.

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Yo- I’m gonna do that. As of last night the new and debut album is underway and I think this would be an appropriate song for our times. Thank you for the suggestion friend. 🙏❤️🙏

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