Explosives must be handled with caution. Especially when they are inside of us. (Bonus intel regarding upcoming eclipse and upcoming year included at end.)
I'm only replying to this now because it's my first time reading. I don't think I had come across your content (seems like such a lame word) yet when you first published these. I started reading your Kundalini sessions. I'm still going through them right now. I'll let them all be, won't comment. I had to on this one because Mars speaks to me the most. Also, because when I first laid eyes on you, I think it was the video of your 13th anniversary of sobriety. I knew you were a warrior. I just knew. Game recognizes game. And yes, laughingly is a word. LOL.
ahhhhhh i am so glad you found these --- holy SHIT this was transformative AF and I am in no way surpised that you were drawn to the Mars session as you are. It takes a strong Martial influence in ones life to walk the road that you and I both have (and still do). Grateful to have virtually made you acquaintance here thats for fkn sure. We should be getting another solid roll-in of spiritual potency with the solstice coming up. I'm very grateful these articles found you, especially this one!! I think this one and the Jupiter session tripped me tf out the most. Venus i cried a lot 😆
Very grateful to have made your acquaintance too Tesstamona. Your words and the grace and strength you carry yourself with are very inspiring and I think we have both helped each other out and will continue to do so. I laughed so hard when I saw your last sentence about crying on Venus. I laughed in a good way I promise. 😀
I'm only replying to this now because it's my first time reading. I don't think I had come across your content (seems like such a lame word) yet when you first published these. I started reading your Kundalini sessions. I'm still going through them right now. I'll let them all be, won't comment. I had to on this one because Mars speaks to me the most. Also, because when I first laid eyes on you, I think it was the video of your 13th anniversary of sobriety. I knew you were a warrior. I just knew. Game recognizes game. And yes, laughingly is a word. LOL.
ahhhhhh i am so glad you found these --- holy SHIT this was transformative AF and I am in no way surpised that you were drawn to the Mars session as you are. It takes a strong Martial influence in ones life to walk the road that you and I both have (and still do). Grateful to have virtually made you acquaintance here thats for fkn sure. We should be getting another solid roll-in of spiritual potency with the solstice coming up. I'm very grateful these articles found you, especially this one!! I think this one and the Jupiter session tripped me tf out the most. Venus i cried a lot 😆
Very grateful to have made your acquaintance too Tesstamona. Your words and the grace and strength you carry yourself with are very inspiring and I think we have both helped each other out and will continue to do so. I laughed so hard when I saw your last sentence about crying on Venus. I laughed in a good way I promise. 😀
🤣🤣🤣 that one was rough lol I thought Saturn would’ve been the one I cracked on but nope
Infinite number of paths, Single realization.
Yes 🙏