Tess, as usual your writing has pointed out to me a glaring truth I was missing. Some people in my life are kinda mean and harsh about seemingly unimportant things, and it's like, they hardly like anybody. And I've come to realize that that's probably cos they don't like themselves that much. As you said, happy people are kind to others. My spiritual connection has felt lacking lately, and I think a good place to start repairing that is praying for the happiness of others, especially the ones who don't like themselves. I also think that we inevitably see what we're looking for, so I'm going to start looking for and appreciating the special moments you wrote about, both for myself and others, and looking for ways God is conspiring in my favor. Thanks for this. Love you, friend.

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OMG I Love what you said at the end "God is conspiring in my favor" -- a teacher of mine says so often to believe that the universe is always conspiring in our favor -- ive heard it more times than I can count but for some reason, reading it when you just wrote it made it sink in - and i needed that so thank you. And YES, oh my lord it can be SO hard to pray for the people that have caused harm or are just shitty in general - but any time ive been able to do it, serious shit has shifted and its also set me free, so hey, I'll kick my game up in that area and start doiing it daily with you bc I have been slacking in that area. And yeah.. when it comes to realizing when we need to clean house in our circle that can be a not so pretty thing to have to face but i feel you on that. Right now the energy is massively supportive of those choices though. so we are very much aligned. Much love to you my friend, I appreciate tf out of you. ♥️

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Thanks, I appreciate tf out of you, too! Glad we can help each other out this way. Happy New Year, my friend!

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Happy new year to you too!!!!

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“There is something to be said for pushing yourself through the barrier of resistance and showing up to new experiences. There is something to be said for getting out of the inertia of isolation and aversiveness to connection. There is also something to be said about prayer. “

Amen! 🙏💫✨💖

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Big love to you lady!! ♥️

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Dec 31, 2023
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i LOVE that -- "a time for this, a time for that, how would you know peace without a slap" that just put a smile on my face, thank you

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I know that feeling, I reflect on those occasions regularly, although I can't say I've experienced a 'high' in the last 4 years. I'm often guilty of suppressing happiness when it occurs, I'm suspicious of it sometimes.

I certainly want to investigate what's underneath these layers that appear to filter everything before it becomes a thought or action, something prohibits me. The spiritual connection looks and feels promising although remotely at the moment.

Despite everything your message elevated my mood, thanks for posting.

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I think the awareness you have in happiness suppression and suspicion is gold -- awareness is always how transformation begins. and i also relate... i still to this day when i get super happy will be like... "this feels like being on drugs??" or "am i crazy?" its funny to think about but at the same time, we've been through some serious shit and have our guards up, the process of disarming is ... not for the faint of heart thats for sure. and takes a hot minute. grateful to be walking it together.

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Wow, Tess, this is pure magic and just what I needed to read today. I've saved this post to come back to anytime I need a reminder to feel in love with my life. Chances are good I would've said no to the invitation if I really didn't feel like going. But look how much I would've missed! Going forward, I will pause before automatically rejecting an invitation. And if I do go, I will say a prayer first. Thank you for this!

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aaahh thank you so much for sharing what you just did!! i felt like it was somewhat of a weird thing to post here because its just my reflecting on happy emotions but apparently it was something that resonated with people - which makes me realize even further just how truly connected we are, and how much our wants/needs are truly shared in this life. Thank YOU for all you've written as well, it adds a lot of value and is greatly appreciated!

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It was sheerly a pleasant surprise to find your Substack today. So many points in your piece resonated strongly with me. I am a naturally passionate individual, so when I push myself to socialize, odds are happiness and giddiness are the result. Hearing live music with others does the same thing: a gigantic dopamine rush.

There’s a memory hole involved that makes me forget that wonderful time after some time has passed. I fear that I have forgotten more socialization skills than I retain. Compounding this are the uncertainty, hopelessness and anxiety people are experiencing in response to this Consensus Reality Boondoggle. Intermittent doomscrolling doesn’t help.

When I feel myself pulling back from outside engagement, I remind myself that I get an opportunity to expand my perspective, revel in happiness as well as share that joy at all levels. Maybe even learn new things.

It doesn’t work every time, but it works enough of the time to change my life. Thank you for sharing your shining thoughts. Reading your piece was like an extra outing - that prayer was spot on.

The joy of New Years to you and your family.

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thank you so much for sharing this -- you are so spot on with the "consensus reality boondoggle" with the doomscrolling additive -- i think everyone is suffering from this and i heard something today... "molecules over pixels, we are living too pixelated and need to get back to real life shit, get your hands dirty" not to say technology has no use, but i believe the scales have shifted too far and it has stunted a great many of us, myself included. I think we're making a comeback thtough and forr this i am truly grateful, thank you for your comment!!

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Some years ago while sitting in contemplation at the beginning of a meeting for worship at the local Quaker meeting house, a model of the universe appeared in my mind. In it, God is represented as an oak tree and the souls of the people here in this earthly realm are represented as acorns. We are all connected to the tree. Each of us is capable of becoming a separate oak tree, too, but we are comparatively young, being still attached and not yet thriving independently.

As a consequence of this connectedness, God feels everything we feel. God feels your joy, your hope, your vibe. God feels your sadness, longing, and despair. And God prefers you to feel the good feelings. Which is why God sent God's Love, who is Mary the Immaculate, to bear God's Word, who is Jesus, to be incarnate, to teach us to love God with our whole heart, our whole soul, our whole being, our whole energy, and to love ourselves, and to love our neighbours. It is this complete expression of love which was present when Mary watched as her son Jesus carried the cross, was crucified, died on the cross, was taken down by his friend John and Joseph of Arimathea, and was held by Mother Mary. Then Jesus was prepared for the tomb and buried. On the third day he arose again from the dead.

Mary Magdalene had come to "sit shiva" and brought a basket of three dozen hard boiled eggs to share with the others, but when she arrived at the tomb, it was open! She set down her basket of eggs and looked inside. There the angel of the resurrection told her, "You will not find him here. He is risen. He is risen indeed." There was some rushing around and confusion, looking for his body. Jesus began showing himself to his followers a few at a time. Later, returning to the tomb, Mary Magdalene found her eggs had been transformed into every colour of the rainbow. In celebration of the search for Jesus in the gardens around the tomb and in remembrance of the transformation of the eggs, we have a tradition of brightly coloured eggs being hidden outside for a joyous egg hunt.

Our connexion to God is very powerful. When we stop our own inner voice, when we sit in meditation or prayer and truly seek that connexion, we are in the presence of the Almighty. It is with this connexion, through the power of the Holy Spirit, that we can do all things. Even things that seem "impossible" are within the power of God.

God bless you Tess and your family and your colleagues and friends. Happy new year. Next year in a free country. Amen.

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God bless you too and YES to a free country and YES to sovereign souls and also a hard YES to the article you wrote yesterday, shared it with a friend of mine, IDK if I thanked you for it or not but thank you incase I didn't. You are right on track with really all of this but I was in a year of the 8 workshop with Remington Donovan today, and he basically said the same thing you just did-- now more than ever, to tap into ones intuitive psyche/soul/God, we will never be led astray. May this be our compass always. and also, thank you for the reminder that all things are possible with the most high. it helps a lot right now especially.

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I feel very strongly that it has been a difficult time for a great many souls here in this earthly realm, and that a dramatic shift happened. For me on the 24th the message was, "It begins." For Demi Pietchell it was on the 30th with "She's Got That Whole Priestess, Mystic..." which begins "It is time..." and concludes with the sentence, "It's time." Because it is. The forces of darkness that we have been defending against are in retreat. We have seen the turning of the tide. Right now, especially, I believe that much which is better is coming into view. So let us keep going toward the bright light of freedom and the joyous future we choose.

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Yes and so it is. I feel the same and I suspect so many more do. Actually scratch that -- I know so many more do. It is time indeed. 🙏

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God's will be done. Amen.

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I am not an eloquent writer, but your words brought to my consciousness that all that I/we need is within us. We have a purpose, perhaps Devine, to let our unique thoughts and perspective out to ferment with the thoughts of others. We thereby enhance our lives and those who we encounter.

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Jan 1, 2024
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thank you for reading!!!!

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Dec 31, 2023
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"an ear that will hear a calling enough to inspire a change of heart" that is beautiful and I very much agree with you, thank you

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