I love the Divine Feminine Oracle deck, I've recently found mine after missing it for awhile. That card is absolutely perfect for this article and myself. Thank you for sharing both your love and wisdom with us!

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aah thats so cool you use that deck too! I just got it after having been separated from all my decks for a long time. Its unbelievable, how accurate it is -- this cosmic ocean we are in has quite the intelligence to it. Also, thank you for alwyas doing the same, and thank you for reading as well. I appreciate you a lot.

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I have had quite a few "holy shit" moments with this deck, including when I pulled a card just a few minutes ago. I've gotten away from using cards in general, maybe I need to revive that practice. I gotta confess, I haven't read your newest posts yet cos I know they're gonna have me deep diving, and I've been on an emotional roller coaster lately so I'm not sure I can handle it just yet. Which probably means I really need to! Lol. I so appreciate you as well, I have definitely learned so much both from you and about myself since subscribing! You're awesome, my friend. 💕

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🤣🤣 I completely relate with what you just said, and much respect for saying it. The new posts might actually not, I’m not sure. A lot of what I have shared has been the wisdom teachings from the teacher, so half of it isn’t even my words.

I definitely had my own experience going through a threshold myself though and some very weird things have been happening so they might have a good effect on you and not one that forces you into some sort of abyss. At least I would hope not 🤣 but whew yeah energies be intense af right now.

I hope you’re doing okay, sending lots of love your way. I have a lot of respect for what you share about your life here-- ppl need to hear more stories like those, ones of love and artistry and family. Thank you.

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I just had a long response typed out and accidentally backed out of it and lost it 🥴 I think I'll read those posts before bed. I love what you're doing here, and I'm super grateful for your encouragement. I truly enjoy sharing stories from our life, but you can only share so much. I have to censor myself a lot because I grew up in a rigidly religious home, and many of my readers come from the same background and still hold those beliefs. I AM ok, but only just-I feel overwhelmed pretty much all the time. So thank you sooo much for sending love my way, I'll do the same for you! I'm having to put in extra effort just to make sure I'm taking care of myself. Maybe when life gets super demanding, I need to demand right back! Having these creative outlets is truly a blessing. Now I feel like I'm just rambling. Anyway, thank you and much love!

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A vital and beautiful piece, Tesstamona - and I know there many who may need to hear it.

Hope your holiday is filled with peace and love... ☺️

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I hope yours was too!! I enjoyed your video yesterday btw lol. Luckily... the holiday was tremendous and beautiful -- something I did not expect!! I wrote something about it, kinda nervous to publish super emotional stuff but i might lol. its all positive tho. I hope you are having an excellent break and excited to see what comes from your substack upgrade process you've spoken of!

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A beautiful message. I know many will feel soothed by your words.

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I hope so 🙏 happy holidays to you ❤️

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