Listen To Your Intuition & Do Not Bargain With It
A Series of Stoic, Sobering, and Saturnian Suggestions:
The following was received & written down during a period of meditation:
Listen to Intuition and do not bargain with it.
Listen the first time.
Your response is a choice, not a requirement.
Protect your space and your psyche.
It only takes one person to hold a boundary.
I am the one responsible for my life.
I am responsible for my life, health, wellbeing. I’m the only one who can protect and nourish it, I’m the only one who can destroy or neglect it - by choosing what I do and do not allow.
By choosing who I do and do not allow.
Not choosing is consenting to have your choice made by outside influences with their interest in mind, not yours.
By not changing something, we are choosing it.
Not choosing is giving your Sovereignty away. It’s choosing to potentially become a victim.
It doesn’t mean victimizers shouldn’t get theirs - and by Law of cause and effect (Karma) they do - but they cannot parasite off you if you are aware, discerning, and in your own agency — Sovereignty.
You starve the parasites when you feed yourself.
You feed parasite consciousness when you abuse and neglect yourself.
Food is:
And of course, the mundane yet necessary, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Frequency and Magnetism = Thought/Speech and Emotion
“Wherever you go, there you are”.
I’m not sure why I decided to share that. I keep a “Kundalini Yoga” journal, meaning during sessions of Kundalini Yoga/Meditation, a lot of transmissions will come through. If I do not write them down on the spot, one may forget them as quickly as they were received. I have another notebook for dreams as well.
How do you capture the lightning bolts that your antenna receives?
ICYMI - Algorithm Ghetto SUBVERSION REMIX (thank you to everyone who voted on which remix title they preferred) is coming out FEBRUARY! More on this soon.
I use a notes app on my phone to capture thoughts epiphanies and ideas of what to share with my audience. I also journal but not routinely
A pertinent reminder.