I consciously focus on the feelings in my heart center. I have also been diligent about feeling (not thinking) gratitude for synchronicities and the result is I am sensitive to the 'nudge' that tells me 'now is the time' which gives me another chance to feel gratitude. Repeat as available.

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oh wow i love this. feeling the gratitude. that is embodying and emitting the frequency. I'm going to tap into what you just said as opposed to just mentally/verbally acknowledging it. thank you.

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I'm here for ideas. I've always been fascinated with the moon, but never felt an obvious connection between it and what's happening in my life. I'd love to feel more in tune.

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I used to love going to moon circles when I lived in an area where a mystic ran them every new and full moon. around a fire and under the moon with kindred spirits (none of whom i knew beforehand) did just as much for me as recovery TBH. I love doing meditations, writing, stargazing, being in nature/away from the noise and doing kundalini yoga with the rhythms of the celestial ongoings. or just any day lol. if you're ever interested in anything related to kundalini yoga or astrology or even just really good guided meditations LMK I can send some amazing ppl/resources your way!

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I have always had a deep connection to the moon. I feel its energy . I ground myself and clear the clutter of my squirrel mind. I focus in on the stars and breathe and stand with purpose of direction in my highest good.. ( lol on a good night) on a bad night I talk to the moon she is a great listener 🌺

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love this. thank you. 🙏 ❤️

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Nov 28, 2023
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I read these words and I recognize this pain. Thank you for sharing it. It's too much for any one of us to hold in. especially when it gets to the point of nothingness -- the inner numb. I struggled with that for a long time, sometimes it comes back. Keep writing. I know it might not mean much, but I do pray that you find your way through this. I know what it's like to feel like no other realities will ever exist again.

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Dec 2, 2023Edited
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that damn near brings tears to my eyes. i just have a reflex i havent undone yet fully that prevents them from falling, but its reading/hearing stuff like THIS that makes the agony of having gone through that... the seemingly endless tunnel of the wasteland, believing "no other realities will ever exist again"... worth it. because the last thing i want to know is other people feeling completely alone in that experience. so im glad i went through it if i can reach people still in it. Soon, you will no longer be in this. but it is a VERY strange thing.. understatement. I look forward to reading more of your writing. So glad you're on here and commented. I enjoy what I've read thus far.

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Love to your wounds and strength to new beginnings 💔it’s never too late ! For as many times as you fall get back up and try again. I’m 62 I have been through some storms and I promise they do pass. Spirit is stronger than spirts ! Love has to start for yourself .. . Love and strength Zeno!

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