To hell with the algorithms! Bring on the authentic connection and belonging. 🙏❤️

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Lady! You did it again! With your writing it always feels as if I sit across the table from you, sipping my cup of coffee and drinking in your words. It is 6.38 in the morning UK time and wow what a fantastic piece of writing to start my day! You give me hope! Be blessed!

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This right here gives me hope. Thank you Karina.

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This is beautiful, inspiring, and encouraging. I could feel the power as I read the written word. Thank you for sharing, Tesstamona.

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Thank you for reading and for the feedback, as well as your work here that you share with us. I will continue to share the IRL chronicles 🙏

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Oh Tesstamona, thank you for sharing such an incredible experience at this poetry reading. I didn't think it was possible anymore to experience such depths of emotion and humanity (my open mic experiences being very limited, disappointing and humiliating). Ah, if only something like this were in the Windy City! I've tried looking, but have come up short for some reason. (And no, the Green Mill is off limits for me, as that's where I was publicly humiliated - f*ck that pretentious place!) Anyhoo, thanks for sharing this. VP

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wait, windy city, correct me if i am wrong but that is Chicago correct? @Chris Youngblood might know of good open mics in that area / surrounding area, have you guys connected here?

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No Tess, we haven’t connected yet.

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Thank you for writing this. So needed. I did an open mic last week and read two poems. There was a 14 year old girl there who read a few but this one called “Artificial” blew my mind. So I know what you mean by seeing a young person do this, very inspiring for the future. I’m glad you found this community and thank you for sharing. I hope it inspires people to get out there.

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I restacked a quote I couldn't pass and then came back and finished reading and just wanted to reiterate how thankful I am for your working. It's just so damn touching, and I think you're so on point about the things we really desire like community and connectedness. How the "social" media scene is.... I'll just leave it at unhealthy because I can't even with that can of worms right now (I have people depending on me for food soon so I have to put this thing down soon lol). Any who, all that to say - I'm so grateful for your contribution to the collective, it helps some of us at least (counting myself) maintain a level of sanity. I believe there are more of us than 'them' and a lot of 'they/them' is more a matrix construct with a strong algorithm but they've got nothing on our authenticity. Thanks again and take care.


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i love this comment so much especially the matrix construct yet they’ve got nothing on our authenticity. so much of it is smoke and mirrors, an allegorical cave on methamphetamines under a microscope ~ thank you for commenting, reading, and sharing your experience - it is a shared one. and yes… the social media atmosphere is a knife fight to the soul - i even try to limit my time on here as much as possible even though it’s way different but still, molecules > pixels i think is our path forward. thank you so much for your words here.

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Thank you so much Tess. It was a joy to have yu in Jack's house. We hope you come back

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it was a joy to be there! i’ll be there again at the end of this month :-)

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1Liked by Tesstamona

Tess, you have made a beautiful expression here. The way you opened up, I could see the prophecy that you are seeing, yet are looking to express living truth with other people that desire the same. The most beautiful part is that you are part of an underground movement of not only shared expressions, but the potential of growing together as you support the conscious collective you form together.

"...when people go to apps and rely on algorithms to deliver what they want on demand, it literally damages the brain, it destroys vital neural pathways we have relied on for millennia to connect with life itself, let alone one another."

This is very perceptive, and truth at the core. It's a delight to see that you and others are in a position to make real human connections in life (and to share that), as the collective seeks to root out delusion and poor behavior through healing. I say this only because so many people haven't discerned their plight yet, and it's going to hit hard, probably sooner rather than later. Community is not a something that you can conjure up alone, or with a robot. Real people are required - and it can be life saving.

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This entire response here, I wish i could print it and frame it. I suppose I could write it down because yes to all of it, and also, thank you. these words hit deep and in a good way. i also agree, i think many of us sense the conjunction of a lot of pent up energies coming this way real soon (meaning within the next month perhaps??) and my hope is it brings people to realize connection is key, and not their problem. so easy for people to blame everything around them when they have never looked anywhere else. much love to oyou friend, thank youu for giving me inspiration.

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Humanity has learned to bathe in projection, casting personal weaknesses and behaviors on others. It's a tool of evil and a way to avoid making private changes-improvements. I don't look forward to the coming maelstrom, but at least this knowledge is available for those with eyes to see.

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deletedAug 1Liked by Tesstamona
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I can’t tell you how much your prayers mean to me, but thank you. I don’t know what you mean by the other part of your comment but I will not pry. I will keep doing my best to show up and bring positive things to everyone i’m in contact with including the great people of substack. I know i fall short all the time but i will still keep trying!

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