Such a personal thing for me, I have songs that are exactly like you describe, they used to completely destroy me and now I have to hear them often to remember how to feel if that makes sense. And I also have songs that I would rather never listen to again at this point due to the memories and feelings they bring back.

The mantra that I have been using lately is: "This is just a reflection of a part of myself."

I say this in good times when I see something so happy it makes me tear up, and in bad times when someone is so annoying that I want to fling them into the sun. I feel that everything that makes you happy or sad or angry or shut down is just a reflection of something inside of you that you either like or hope to change.

Your post makes me think of this song:

Dance Music by The Mountain Goats


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holy **** first off, I love your mantra and im gonna start using it. Lol "fling people into the sun" i am most definitely familiar with that feeling. also... "dance music by the mountain goats" -- i cannot wait tto play this on the way to work today. i love dance music and i love goats, .so this comment was incredible to read for many reasons. Thank you. and I agree -- we are all mirrors for one another.

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Love you.

Care to share the song?

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Love you too. and of course I will. Here it is: https://open.spotify.com/track/7uEvezzgCoYmqRDloOXUSR?si=1b320615a1244164

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Thank you. The video is intense...

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lmao i havent seen the video now im scared to look. aaaand just like that now i dont like the song anymore also - thats how fuckin wild life is right now — still tho, the forme situation it used to remind me of dont sting anymore haha

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Crazy times is right. Since you didn't see the video, pass.

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These emotional attachments... hard to get rid of! On some I will work for the rest of my life.

Thankfully it does get better everytime i face it and work through it!

Prayer works! ... careful what ya wish for!! LOL

Thank you!!!!

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Love everything in this article including that good things are happening for you. Thanks for the mantra and prayer as I can use these for more intensive meditation I’m now doing of tapping into the quantum field. I definitely have a song like that, not necessarily danceable but one I clinged to when I needed it. Now when I hear it I’m grateful to Source and myself for allowing me one more hour to know my life was one to share. The lyrics say it all. Never told this to anyone.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0U6u2D8cMU

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Repeating positive words or verses to yourself on an hourly or daily cycle gives 'feel good' instruction to the subconscious and has proven time and time again to be very effective.

Thanks for giving out all this help.

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My prayer,

"GOD grant me your grace and strength to endure the truth. Open my eyes and ears to the truth. Grant me the courage to see, hear and speak the truth and the courage to Love."

Be careful what you honestly ask for. He always listens.

Music, verse ,are prayers.

Prayers of pain become prayers of joy when we understand the truth of it.

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May 13
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Thank you for sharing the song with me, I haven’t heard that one before. I don’t know the story behind what it means toyou specifically, but by listening to the lyrics and even the melody, it’s an extremely powerful one. I am right there with you on the reclamation journey, big love to you and thank you so much for sharing your experience.

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