Thank you. Your courage is like a smoke signal.

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Thank you, I’m glad you found this and found the resources here 🙏

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“We can end with a musical send-off and a grand “fuck you” to this dystopian agenda”. I read this while wearing my Non-Compliant T-shirt….I am completely down with your proposal. Derrick Broze does some amazing work, too. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face this morning. I love your attitude.

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Thank you for bringing a smile to mine as well! Perhaps I'll wear my "Pfuckoff" pfizer spinoff t shirt today while I go out to get moving supplies teeehee ❤️

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No way! I have a Pfuck Pfizer shirt, too! My first epic shirt read I’m Already Naturally Immune to Bullshit, which I wore to work often, to my boss’s dismay. Tesstamona, you are one epic human!

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