Jun 18Liked by Tesstamona

"no longer will I volunteer to have my energy harvested"

I have found myself saying Bravo quite a bit lately and is needed here as well. I love what you say here as well. Couldn't agree more. 👏 ❤️🔥


it is no wonder,

no wonder at all,

that people can do the works once assigned to landmines,

with no conscience,

at all. "

And here-

"we specialize in neglect, by way of virtual realities

and immorality

illusion, deception, synthetic,

wide-open to possession,

para-social relationships and blindfolded demands from strangers who,

assume they know your life and you,

just because they see an avatar."

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yo, thank you. thank you for not just reading but for truly seeing and hearing - and i know you get it too. 🙏 thank you.

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An excellent poem

There is an answer in the foundation of The New Age in 1964. There will be many unable to endure increasing vibrations and to be sent to a more suitable planet.

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i remember hearing the initial prophecy years ago. it came from an unsuspecting source, and i'm now realizing this person was a lot more tapped in than they led on. They said, "there will be three types of people: crazy people, dead people, and angellic people." by the way, the works you mention here, is that Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age by Steiner, or something else?

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Jun 18Liked by Tesstamona

"human affairs have gone so far off the rails,

no one is home."

The few of us who are, who are manifesting home for all, are dismissed as intruders at best, murderers at worst. We murder nothing; but the illusion of love and security. Thank you Tesstamona 🙏❤️

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Thank you, my friend. That was some deep shit you just said here too. "We murder nothing; but the illusion of love and security." holy shit. 🤯

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Interesting. I’ve been listening to Steiners lectures for years. Gigi too. I suspect we’re in the same tribe Tesstamona. Thanks for sharing! 🙏💖

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You suspect correct comrade. I am glad to make the connection. And I am SO grateful to have found Gigi. I found her through Lada Duncheva and was absolutely blown away. The works of Beinsa Duono have been playing a potent role in my life as of recently as well. Thank you for making me aware that you're aware of this. 🙏

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You’re welcome Tesstamona. 💖 And pleased to make your acquaintance as well.

Came upon Gigi on Dark Journalist chan on yootoob. He’s an interesting feller. You’re likely already aware, but if not Gurdjieff and his acolyte Ouspensky are also worth checking out. Cheers! 🍻

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The way of flesh, is death.

Lust, anger, fear, greed, power mongering, are the ways of flesh.

The way of Spirit, the Kingdom Of Heaven, is Love.

Love is life.

Love is a choice,

Love is the choice.

GOD, is Love.

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YES. Love is a choice. I was talking to someone very close to me tonight. We've been through a lot of death, grief, love, etc, together. We spoke of life. She is much wiser than I. She said, "humans keep going for greed over love. Maybe the reason we're here is just to make that choice."

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That is the very point I get from reading John. Love is a choice, period. Funny, Yeshua only actually issued two commands, Believe Him, and Love. Love GOD, Love each other.

He then, set the example.

Our whole existence revolves around that choice.

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it is because of you and your works that i was moved to actually go and read the book of john. i was fighting off a panic attack at the moment. when i started reading, it stopped. I’ve read the bible before, even that book (not the bible in its entirety) but never did i have the experience i had in reading it just a few weeks ago. it was way different. so, thank you for that. I agree with you. it is a choice. one of the greatest deceptions and delusions is when we think we don’t have one. I think you might like the works of Beinsa Duono, there’s a book of his works translated into english called Harmonizing the Human Soul. the entire thing is about what you speak of and what you share consistently here. it’s so beautiful. and a perfect companion to John. he talks of The Love, of God, and of Christ in such a pure way, it’s hard to describe. it hits the soul direct.

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Jun 18Liked by Tesstamona

What a homework assignment. Thank you, I think. This is rich. A lot to let sink in, so much here, but I will share one thought as I read. It comes from Harlan Ellison. “I Have No Mouth & I Must Scream.” I wonder which one is more painful, the internal or the external scream. You keep me on the edge. That’s ok.

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The internal one. I remember a time in my life where I wanted to scream or show any emotion at all, and I physically was unable to. In my experience that is 10x more torturous than any other emotion you could feel. Very intuitive of you to have that come to mind while reading this - often when I write these things, that is how I feel. I feel like I’m begging people to come alive that long since gave up and it’s something my hope dwindles rapidly from - more days than not. Thank you

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Jun 18Liked by Tesstamona

I’m with you, my friend 🙏💙💫

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I believe you 🙏 Grateful for you 🌹

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