“Mania” one of the seven Greek gods of love. A dangerous love leaving you in a love prison.

When I met my ex at age 22, young and inexpensive I was flattered by his attention AND I felt sorry for him as he told me stories of his abusive childhood. Mine wasn’t abusive, but I had deep compassion for him which I confused with Eros love - true Romantic love.

Our relationship remained the same for decades - me feeling sorry for him, until one day the veil was removed from my eyes, and I realized the truth of our relationship. I’d been trapped for years.

Thank you for a wonderful post! I hope it helps individuals who suffer in toxic relationships.

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uhg this hit heavy. I did NOT know that MANIA was one of the 7 greek gods of love nor did i even know there were 7 greek gods of love. wooooooooo okay. i relate with you sister, thank you so much for sharing. when that spell wares off... feels like we've been on a bad acid trip tbh. much love to you. 🙏

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I like how the Greeks determined specific types of love Identifying each and assigning them gods depending on each’s traits. Had I been more educated about different types of love, I may not have made a mistake of confusing compassion with true romance.

Wiki info- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maniae

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oh wow thank you for this im diving into it... becuase that was something I noticed in this relationship. I at first couldn't even identify the feeling it was SO strange, strong enough to stop rage straight in its tracks when I was wrong, I realized it was compassion. But yeah... not the same thing as a reciprocal Love as a verb iron sharpens iron dynamic at all. this is really good information, thank you.

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I notice he does the same thing with his current wife and friends. “Feel sorry for me.”

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Such a profound wisdom here. I am the same way in the aspect of my loyalty is in many ways good but also can be self sabotaging and fatal. I think the self awareness definitely helps break the cycle even if it’s little by little.

Thank you for sharing!

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thank you for sharing as well. i did some inventorying on this last night and holy FUCK it blew my mind. absolutely blew my mind to see even deeper into it (referencing my part in it all here) but yes... i keep being returned to that one statement jai dev made in the immersion where he said "awareness is the intelligence" -- this is key!

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Such deep and profound wisdom here. I'm sorry it was so hard won and I'm glad the reaper came. I think even having the awareness of abandoning the self can help to break the cycle. It's not an easy thing to see. Thank you so much for sharing all of this so vulnerably! ❤️🙏

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thank you so much for reading and for sharing these words. It helps a lot. and thank you for contributing what you do here-- i'm very grateful to have found your work. 🙏 🌟 🙏

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Congratulations on being done and doing the death. May it be your last death. I understand the lethal loyalty all too well. And the co dependency like Novacane. When it comes to letting someone into your life, boundaries are important for both people and if that person won’t respect your boundaries, they don’t respect or love themselves enough to love you. The higher self is absolutely attainable but it takes sacrifice, some loneliness for sure at times but the only way out is through. Letting go of staying with someone or helping someone who has hurt you comes down to sheer will. Rely on that if you weaken. And when it comes to new people who you just aren’t sure about, stay wise as a serpent and innocent as a dove. And be confident in your judgements! You are strong and in tune with yourself. Whenever I think about a psychopath (aka Vampire sucking loosh) getting up in my space two words come to mind, GOOD LUCK.

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okay THANK YOU for this entire comment. this is something i'd like to write down and tape to my wall so i see it every morning when i wake up. especially that last part.. GOOD LUCK. and yes... at this point it is a game of willpower and full blown trudging until the final remnants of the delusion/spell continue to fall apart. almost through the tunnel. thank you.

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The harder the lesson the greater the internal riches. May you be blessed.

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thank you friend. May you be blessed as well and empowered on your journey.

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