Thanks for sharing, Tess! Can’t wait to listen to the album!

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I can't wait to share it with you!! Much love to you homie!

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I’m so excited for you and this! Love the words!

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thanks homie!!! excited for you too!! lets touch base soon!

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I am sad to inform you that it is again an election year and so people like me aren't allowed to have followers and be seen on socialist and communist media. We must be silenced for wrong think by the smarmy intellectual filth at Stripe and Substack and Twitter and YouTube and Failbook. There's no point in fighting the algorithms. None of the people who write the software have ever cared. They are at best oblivious to the harm they cause and in many identifiable cases they revel in hurting others. I don't think there is much here worth saving. But perhaps I am like unto Elijah fleeing to the desert in the certainty that all the good people have been tortured to death. I only wish there were more I could do.

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The algorithm aint just tech — I address the algorithms and running programs in our minds and hearts that keep us hypnotized. Luckily, THAT is something we very much can be freed from. As far as the tech stuff, I’ve been censored on socials for years. All the things. I had a song come out last year that was censored immediately (received a flag/strike on YT) because in the music video, I aired a brief clip of a friend/journalist who was on the news, and the word “covid” was on the screen because it was from 2020, and it got flagged for that. I thought the whole video was fuckin toast. Turns out, a bunch of folks shared the shit out of it, and we were able to get the message out regardless. That was the video where I featured 19 of my friends in the freedom community and showcased them doing their thing, from making music, to hosting permaculture workshops, to firearms training, to speaking truth to power, the whole gammot. So, have faith my friend. You are MUCH stronger in that area than I am and I often draw on your strength.

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Cool. A big project. : )

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First time ever doing an album. Been waiting years to finally break free from the self-imposed prison of holding myself back -- which sounds really weird to say, but you are an artist through and through, so I know you know what I mean. I salute you for staying true to your gifts 🫡

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You Rock Girl! Looking forward to your album 💙🙏💫🥰

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Thank you Joyce, I look forward to more of your poetry, it is so powerful and beautiful. And I hope you like the album. I'll be sharing it a bit early with the substackians before it's released.

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Thank you so much, Tesstamona. 💙🙏💫🥰🤗

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