Essentials list: air. You need a filtration system for your face, along with some sort of goggles or swim masque. You should also be thinking about a room in your home or shelter where you can filter the air for a few days. Fallout kills. Jerry Pournelle designed an emergency air filter you can make with toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes in an emergency.
Maps: DeLorme makes gazeteers for every state. I have the ones for the states near me, along with a bunch more in storage in Ottawa Kansas. Long story. I have a bunch of expired Jeps (Jeppesen) aerial maps which show major no fly and notam areas.
Spiritual prep: I strongly encourage everyone to get a rosary and learn to pray the three white rosaries: the joyful, sorrowful, and glorious mysteries. There is no greater protection from evil available. I also have memorised the command of the Vade Retro Satana. (It is not a prayer so don't say "amen" after it. Feel free to say another prayer after it if you wish to conclude with amen.) The prayer to St. Michael the Archangel is also good to know. St. Gertrude the Great wrote a prayer with guidance from Jesus that brings the Holy Souls in purgatory into heaven. Praying it encourages them to pray for you.
"Inconstant Moon" by Larry Niven is a good "what to do when you have hours before shtf" story. Footfall and Lucifer's Hammer are two good novels, both co-written by Niven and Pournelle which help with preparation and ingenuity. Dinner plates can be used to stop tanks if you know how a minefield looks. And stopped armour is vulnerable af
Molotov had a rudimentary recipe. Add a bit of motor oil and a bit of brake fluid to make it stickier.
God brought me to rural Oregon. The Rogue River valley is a good area. Good people here.
Eternal Father please help us free the slaves, stop the wars, and end tyranny. Please help with guidance, resources, ingenuity, endurance, fortitude, and patience. Please show us the little fires so we may pass by them. Please bring love into our lives so we remember what we have to live for. Amen.
Community is key. I have no intention of saying anyone is wrong; but without a community no amount of prep will last. At worst, you will be required to defend your prep to the death. At best, you will die alone. Being in service to others, bringing the little joys: a smile, a cooling cloth to the fevered forehead, a calming fresh herbal tea, a song... I repeat. Community.
I am 10000000% with you on this my friend. I've heard experts in the field say the exact same thing to people who think being a lone wolf with a gun will work out-- their response being: "you will become a casualty."
Let me add.... Another era... Many people think the Black Panther Party was assassinated because they were threatening violence. I lived then and now in the SF Bay Area and knew they were so much more than that. They built community in a very real sense :helping with food and meals, after school care for children, housing, clothing given freely. In more ways than this they modeled support, care, and social power. They had to be killed to break apart the communities they were successfully creating. This is a prime example of how like minded (and not!) can fight the divide/conquer dominant culture. There remains a need for supply and defense. My point is not to avoid storing and getting weapon/security training; my point is that, by itself, is not going to save anyone. Our ONLY chance is within a community; strength in numbers, in diversity (not a monoculture), and in healing self and others.
I need to get you on my weekly radio show: The Empowered Community.
Today I did a light rescue for a friend of mine. His stone floors has red wine stains from a cooking class. 🫣 “what shall I do???”
I said “lemme check my BOB in the car.” I brought out Hydrogen Peroxide, Baking soda, and a stiff toothbrush. Stains were gone in moments. He looked at me and I just said “Yup.” 💪🏻
Thank U Beautiful for this💜💜 much appreciated!! I'm always prepared Mentally, but it's time I get some of the 3d set as well- don't get me wrong, I have some survival equipment & don't really subscribe to or rely on technology much but I do meed to set some firm action plans.
Great stuff.
Essentials list: air. You need a filtration system for your face, along with some sort of goggles or swim masque. You should also be thinking about a room in your home or shelter where you can filter the air for a few days. Fallout kills. Jerry Pournelle designed an emergency air filter you can make with toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes in an emergency.
Maps: DeLorme makes gazeteers for every state. I have the ones for the states near me, along with a bunch more in storage in Ottawa Kansas. Long story. I have a bunch of expired Jeps (Jeppesen) aerial maps which show major no fly and notam areas.
Spiritual prep: I strongly encourage everyone to get a rosary and learn to pray the three white rosaries: the joyful, sorrowful, and glorious mysteries. There is no greater protection from evil available. I also have memorised the command of the Vade Retro Satana. (It is not a prayer so don't say "amen" after it. Feel free to say another prayer after it if you wish to conclude with amen.) The prayer to St. Michael the Archangel is also good to know. St. Gertrude the Great wrote a prayer with guidance from Jesus that brings the Holy Souls in purgatory into heaven. Praying it encourages them to pray for you.
"Inconstant Moon" by Larry Niven is a good "what to do when you have hours before shtf" story. Footfall and Lucifer's Hammer are two good novels, both co-written by Niven and Pournelle which help with preparation and ingenuity. Dinner plates can be used to stop tanks if you know how a minefield looks. And stopped armour is vulnerable af
Molotov had a rudimentary recipe. Add a bit of motor oil and a bit of brake fluid to make it stickier.
God brought me to rural Oregon. The Rogue River valley is a good area. Good people here.
Eternal Father please help us free the slaves, stop the wars, and end tyranny. Please help with guidance, resources, ingenuity, endurance, fortitude, and patience. Please show us the little fires so we may pass by them. Please bring love into our lives so we remember what we have to live for. Amen.
thank you so much for this
You're welcome. All the glory to God.
Community is key. I have no intention of saying anyone is wrong; but without a community no amount of prep will last. At worst, you will be required to defend your prep to the death. At best, you will die alone. Being in service to others, bringing the little joys: a smile, a cooling cloth to the fevered forehead, a calming fresh herbal tea, a song... I repeat. Community.
I am 10000000% with you on this my friend. I've heard experts in the field say the exact same thing to people who think being a lone wolf with a gun will work out-- their response being: "you will become a casualty."
Let me add.... Another era... Many people think the Black Panther Party was assassinated because they were threatening violence. I lived then and now in the SF Bay Area and knew they were so much more than that. They built community in a very real sense :helping with food and meals, after school care for children, housing, clothing given freely. In more ways than this they modeled support, care, and social power. They had to be killed to break apart the communities they were successfully creating. This is a prime example of how like minded (and not!) can fight the divide/conquer dominant culture. There remains a need for supply and defense. My point is not to avoid storing and getting weapon/security training; my point is that, by itself, is not going to save anyone. Our ONLY chance is within a community; strength in numbers, in diversity (not a monoculture), and in healing self and others.
A cogent and practical assessment; love it!
Thank you! I hope it was helpful :-)
Good practical things to learn and know. The only person who can prepare yourself as your self. Thank you Tesstamona! ✨
I need to get you on my weekly radio show: The Empowered Community.
Today I did a light rescue for a friend of mine. His stone floors has red wine stains from a cooking class. 🫣 “what shall I do???”
I said “lemme check my BOB in the car.” I brought out Hydrogen Peroxide, Baking soda, and a stiff toothbrush. Stains were gone in moments. He looked at me and I just said “Yup.” 💪🏻
Thank U Beautiful for this💜💜 much appreciated!! I'm always prepared Mentally, but it's time I get some of the 3d set as well- don't get me wrong, I have some survival equipment & don't really subscribe to or rely on technology much but I do meed to set some firm action plans.