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Thank you fren. Wrote this one when I couldn’t sleep at 1 AM haha 😂 I laugh cuz i was just responding to your comment about insomnia on a different post 😎

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"in the quiet hours of far past a reasonable bed time

irresponsible and negligent to my health and responsibilities

i feel at peace."

So true it is..

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True indeed 😭 🙏

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Those words would be amazing as lyrics to a song but they can stand alone as just words on paper and still have such a profound effect.

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Thank you for saying this, we’re halfway through the album, meaning not too late to turn this into a song. I will take this commentary as a suggestion and do it because… I like grenade analogies and I think it’d be beneficial lol. Thank you dude. Was thinking of you earlier and one of your comments a few days ago that I hadn’t had time to get to yet. I hope you are well.

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I'm listening to music far more nowadays, it's an excellent way to rid your mind of stray and unwanted thoughts, I'm definitely feeling much better because of it.

Hope you also are well.


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LMK if you have song recommendations. For my own personal use and also, I may add them to the rebel rising freedom music playlist

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Thanks Tesstamona, I give it some thought.

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Yes, and did I mention, yes!

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Tess, this was incredible! Grenades without pins...what an incredible image to describe those of us living through these crazy times. And what a raw expression from your soul. Just WOW!

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Love it, want to hear you sing it! :)

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So so beautiful. It needs music. The words want to sing and be sung. ❤️

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Omg synchronicities... ❤️🙏

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