Thank you so very much for including me!

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Thanks for including me! Very cool!!

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Thank you so much for having included "the parallel universe"! I saved this list of essays to my reading list! 🤗🍀

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Hey - thank you for including me! And I'm just a newbie on here. I really appreciate that you find my stuff share-worthy.

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Thank you for including me.

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WOW! So many to choose from! I wish I had more time these days to read them all. :)

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You should remove The Reese Report. They are spreading anti-US and anti-vax misinformation.

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No. I know Greg Reese and I know that he isn't anti-US. Just because he calls out our Government for being involved in international false flag military operations on the regular doesn't make him anti "citizens" of the US -- he's also a citizen, he served in the Marine Corps.

We're also allowed to dislike our government. Government and People are very different things. I am anti-US government as well.

As far as the "vaccination" information, that is not incorrect. I've lost several people (meaning they are dead) to that injection, and absolutely none of what is shared is untrue, or I wouldn't have shared it.

This is based upon things that I forget are still not common knowledge, even though over 90,000 pages of disclosures have been released from Pfizer alone, but I'm not getting into that mess in a comment. I spent the last few years trying to get people see what was right in front of their faces, I'm not interested in that anymore.

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Okay sorry but you lost me. BLOCKED.

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I am not a doctor, a scientist or an investigative journalist.

I am a daughter, a mom, an artist and a storyteller.

I have a story to tell about turbo cancer.

I will tell it to anyone who will listen.

On June 12, 2022, after four Pfizer injections, my very healthy mom was suddenly diagnosed with stage-IV pancreatic cancer in her left inguinal groin lymph node, B-cell lymphoma, and melanoma. Her immune system had failed completely. The fast-growing tumors spread to her bones, breaking them from the inside. She lived, suffering, until December 13.

I was her full-time caregiver.

In 2023, day by day, using memories, photos, text conversations, medical records, my journal, and my mom’s journal, I chronicled the story of her disease on Facebook. I told about the progression of her illness, the failed medical response, her unimaginable pain, her experience, my experience,and how her spirit refused to be broken.

I am currently in the process of editing and rewriting, on Substack.

My mom represents millions of people who were deceived, intimidated or forced into receiving an injection. Her story is all of our story.


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