I sense a need of prayer for others, and if you are able to, check in on anyone you may not have heard from or have had dreams about.
If you are not able to contact whomever you’ve received energetic messages about, prayer is incredibly powerful on its own. The quantum field is real, and it will be delivered, somehow, someway.
If you are in need of prayers, please respond and I will send them out.
Blessings and gratitude to all those who are still here, choosing life, which is the most challenging and most brave thing we can do, to TRULY choose to be here, in this moment, and facing whatever comes.
Blessings and gratitude to all those who practice, to all those who love, to all those who know there is something much bigger here than the narrowness of the human mind.
I understand and feel this deeply. I will pray for both of you. Thank you for this. 🙏